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SD5 sexed up and violent and bossy, SS7 violent and bossy and jealous

rosieskies's picture

I have BS4 and BS6, he has the above mentioned two. I love them, but they are bossy, spoiled, mean, violent, loud, and SD5 tries to make out (sexually) with my two. I had talks with all four together AND each of them separately, over the last year, dad is super guy but very mild on parenting, patient, thinks they will grow out of their behavior, I am scared to live at their house. We did a trial run and my sons are so sweet and non-combative and I just can't see where this is going to change much, the anger is engrained into these kids. SS7 had been in anger therapy for hurting kids in school, but parents don't want to even consider therapy again. They talk and text about kid stuff all the time-like who is paying for what pictures, supplies, what kids wear everyday, etc (it's a way for BM to keep her grip on SO, she wants him back badly-well, his money anyways), but they never discuss things like daughter trying to hump everybody, plays with herself in front of everybody, anger issues, violence, etc. I decided to keep separate households for now, but I can see these issues only getting worse when all four become teens. Any words of wisdom? It is becoming harder for me to love the SKids when they are constantly mean to my BKids.

Kes's picture

Please, please carry on with separate households until the SKIDS are at least 18. This sounds like just a huge pile of stress and grief for you if you move yourself in with him and his disturbed children. Seriously, the little girl sounds as though she has at least witnessed sexual goings on and maybe worse - humping people at 5 is very abnormal and I am at a loss to know why this has not already been addressed by professionals. The violence is also and issue and I think if you move in you and your kids will regret it.

rosieskies's picture

Yeah, I decided on that pretty quickly. I love my SO very very much, he is the best man ever, we have been good friends for quite a while and this behavior never came out during play-dates with all four of the kids, only after we moved in. The BM has had multiple boyfriends through the house-not judging, so have I, but my Bkids have never seen me make out or sleep with anyone, and their dad and I maybe hug or a quick peck, but never any sexual stuff in front of the kids, so she has seen it in daycare or at the BM house. My Bkids have never been in daycare, they are very social though (school, sports, playgrounds, beaches-they have never met a stranger), but they have never seen scratching, biting, shoving, kicking (hard!), constant rage-filled screaming during video games or hurting just for kicks and taking pants off and showing privates to strangers. It puzzles me that the parents communicate "well", but yet never ever address any important topics like "hey! what's up with our daughter and her sex drive" or "where does this violence come from" or "where did she learn to scratch like that". I moved out and cannot even tell my SO how I feel right now, I am literally disturbed by this. BKids have learned to say to the SKids "put your pants back on, we don't do stuff like that" or "why are you yelling/kicking/scratching? that's not ok", but it gets ignored and actually gets worse. They resent anything and anyone that disciplines them, my BKids listen to the disciplining and say "sorry" or "got it" and then it stops. I don't think even after 18 I could be part of that environment...

alwaysanxious's picture

Maintain separate residences, don't become a part of the nonsense of the skids. Sounds like they are too much of a handful and no one is parenting them. That certainly doesn't mean you should then.

If you want to continue seeing SO then I would make plans to do it when he doesn't have the skids. I wouldn't want my kids around that.

rosieskies's picture

Thanks guys. I don't mind being a SM to his kids, I really do love them, but I don't want them around mine that much anymore, maybe just play-dates like before, outside parks or indoor parks, but not residing together. So, basically more quality rather than quantity time. I wonder if kids grow out of that toddler sex drive, or is she always going to be like that. Her dad sat her down and said "keep your clothes on and we don't let anyone touch us below the belly button line" at which she smiled seductively at her dad and said "you mean my knees?"-so she knows. Her daycare told me one time when I picked her up that they would prefer if she wore more stuff under her skirts from now on because "she cannot keep her legs crossed", so I think this has gone on for a while, the parents don't think anything about it. BM is pretty open with her sexuality, had naked plays with other women in hot tubs at parties and stuff, so it might either be genetic or learned. The violence is there. Even his 20some year old scares me, he is finally moving out of the house since I didn't want to visit when he is there-cannot start with the long list of anger issues that kid has...Hopefully that's not going to be an issue anymore soon. Whew!

oneoffour's picture

Here are my thoughts. No man is that great if he allows this kind of behaviour without an inkling that it is wrong, anti-social and completey abnormal. Why are men so accepting of the screwed up manner their kids behave and feel they are not able to do ANYTHING about it?

Keep your kids FAR AWAY from them all. Because they will only have miserable childhoods and proably choose to live somewhere else (maybe with their Dad) to keep away from his crazy kids.

If this man is all you want, never ever combine incomes or your money will be paying for the kids therapy or lawyers or lawsuits.

I am sure his kids have their cute moments. But that kind of behaviour in 14-16 yr olds is creepy and downright dangerous.

And his correct repsonse to his daughter's cutesy remark should have been "No Jessica... below you belly button and above your knees. Anything in between is out of bounds and if ANYONE touches you there you MUST tell Daddy." And if she plays with herself in front of him he should send her to her room. If he doesn't he is allowing her to become his worst nightmare. a precocious pregnant 13 yr old.

rosieskies's picture

Thank you for your replies. My SO is really really a sweet, good man, he grew up without this new age therapy and communication trend, you went to work and you came home, get ready for next day. He loooooves his kids and mine and adores me, he listens to my advice on how to better guide them, I think he is just starting to see that his kids need help-they are only 5 and almost 7, so they are just starting to show signs of trouble. He thinks that the girl is cute when she is bossy and sexy-like, he is starting to understand that something might be wrong. She is not just curious, she acts like "I gotta have it, NOW!" and when my 5 yo ignores her (because I sat him down and told him to ignore her or look away when she shows her privates), then she rages and turns around and takes it out on the little guy, the 4 yo. That is her mother (because I know her mother), she acts like that-if I don't get "it" here and now, then I am gonna get it somewhere and in the meantime I am going to be mean to someone. These kids have grown in a very sterile environment-no emotions, no talking, no bonding activities, the parents are career people and come home and cook and clean and everyone gets up at 5 am and off to some school/daycare. Wayyyy different than how my ex and I have raised ours-almost 180 from my kids.

mama_althea's picture

I think you have a good head on your shoulders about what is going on and that is great that you are strong enough to not stay in such a situation. We read a lot about women who stay in harmful places.

As far as the daughter...I don't really know all the details, but a co-worker of mine has a daughter who has been hyper-sexual since she was very young. The parents were not yet divorced when it started, there was no exposure to adult sexuality or abuse, and their other daughter is not like that. It included really inappropriate, continual self-stimulation and rubbing on people. I can't remember if it included exhibition. Anyway, she has been in lots and lots of therapy and I think even on medication at various times. Your SD needs serious, serious help. Could you maybe do some research or enlist the aid of a mental help professional to provide bio-dad with information about this condition? I understand that bio-dad is no-emotions, business-like person...but maybe you can use this and appeal to his logic with research and information.

I'm sorry you and your kids are experiencing this. It really does sound like you need to stay out of that home until his kids have received copious amounts of therapy.

rosieskies's picture

Thanks so much! I learned something new. I will do some research. I also work with a child therapist myself, just for my life (we had a highly charged divorce that took 3 years, so I wanted to make sure that the kids learn how to cope with things- my ex has since forbidden the therapist to talk to the children, he does not believe in therapy himself) so I will ask the therapist for more on this topic. In the meantime, no private quarters with his kids and mine, only public places and limited exposure.

Dad is a very warm person, he is like the mother and the father to those kids, he is older and comes from a generation that doesn't talk much, especially about private issues like sexuality and anger, kids are supposed to grow out of them according to that age group. He is open to my suggestions, he even agreed to role play with dolls and see if SD5 has seen or experienced something herself. I just cannot see SD5 growing out of this, especially since her mother is over-sexed and hosts a great variety of men (that are themselves still married to other women) in her house. I am afraid about needing to put her on birth control by 9 already if we were to live together... Also, I am not convinced she wouldn't make up some stories about one of my boys raping her (or making up stories about me, you never know these days) etc. in the future, she is kinda smug like that already. I adore her, but she kinda scares me at times... I have not been able to go back to the house since we left, he needs to spend some time just with them, talk and see where the anger, violence and over-sexuality comes from, causes, roots, events, how to un-learn this behavior...lots of talking and bonding is needed before I can even come back into the picture!