Trying to cope with step-daughter
I am a mother of 3 and a little over a year ago married a man with 3 kids also. They all range between 16-21 in age, 3 in college and 3 in high school. Anyhow when my husband and I married I still had 2 kids at home, a son and a daughter. We married and he moved in with us. I quickly learned we had parenting was different, which was ok because we would compromise and work together on things my kids did that he didn't like. A few months after we married his daughter decided she was going to move in with us, so she did. The truth is since she has moved in, which has been a year now, I dislike her less and less all the time. She is a slob. Her room is a constant mess with clothes everywhere, dirty dishes and food in there. It makes me sick! I bring it up to my husband who sometimes makes her clean it but doesn't stay consistant with her about it. Also, I had got dome dishes at my wedding shower, my first set of dishes ever. All I had prior to that was odds and ends. So I made a rule "no using those dishes except when I put them out at meal time". When his daughter moved in she was using them constantly, my husband told her 2 or 3 times to not use those except at dinner time and quit taking them into her room. Needless to say she continues to use the new dishes and leave them in her room. The girl is 17 and tattles on everyone about every little thing. She is continually trying to get one of my kids in trouble for something all the time. She runs to her daddy to tell on them all the time over things I said they could do. Also she tries to cause problems between my daughter and her boyfriend. She will go tell her boyfriend things that aren't true to cause a fight. Now, it isn't working anymore because he has learned that she lies and he can't trust her. I has come to the point where I can not stand to hardly even look at her anymore, nor can I stand to be in the same room with her, it literally turns my stomach. I have even had to go on anti-depressants because I can not cope with her but I can't tell her daddy because tha is his baby angel. He sees her as perfect. I am at my wits end!!!! Plus this girls mother doesn't pay any child support so here I am the stepmom having to do her laundry, cook her meals, clean up behind her and buy her everything she needs then pay for this girls gas to go see her mom every other weekend and during the first half of summer. At least my husband gets to know he is getting child support for helping with my kids. I get nothing and I feel very used by having to do everything for this mans daughter, then here acting the way she does and her mom not sending any child support ever or helping out in any way (o wait a minute, my stepdaughters mom did give her $12 for gas ONCE). It feels to me like I have a constant unwanted guest in my home. I was hoping she would go back and live with her mom this school year but she isn't. I am not this girls mother. I will never feel the same for her as I do for my kids, and me having to act as her mother everyday of my life now makes me resent her. I feel like I can't even do things with my kids anymore without her being envolved. I don't care if she is sometimes but me and my kids need time together without her sometimes, I am my kids mother. I sometimes now wish I had waited to marry my husband until the kids were at least all in college, that way no one would be around all the time and it would have been better for us because sometimes I feel resent toward my husband for expecting me to act like his daughters mother and for letting her get away with the things she gets away with. I am just trying to hold on one more year until she is in college, I just hope my marriage can stay in tact until then.
Of everything you said, this
Of everything you said, this is what I have a problem with
"so here I am the stepmom having to do her laundry, cook her meals, clean up behind her and buy her everything she needs then pay for this girls gas to go see her mom every other weekend and during the first half of summer."
If you are cooking for yours and she eats too, great if not oh well for her. Stop doing her laundry. Seriously stop. Why are you cleaning up behind her? Leave it. Let it sit. Either DH will clean it or tell her to. Not your problem. I started out like you. I ended up NOT doing their laundry, NOT cleaning their mess, NOT giving them money. Hell's no would they get MY money.
If you are worried about too much all at once causing a disturbance, then start one thing at a time.
Start with No cleaning up her messes. If she takes your good dishes YOU tell her to leave them alone.
After a few weeks, stop doing her laundry. Let it pile. DOnt' say anything, just leave it. She or DH will do it.
Tell her if she needs help learning, you can show her. Nothing more.
Money? that would end right now. When she needs it, "Go tell your dad".
SO used to ask me to "spot"him. Then I wouldn't get it back. Now I just say, I don't have it.
She won't be an angel when
She won't be an angel when daddy is dealing with her more. You are a buffer. Take yourself out.
*like* Time to ride the
Time to ride the "disengagement express"
If I were you I would be
If I were you I would be stashing those dishes, somewhere sd wont be able to get her greasy fingers on them!
I would also quit doing for her, as the other suggested. I realise this may not be as quite simple as that because DH may get huffy BUT actually it IS that simple.
I wish I had listened to my courage YEARS before I did when it came to me ss, I would never put up with 10% of the behaviour from other children in comparison to what I did when it came to my ss - all because my DH was leading the worshipping party and daring to deviate from his love fest was tantamount to a betrayal :O Urgh.
Your sd sounds like a diva and I would tell her straight what I thought of her backstabbing lying, telling tales, sh*t stirring between your BD and her bf (sorry wouldnt have that the little minx), nor would I feel guilt by omitting to include her in all the quality time you spend with your children. One day you will regret NOT spending some one on one time with them - sd HAS a BM, you arent it. If your DH hasnt come to terms with this, then perhaps he needs reaquainting with it and by!
I’m in total agreement with
I’m in total agreement with everyone else, I was actually shocked when I read all that you were doing for her. You want to make it so that she can’t wait to move out!!