Stepson vs bio son
My one stepson is 6. I think he is jealous of my husband and I bio child. We have caught him poking at my 15 month old's eyes, pinching him, etc. My husband has given him time out for it but I am worried that is making it worse. He tell him he hates him, and then wants to at with him, but I worry that he will actually eventually hurt him if we take our eyes off him for a min. My husband does give him time out and stuff but it does not deter him from being nice one sec and then hurting him the next. We both know we can not allow our child to be injured by his 6 yr old but if we start to talk about it too much and I say something like then he needs to not get or do something he wants as an example my husband feels bad that he isn't having a good time and worries he won't want to come over anymore. And trust me the ex would take us to court to have that happen if she could. She already tries to cause all types of problems with the kids and us. So, what should I do? My little one can't talk so he can't tell me what happened yet he is only a baby. He cries and I don't automatically want to think he did something to him either
I left a few relationships
I left a few relationships because of that. Just get him an xbox with Minecraft. My sons 6 and 7 said he's weird, they would never do that. Say- be nice for 20 min and you get xbox for 20 min. He'll grow out of it.
Your DH might want to have a
Your DH might want to have a heart to heart with his son so that he can find out why he doesn't like the baby. It is often just that kids think that a new baby will replace them or that they will take all their parents' time and love. Once reassured and given lots of positive reinforcement, they do grow out of it. If this doesn't work, then you might want to send him to a counselor. Between the separation of his parents and the arrival of a new baby, he might just need some help finding his place and dealing with all the emotions.
I hope you don't keep you eyes off them in the meantime. You would not want something to happen to your little one.
Good luck.
I agree but his ex wife keeps
I agree but his ex wife keeps fighting us every way in court and he already once lost his sons from 1st wife for almost a year of their life. She fights him tooth and nail and threatens him with court and has followed through in the past. She is wicked so he is scared to ever not let it be all sunshine and rainbows for those 2 kids because of the fear of losing them again. She is a wicked person and would set them up like in the past to go in and tell psychologist that we are mean and that they don't want to come, and she'd probably tape it and bring it in court. This is a woman who more than 3 years later is still harassing us and threatening us. She threatened me while I was pregnant with my son, she has a restraining order she got by lying and uses it at every chance she gets. WE are the ones that NEED that restraining order, NOT her she is a bully. The cops have tried to get us a reverse restraining order but the judge said they only go one way unless we have her in writing or on tape saying she is going to kill us. She is wicked NOT stupid, and would never give that to us in writing. So, him being scared of losing them and always wanting them to be happy I get, but I don't know how I keep stepson under full watch ALL the time. I cook dinner, go to the bathroom, etc, which I have to be able to do. I just don't know how to keep my eye on him every second he is here. The older one tells on him sometimes, but I am very worried. I did start taking my little one to the bathroom with me now, but don't want him near stove while I cook. I have tried baby monitor with camera but it doesn't deter. I just can't wait until he can talk enough to tell me.
He did talk to him about it
He did talk to him about it and he say he can't stand that he cries that was his explain action of hating him, and that he is annoying. My husband explained that is what babies do... He didn't really care for that as an answer. I don't let him ( my bio) touch their toys and now the youngest tries to play with my bios toys to break them on purpose. I think that is unacceptable. He is 6 why want to even bother with my 1 yr olds stuff at all. Don't get it.