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Is it wrong that i hate when hubby spends times with his older kids??

amandagorte's picture

I can't stand when my husbands spends time with his older kids(from another marriage.) i know he's their father but it annoys me. I have been there for him when he was into drugs and he got kids taken away and he got clean. He been clean for 3 years and got the kids back from CPS. I mean i feel like a babysitter and a maid! He works constantly...(he's now a manager at a gas station). We also have 2 babies together. But his older 3 i can't stand them. They are 10,11,12! apparently his ex wife was pregnant for 3 years straight. They fight all the time and over anything...they never listen and they love to annoy me. I told him I've ready to stay with my mom if he needs time alone with his kids.Ugh? I'm the bad guy, right?

tog redux's picture

You're not wrong for not wanting to be the maid and babysitter for them.  Can you give more info? Where is their mother? How much are they at your home?

He should be their parent when they are there.

ESMOD's picture

Since the 3 are all minor children.. Yeah.. you are wrong for hating when he spends time with them.  Now, you are welcome to hate that he is a bad father who raised his kids poorly and probably would have been a good thing to realize before you let him make two more kids.  But that's water under the bridge.  If there are things his kids are doing that are bad.. and having a negative impact on you.. you tell him that the living room is no longer a dumping ground.. and that you are not a short order cook or whatever.. correction needs to happen.

I mean, I guess you can hate that he spends time with them.. but then you might want to start saving for that divorce lawyer you are going to need.