Clean house? I must be dreaming
Hey everyone! I'm new here and got some issues with my stepkids.
I'm 26 married to the man I love dearly. His two kids(girls 18,16) live with us in their childhood house. They visit their mom once a week.
I like to keep my house clean and presentable. And I get no help at all! They treat me like their maid!
The only thing I've ever asked was don't leave your dirty dishes in the sink and don't leave your stuff in the living room. And I went on asking for a whole year..... I got upset, I yelled at my husband that he has has such horrible children... And still nothing!
2 days ago I woke up to a messy kitchen AGAIN! So I've sent them all a SMS that it's not o.k. I'm cleaning for the last time... bla bla bla.
Guess what! My kitchen looks like crap again! I told my husband that they all ingnored my request and he told me to tell them that I'm not going to cook for them for a week. Is it too much? I don't want a war at home, just a nice and clean kitchen! HELP!