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picking up the kids

guiltystepmom's picture

AT what age is it ok for Dh to stop picking up his kids??

and them visiting by themselves, like taking public transportation.

thank you.

guiltystepmom's picture

id say once they start using it for owrk and outings with their own friends,

i think they can do the same to visit daddy and

the half-siblings...??????

Scratching My Head Now's picture

I'm in Manhattan. So if you don't use public transportation, people think you're a Tibetan tourist.

However my lazy SS16 would ask his father to take him to & from school. Which he did until I asked, "Are you really afraid someone crazier than me would be willing to take this kid from his BioMom"??

He now takes the bus that happens to pick up & drop off right on our corner. God help whoever this kid marries.

Drac0's picture

This is a good question.

From what I understand. After conversations with lawyers and other stepparents, the child gets more "control" over when and how often he gets to see the other NCP. The age that this happens seems to vary from child to child but 14 seems to be the running average.

What does this mean? This means that at 14 the onus is put more on the child to make more of an effort to see the other parent. This could mean more visits, or even less visits.

I know in my case I want to pick up my SS by public transportation one day just to show him how it works. This way when SS wants to visit one or the other parent but can't get a lift, he'll know how to do it.

HarleyQuinn's picture

i would say here in the UK as soon as they start high school so 11-12yrs old, for short distances.All the way accross london then maybe a bit olderBut one or 2 bus journeys then def! Planes there is a minimum age for flying,which I dont know.
the sooner the better though!

RedWingsFan's picture

16 or so in my opinion. Unless you live in Detroit, Compton, NYC, Chicago, East LA...then it's never! LOL

giveitago's picture

I believe that once they are old enough to work and drive they should be making their own way. I had no problem with riding out to collect SKids for the longest time, they lived an hour and a half away. Then they came to live with us, we do live on a horrible bus route and I loathe public transport so, until they were old enough to drive, and as long as I had the time, I'd ride the kids wherever they needed to be. They came of age, got their own vehicles and it's not an issue any longer. If it were an emergency I'd have no problem getting to them. Other than that they are on their own!