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it is hard to get what you want but you can do it!!!!!

lili77's picture

I read all this problems people have with their skids and ex, and I think i need to tell my husband he is doing an awesome job, dont take me wrong it was hard, but i made it clear what i wanted and tried to be fair, and he came along, and now we are happy I dont know about BM and SD but we are and thats what matters. so anybody can do it, all you have to do is be strong, dont give up and be clear an specific on what you want, we have problems every now and then, but compare to the problems i see here they are nothing. this is how it works. SD comes over every other weekend, we drive about 1 1/2 hour to pick her up and drop her off we pay for it, she only comes half of vacation time. hubby pays child support and he does not pay any extra $. the only time we spend on her are birthday and xmas, and llittle things when she comes over, like eating out etc nothing else. I cook for eveyrbody when she is here, but she helps me out with dishes and picks up after herself, she also helps me watch my 2 year old while a get stuff done, my daugheter who is her sister loves her, she respects me of course and my husbands make sure i dont feel left out when his daughte is around, he has told her she is my wife and you have to respect her, we have rules like everywhere else, and she does not sleep with us. he does not talk to BM only when is about the daughter nothing else. so far so good. we been toguther for 5 years and have a 2 year old daughter

frustratedstepdad's picture

Be sure you are "rewarding" your husband and letting him know you appreciate him for turning things around.


Dizzy's picture

Awwww...this is just like us, except we have no bios between us. It has been a long,rough road...5 years together (in just a couple of weeks!) and four as a "family"...

We are still a work in progress, but it feels like we've conquered the major step hurdles...