Disengaging tomorrow... Going to need help sticking to it!!
I've decided that I've had enough. My home is such a miserable place because of SS14. He has no respect, no appreciation, no responsibility or motivation for anything. I've tried so so hard for 2 years to help him, and nothing has changed. It's a long story that I won't get into now, but I'm am So over giving 110% of myself to him and SO, and none to myself. I'm having health issues because of it (intense panic attacks due to stress, been hospitalized thinking I was having a heart attack.. These attacks come daily now, sometimes 3 or 4 times. I can't live like this!) SO wants to do best for his son, but is just as bad. Doesn't stick to the rules or consequences, can't even clean up after himself, binges on junk food daily, and just gets high every day "because he's so stressed out." Meanwhile I'm trying to pick up the pieces, plan healthy meals, help with homework, make sure SS goes to bed on time, Discipline his bad behaviour and violent outbreaks, communicate daily with his teachers, communicate and drive him to the counsellor bi-weekly and psychologist monthly, and wake him up, pack his lunches, remind him to shower and brush his teeth, don't pee on the seat and wash your hands, PLEAD with him to clean up after himself (and then do it myself when he doesnt), pays the bills, manages our savings, and then gets a guilt trip when I want an hour after they go to bed to myself to turn on the tv and have a glass of wine becaus SO "wants to cuddle."
I'm only 28 and have no children of my own! I've been in this mess for 3 years now (moved in to help out, which at the time was just to put SS on the school bus when he was 11) and I've given it everything I have. I get lied to every day, by SS and SO, my belongings have all been broken by SS, I have to keep my money a secret from SO (I've worked hard my whole life, have a good job and SAVE as much as I can. He's a hard worker but will spend every penny he earns every week). OH! And I'm expected to pay for a wedding and a house (SO says he'll pay half, but we both know that he'll never save enough to do that).
I'm at the end of my rope. My next option is leaving. But before that, I'm going to try to disengage. I've already disengaged emotionally from SS, will only respond in short sentences when he talks to me. So far, he has become more affectionate. He'll Ask how my day is going, I'll tell him "fine" and then he'll try to hug me and kiss me. I HATE this. He tries to act like an innocent little kid, but really he's a violent, disobedient, manipulative, lying, cheating, stealing teenager with no regard for anyone but himself. I know this sounds harsh, and I promise I'm not a mean person- I love children SO much and wanted the best for him! I tried so hard! But neither SS or SO are trying at all, so I have to give up or I'll be a very unhappy, unhealthy person. And I know that I deserve more.
Tomorrow is the day. I'm going to sit them down for a family meeting and explain disengagement and what it means. It's going to make life very hard on SO, but then maybe he'll realize everything that I do for them.
Wish me luck!
Good Luck. Set some
Good Luck. Set some boundaries that will help YOU; but do not place blame, just state what you expect from this day forward, so it will benefit all. Explain that "I" am going to be doing this and that, so that we can live together under the same roof; meaning that YOU are not going to be mistreated any longer, and won't back off of your changes.
Choose your words carefully, as to set boundaries, and not place blame. Then tell them, you intend to stick to YOUR boundaries, "that is a promise, not a threat". Then move forward for YOU and let it take it's course. You need to do this for you!
I wouldn't try to explain disengagement; I did this, and my DH didn't relate to it at all. Just take the steps to disengage without telling them. Have ONE meeting only and then let it go and stick to your guns.
You mentioned SS was being more pleasant to you; that comes from your positive change; keep up the good work.
Be careful.
Thank you sammigirl, I'll
Thank you sammigirl, I'll post my progress after tomorrow.
Yes, SS is more pleasant now because he knows I'm angry. He's always pleasant after he makes SO and/or I mad. He wants to hug and kiss and tell us he loves us, but will immediately go back to breaking our rules and sneaking/lying- sometimes even in the same sentence. I don't believe that any of it is genuine anymore. I don't believe he loves me or even cares- if he did, he would at least try to follow my rules or not break my things.. He just loves that I make his life comfy.
I'll post again tomorrow with an update on disengaging. Wish me luck!
Good Luck! Whatever, be true
Good Luck!
Whatever, be true to yourself; don't go back to old patterns; it took me years to put myself first and do it without even talking about it to these toxic people, just do it!
My own world within myself is not my DH's, nor my grown SD's business, rule, or control. Your SS is controlling you and your SO with these games; he is loving it too. Just let it go and start new boundaries and never look back. When I stopped playing by their rules, it was like the world was lifted from my shoulders. I am so much happier, relaxed, and have 90% less stress. You will have days, but they become fewer.
It is very difficult; disengagement is an every day maintenance, but gets easier with time. It's somewhat like divorce or death; it has to be dealt with; you must move forward. One sure way of doing it, concentrate on what makes you happy.
Thinking of you and hope you will stay here with us, you will need to vent more than once. Hope you consider moving on without these people in your life; I wasted too many years.
Ok but you'll still be living
Ok but you'll still be living with a useless pot head and some kind of sociopath. I wish you would start loving yourself and go find better people. What happens the day you do get sick? Neither of these bozos are to take care of you. I don't want to be mean, but I really wish you would think of an exit strategy. You're still young and you have no children with this man, right?
SO lies to you and you feel
SO lies to you and you feel you have to hide money from him? Who is the immature, ill-mannered one?
How much money has SO set aside for your wedding? How much money has SO set aside for a down payment/closing costs for a house? Hate to break it to you: you will pay for your own fantasy wedding. You will fund your own house under the guise of "our" house. You will then pay for the next decade for SS14 ...
and for a long time for SO,
and for a long time for SO, when be becomes your ex husband and gets your assets and alimony.
You need to disengage all they way to a new home and a new SO, after you get some therapy to understand why you allowed this to go on for 3 years.
wake up! You are young, clearly have your stuff together (other than your choice in a SO). Why is this acceptable to you?
I really hate to see you
I really hate to see you waste your 20's this way. This isn't how it is supposed to be. Your 20's should be carefree and traveling and FUN! It's not too late for you. Your focus should be on you at this stage in your life. You've been saddled with everyone else s problems. Do you think your panic attacks are going to get better in that environment? No. They aren't. I really really feel you need to ditch them and move on to greener pastures. This does not have a happy ending. If you stay with them , You're going to look back at your life at 38 and 48 with regret.
To quote that book, 'He's just not that into you,' "Don't waste the pretty!"
"until the Potato launched"
"until the Potato launched"
In most cases the "until" is a big "IF"
I fear most of these children who were never properly parented will NEVER launch.
Makes me think of punkin
Makes me think of punkin chukkin...