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tired of fighting hurt and depressed

tonester's picture

hello i go by the nickname tonester and its been a long time since ive posted.i wasnt sure if i should but i need to vent and i feel i have nowhere to turn.ive been married to my wife 19 yrs and we have a son togther and i have 2 step kids.the step kids are on their own both in their mid 30s and the we have an 18 yr old at home.its been a long hard road for me because ive never really been liked by step kids etc i know im not perfect but i have never went out of my way to intenionally hurt stepson has been a problem my whole marriage.drugs in and out of trouble etc well he lost his marriage and his children.he has been in prison for the last 2 years and will be getting released soon.he has asked his mother to be paroled at our home and i said no.we have helped him many times before taking him in helping him with apartments halfway houses money wife is a bad enabler and we are both recovering addicts we have both been clean for many years etc.everytime he is in trouble she takes on helping him i understand its her son and you want to help.since ive been with her he has had problems drugs alcohol stealing etc we have tried everything rehab,counseling etc it doesnt work because he doesnt want it.he has been physical with me when hes been drinking etc and the last straw happened a couple years ago we had his children for the day and he found out he came to our home unannounced drunk etc fighting with me it got pysical in front yard and my son who was 16 at the time seen it and he was so upset then i became upset i dont want this around my son and my garnd children.anyway my stepson hurt my arm the police were called i didnt press charges i just wanted him gone im always blamed for not liking him by wife which isnt true ive tried hard to be there for him helping him giving him clothes money advice help and its always thrown in my face.its done because he cant B.S ME ive done it all and he knows i dont believe him etc we have been thru hell with him and my wife cant stick to her guns what he really wants is money.he doesnt want to go to reovery meetings its everyone else with problems not him etc so now my wife is mad at me because i dont want him here i dont want parole officers coming to my house i dont want any problems  i dont want to support him drive him everywhere etc etc thats what nends up happening and if he falls off wagone and drinks or drugs there is no telling what will happen and my son doesnt want him here hes a hgood kid honor roll he works  rarel ask for anything etc i dont want an unsafe home for any of us its not fair.i shouldnt always have to be the one who has to ben d etc my wife would rather attack me and blame me im not trying to be mean its time her son does what he needs to for himself my wife wants to use the excuse well what if he dies on the street etc etc well  when he was running the streets for drugs in the worse neighborhoods etc i mean cmon im tired of hearing it he is a grown man 35 yrs old he doesnt belong living with us and we cant help someone that wants it his way.he belongs in meetings with recovering addicts where other addicts help each other maybe find someone to get him a job etc a haleway house etc he doesnt want thaty he wants to tell us thge way he wants it.sorry for rambling just cant take it anymore and wish my wife would stop this crap and tough love of course you love your child but there has to be boundries.there comes a time where you have to grow up sink or swim and a 35 isnt going t listen to rules etc thats why hes in prison couldnt follow rules fighting with police and hurt one and battery to his wife and his little boy.its a bad situation and i dont want this around my home my son i dont want it ruining my marriage anymore but my wife plays a part in that also.anyway thanks for listening.

JRI's picture

He should not move in with you.  It would be bad for everyone including your SS himself.  He won't get better until he hits bottom which might change his thinking and make him receptive to rehab.  Moving in with you would be bad for you, a recoverig addict, putting yourself in possible physical harm.  It would be bad for your wife because it might cost her her marriage.  It would be bad for your son because SS is a terrible addict role model.  I agree 1000% with you.

Good luck.

Rags's picture

You are right on not allowing the felon in hour home.  You and your wife owe yourselves your own sobriety as well as peace and cannot risk it for this convict.

Take care of you.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

The fact that he put his hands on you, your son witnessed it is more than enough reason to never allow him on your home. He is am adult and needs to figure it out on his own. Your responsibility is to your minor child.

Catmom024's picture

He should absolutely not move in with you.  It will just be a continuation of his sh*t.  Your wife needs help because she can't stop enabling him.  She calls it "helping" but it's enabling.

still learning's picture

It's a firm "NO" that he should not move in with you.  I'm guessing your 18 yr old is close to graduating and needs to focus on this milestone in his life.  I have seen the damage that parents do by enabling addict adult children. I witnessed my mother do it and also my husband doing it with his mid 30's son. My brother is in his mid 40's and still having issues, IMO largely due to my moms incessant enabling. Skid 33, is still unemployed, perpetually stoned, and bouncing from mommy's to other relatives homes since he has a hard time keeping a job and paying rent.  "Doing it for them," never helps and only causes them to rely on someone else rather than making their own way and recovering.  That being said, there is a difference between a "hand out" and a "hand up."  When someone gets out of prison it is best if they have the support of friends and family, noone really does it on their own.  Support can come in many ways besides housing and complete financial support.  Helping them to find housing, maybe helping with the security deposit or first months utilities, gifting them a bus pass, buying groceries to help set them up, connecting them with food banks and 211 resources in their area, paying their first phone bill.  These are all just suggestions of helping someone but not continually paying their bills, thus taking away their ability to live their own life.  

My adult ss would be happy to live with daddy and have daddy support him for the rest of his life...he's tried this! I've had to set very firm boundaries that ss will NEVER live with us again or spend even one night in our home. One night, turned into two weeks which turns into months, and so on.  We have the agreement that if he is truly homeless, has nowhere to go, and it's freezing outside, that we will pay for his hotel or for a short term rental. It's an imperfect solution, and a cost to us, but it keeps DH from moving him in and completely supporting him.  Luckily we have not had to do this since BM has decided to take over the enabling positon, but that is plan B.  

Draw that line, protect your home. SS is a big boy now.  

tonester's picture

thank you so much this is exactly how i makes me feel better that i know others feel the same.thank you for taking the time to read and respond!!!

CLove's picture

is the answer.

She refuses to stop enabling him, so you need to do some tough love on her, and set up some firm boundaries.

Not much to like about that kid.

I have SD21 Feral Forger. She bounces between places and always ends up with her mother Toxic Troll. She STILL has no drivers license, no job, and not going to college (currently). She goes out with friends, gets high. Shes on 6 diffferent medications. She steals and has forged checks she stole from her mother. With her its constant drama. Never ending drama. Toxic Troll keeps trying to "make her" do things, but FF doesnt see anything wrong with who shes become. You cant help someone who doesnt see anything wrong with the choices they are making.

SD21 Feral Forger called us crying and sobbing and cursing, asking to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease let her move back in with us.

Meanwhile, Im getting texts from SD14 Munchkin, to please dont, if we do she will "destroy herself". Yup, even her own sister dislikes her.

DH said no. Her moving back would destroy his life that he has worked hard to build. His marriage, our house we bought together, our fishing boat, our stuff, hed lose it all (because I swore an oath I would never live with that filthy, lying pos ever again...). IM lucky that DH is no longer an enabler. Lucky he has the backbone, now, to say no and stick to it.

Why was she crying? because Toxic Troll asked her to clean up after herself. Boom. That was the big drama over christmas.

Absolutely be the tough love person and do not back down!


tonester's picture

thank you very much for taking the time to read and repond.i agree with you this has been going on for wife knows this it just makes me insane that she constanly thinks this time will be different.i explained when he calls you from prison he should be telling you what he plans on doing and what his goals are etc etc but its the same ol crap.the individual has to want to change and must be willing to go to any lengths to do it.we have fought so many times over this im tired i get blamed etc im not playing this game anymore i didnt do this tom her son he did etc anyway thank you!!!