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Yay....score 1 for the SM!!

hrtdaybaby's picture

Well, the other day I was having a bad day. Probably an understatement. Then, SS13 caused a big explosion and discord, and about had me out of my mind.

So....that night DH decided he was going to pull SS13 out into the living room, and forced conversation. SS13 was asked if he has a problem with me, and DH talked about the time frame when it seemed things flipped with SS13. Then, we asked him what changed. Of course, SS13 said nothing was wrong. BUT....the best part was DH--he told SS13 I wasn't going anywhere, that I was here because DH wanted me here and that they both needed me here.

THAT was AWESOME! It was like you can see the light flip that switch and that SS13 is not going to be able to manipulate his dad to doing what he wants. Things have calmed down considerably, so we shall see what happens when he comes back from BM's after his summer visit. in the meantime, I am just geeked over the fact that DH did what he did and stood his ground right next to me!

gstaff92481's picture

That is awesome. It's great having a DH that has your back!!!! Mine does and it always feels awesome!

JennyMae's picture

Congrats, I wish my DH was that way! I am so glad for you, I really hope that takes care of some of the problems!

purpledaisies's picture

Yay it is a great feeling when our dh's 'see' that they have to be a dad and stick up for the ADULTS.