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Can I PLEASE slap the BM now?!?!?!?!?

hrtdaybaby's picture

WELL...this weekend was suppose to be the kid swap. SS13 was going to go with BM, and SD11 was going to come with us. SD11 was pulling the "I don't want to go and leave my mother" routine. During the 11 hour trip across 4 states to get to our meeting point, we discovered that SD11 was not going to go. Trying to talk common sense to the BM is like talking to a brick wall. Literally. One would think a college educated person that holds a Bachelor's degree in nursing would be able to use her freggin` mind! DH tried to talk to her and tell her SD11 will be fine, and that she should come anyways. BM's attitude was "well I don't know...she says she doesn't want to go, so I guess I can't force her to do it". Really??

SO....we get to the meeting point and SD11 seen her dad and then changed her mind. She starts telling her dad she wants to come now, but was BM smart enough to bring a bag with SD11's meds and some clothes on the off chance SD11 would change her mind. Nope....dumbass surely didn't do it!!! Her attitude about it was 'oh well'. I swear, I honestly believe this was a plot! There is a little part of me that believes that she scared SD11 and has her so secluded shes scared to leave the house!

So now, DH, myself, and my BD23 came back here without SD11, and DH misses out on spending time with his daughter. All because the BM is a lazy piece of s&*t, she doesn't use her brain, she's lazy, she is stupid as hell, and OMG I could just go on and on.....

I am just frustrated with it all....sorry, had to vent!

snoopyinoz's picture

Don't know what your CO says, but if it states that DH is to have kids for the summer, then BM HAS to abide by that, regardless if the kid wants to come or not. If it was a weekend swap, same thing, CO overrules BM. Id talk to my atty and see what he says about it

hrtdaybaby's picture

It was for a summer swap. We live too far away now to do weekends...part of my frustration is with DH too. He needed to demand that she gets her act together and tell her there is no choice, but then on the flip side and that she has to send her, according to the visitation guidelines. But then, I can see part of his point when he says we can't afford for his att'y to take it back to court. The other part of it is he doesn't want to see his daughter upset and traumatized since this is the farthest away from her he has lived since she was born. I tried to tell him about the laws for visitation, but, he just wants to drop it. Said we will try it next time. But...I am afraid that she's going to get worse as she gets older.

Then again, like I said....flip side is that we can't afford it-at least not yet. Especially since we have SS13 that lives with us. I can somewhat agree that its not fair to him if we spend all the money fighting his mother in court and don't have the money to get him stuff. I can see both angles of it, but it's like when and where do you draw a line? And how can you and not have the negative repercussions effect the skids?