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Weird MIL Issues

Smomof3's picture

OK, this is more about MI: than Skids. My MIL proclaims to be a christian and leads a pious drinking, no porn, no sex with anyone besides FIL and she lets us all know how perfect she has been her whole life. Treats her body as a temple etc. and so on. She is however judgemental and lets us all know that we bring the Lords wrath on ourselves frequently. She is also greedy.

She has an elderly neighbor she's known since her teens. He has no family and she won't even take him a plate at Thanksgiving, however, she is trying to figure out a way to get him to leave either my oldest SS or my husband his property and house. Apparently, this man keeps saying that if someone would take care of him so he doesn't have to go to a nursing home he'd leave them everything.

She wants my soon to be married SS and his new wife to move in and take care of this man? Those two can hardly take care of themselves let alone an aging old man.What blows me away is that it's not for the purpose of doing the right thing, it's because she wants his stuff, property, house, cars, etc.

I called and spoke to this man today. I explained that if there was anything he needed we'd be glad to help, but in no way shape or form did that mean we wanted to be included in his will or anything else. We justed wanted to ensure his comfort and care. I feel so bad for anyone who thinks they have to bribe someone to take care of them.

How do I address this with my MIL. I really think this is horrible behavior. My husband just refuses to discuss it with her and gets off the phone asap when she bring it up.

StickAFork's picture

Don't address this at all with MIL. It doesn't concern you.
Your SS is an adult, married, and is capable of saying "no."

Also, if these two can "hardly take care of themselves," they may WELCOME this idea... free room and board, utilities, etc.

My advice? Butt out. It's nunya.

SMof2Girls's picture

She is an adult. Correcting her behavior or calling her out on something you see as immoral will only drive a wedge between the two of you and probably destroy your relationship (assuming you currently have one with her).

It's a tough call .. but I'm not sure I see how it's your place to get involved. You contacted the man and offered to help, and I think that's where you leave it.

Jsmom's picture

You should have a welfare check done on him...She sounds like a horrible person. If she really wanted the money, she would take care of him.

Smomof3's picture

I'm not saying anything to hubby talked to the kids and they agreed that if she brought up the subject they'd tell her they weren't interested in hopes that she'd drop it.

She's always been this way, I love her because she's my husband's mother...I just don't like her very much.

She won't care for him because of my FIL...he thinks every man who's alone with a woman wants to screw them because that's how he is. He is very jealous of the elderly neighbor for whatever reason.

It's a sad situation and I wasn't raised to let another humanbeing go without care. My family is not like this. My husband says he gets tired of hearing that but their hypocracy and greed amazes me.