UPDATE-Husband and SS at MIL's
Great news!!!! I am SO excited to share this with you all who have been so supportive (and even those of you who feel I'm wrong). And, I thank you for all your input and advice because it is what helped us get to this point. You all gave me a lot of strength the last few weeks to stick to my decisions.
Hubby is at, MIL's with SS. Last night, he says to me, "That's it! I have to take care of this BS. I'm being lazy, but I know what I need to do." He then says, "That's it. I'm going to talk to that b*tch tomorrow (the BM) and do what I need to in court if she decides to keep this sh*t up. I'm sorry babe, I've been so lazy and am tired of putting up with her bs, but I know you have a lot to lose and I have to be a better father, too. I married you because I love you and wanted to be a family. I want to stay with you forever and be happy not this bs that's happening...I'm really sorry "
It was such a relief to hear this, but I figured I'd see how things went today, because he picks him up at 3:30, and I was waiting for an attitude. No attitude and no argument, as a matter of fact, he was actually pleasant .
I was so scared how this would go, and I have seen some horror stories here, but even though it's still early, and who knows what will happen, I am feeling really happy that he opened his eyes.
Thank you all sooooooooooo much for your support!!!!!!
Thanks MommytoTwinAngels. I
Thanks MommytoTwinAngels. I thought I did die and had gone to heaven when he said it lol. Now he is acting like the MAN I married. I'm glad he also realized he needed to be a better father, too! No matter what I said or did, he had to realize all these things himself.
lololol......I am REALLY
lololol......I am REALLY excited! I feel married again. I feel so much better the anxiety is over, too. It was so hard to live with. I didn't expect this to turn out so well as it did, but am just so happy it did.
I can't wait for hubby to get home and celebrate! This is like Christmas, my birthday were all rolled into one today!
Thank you Mrs. Taylor! I am
Thank you Mrs. Taylor! I am hopeful, now! The hard part is, now I am so happy, I don't get to see him until Monday
...it's been a rough month, so I'd like to be laying around talking with him and hugging him lol. Not complaining, though!
Sounds awesome - good job!
Sounds awesome - good job!
Well done, and
Well done, and congratualtions to you. He clearly has moved a mountain her to save his marriage, he must truly want it to work. I wish you both all the very, very best.