BM late to work on her FIRST DAY AS MANAGER!
So, last weekend, BM NEEDED ME to pick SS up and watch him at 6:00 am this morning. DH arranged to be at MIL's at 6:00 am so she could drop him off there and have his mom watch him.
Ms. Important let DH know she HAD to take the job because she needed the money (uh-oh her brain's in overdrive-she finally realized you EARN money by WORKING), and she must have told him 56 times that she is now a manager at the mall! Well, she didn't get to MIL's until 7:20 am.
Someone here guessed she would say she quit, but I'm guessing she will say she can't work again because she was late because she was being mommy of the year and had to dress SS(4) all by herself and how hard it is to have a kid, be a single mommy and work blah blah blah.
My son asked me if she worked
My son asked me if she worked at McDonalds in the mall, because he said the mall doesn't open that early. I told my husband that, too last weekend.
Well, I'm sitting on the phone with DH right now, and GUESS what???? He tells me BM called earlier (of course-she had to make sure he ate, napped etc), and he told her him, SS, and MIL were on their way to the mall. He said she starts panicking and says, "To this mall? I'm not here right now" He says no, {the other one}. Why would I go to that one?" She's like, "Oh, I was just letting you know."
AHHHH the drama with her never ceases. It's almost to the point it's hysterical, I am glad she had to admit she was lying. That made me chuckle.
Nah, nothing to do with "the
Nah, nothing to do with "the light". I highly doubt she ever realizes what a skanker she is.
My guess is that she's out getting pregnant, because since my DH recently told her he was not giving her cash anymore, she admitt4ed she was on welfare and cut his support down drastically to $50/wk, because she said welfare would take the rest. She needs money. I'm going to bet she pulls the old "the pill stopped working" trick again, and dangles her next kid over the BF's hand with, "If you don't give me your check", you can't see your kid....until court, anyway...then, on to the next sucker.
God Bless You!!! It can be
God Bless You!!! It can be done, and some women actually have the determination, drive, and enough responsibility to do it. She on the other hand, she is happy collecting welfare.
I can't imagine that she really works. She just enjoys sitting home and finding reasons to call my husband too much!
Same here!
Same here!
I love it when single moms
I love it when single moms play the "but I have a kid card..." I have a friend who is a single mom and she works two jobs...PLUS goes to school - even takes extra hours if she can get them...she MAKES it work and still somehow finds time with her little one...I have another friend who has a little one and has a live-in boyfriend who CONSTANTLY says, "I can't - I have a kiidddd" - and her parents will willingly drop what they are doing if she needs a sitter...people are funny!
On another note...BM lost her very GOOD job at the hospital for going into work drunk a few years!
Freaking A. There is a girl
Freaking A. There is a girl at DH's work who is a divorced mom. Her ex husband lives down in the states and never sees their LO, who is maybe 3. Anyway, she has applied several times for a leadership position at the store DH works at, and DH has been part of the interview process, and has mentored her extensively. Anyway, she is at the point that she could pretty much perform the functions of one of the leadership positions at the store, but she doesn't have the availability necessary to accomodate the position. She evidently has her daughter in a daycare facility and the hours are 7am to 6pm. Well, one of the requirements of ANY leadership position that she could advance to in the store is that she has to be able to close at least ONE shift per week, and the store closes at 11. She says she simply cannot close at all. DH understands, but CANNOT promote her due to her inability to accomodate the schedule. It's a company wide policy. There's just nothing he can do, and she of course takes it really personally, and has tried to go over his head and say that he has some kind of personal problem with her because he promoted others but not her. Always the victim. I'm so sick of hearing about it.
It was me, I was the one who
It was me, I was the one who guessed that she would say she quit rather than admit she got fired for being irresponsible. Hahahaa... that's too funny. }:)
Hmm. Seems that I have so much experience with a lying and irresponsible BM that I can call their behavior even when I don't know them. :O
"Hmm. Seems that I have so
"Hmm. Seems that I have so much experience with a lying and irresponsible BM that I can call their behavior even when I don't know them."
You could make money doing this as a "psychic" you know lol?
Here's the funny thing, she was REALLY late apparently, she never even made it there lmao.
LRP75, I need you to make a prediction on what next weeks dilemma will be for her. DH doesn't have him next weekend, so there will have to be SOME other reason for her to call!
My friend is a manager at Old
My friend is a manager at Old Navy and goes to work at 0500. It doesn't open until 9 or 10 so it may be possible...let's just hope she can keep a job.
She already "lost" her job
She already "lost" her job lol. She never went (if there ever was one).