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My almost 13 year old and almost 12 year old Step Kids never leave us alone

Innocent Evil's picture

My almost 13 and almost 12 year old step kids I swear can never see me and their mom alone.... When me and hear are trying to talk about our day or just cuddle on the couch and watch a movie the oldest has to intrude every damn time.... I cannot stand his snooty attitude nor his manipulative controlling behavior that he tries to inflict on everyone in this house except for me cuz I can see through him.... The Younger one he is a little mentally delayed he is in 5th grade but has the learning capability of a 3rd grader so needless to say he isnt stupid but he sure likes to act like he is 4 or 5 years old.... I treat him as I would treat any other kid his age I do have great deal of patience and I'm glad I do or else I would of left already....I stay because I love my significant other and she does have my back on most things when it comes to the kids.... I already know the older of the 2 will be a trouble maker and then some.... He seems like the kind of idiot who will kill someone because he didnt get his way.... I do hope I'm wrong about that but the kid doesn't help the case with the way he acts.... he clearly can boss around or bully people younger than him but will not dare so it with someone older or bigger.

tog redux's picture

Your SO doesn't have your back. If she did, she would recognize that her kids are being annoying and tell them to back off and leave you two alone when you are watching a movie. And she would follow through with consequences if they didn't.

You are blaming the wrong person here. The kids are just doing what she allows them to get away with.

Innocent Evil's picture

Thank you guys I will try out some new things and see how it goes I appreciate you guys hearing me out I honestly feel as though I have no one to vent to except myself