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Sooooo beyond over it.

Conflicted's picture

Over bf's double standard.... Over bf going out last night his little girlfriends while I stayed home with the kids. ... Over him going to great lengths to hide stupid shit from me (like his cell phone passcode)... Like I even care about what's on his cell phone anyway?? So over his ex planning things for the kids during our time.... Why am I even here?

Orange County Ca's picture

What do you plan to do about this situation?


There's an exception to everything I say.

Chele's picture

went out with another girl and left you home with the kids, what a jackass!!! I would be packin' as we speak! ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~

Conflicted's picture

I love that bf signs on here (after saying he wouldn't) and gets mad at me for feeling the way I do. No he didn't go on a date last night.... He went to a party where his ex-girlfriend was going to be.... An ex that tried to get back together with him after I was in the picture.... A girl he knows I can't stand..... Another girl was also supposed to be there who tried to break bf & I up.... Oh but according to bf they never had anything going on.... Uh huh.... Now bf is on his way to his soccer game where the ex girlfriend mentioned above has been showing up to watch him.... How sweet. I'm at home sick as a dog.... Slept all day & still feeling shitty.... So bf takes his three year old son (his ex girlfriend will be watching him at the game I'm sure.... He says she's not but I'm not stupid).... I'm home sick as shit with his two girls & my bd. What a fucking asshole. I hate him. I'm apartment searching.... I want out ASAP.... This is such crap. Why didn't he take all of the kids you ask??? He rarely ever watches my daughter (yesterday was the first time I think)... And taking all the kids would interfere with his post game drinking! Who cares that I'm sick right?