Will today be D day??
Skid comes back today, he went to BMs Monday and returns today after school. I sat DH down Monday, and had a long talk about the "Golden Boy" the favoritism, the double standards, and the respect from SS10..
DH seemed to of "heard" me. At least so he says, he did seem to act like he wasn't doing the old double standard and favoritism thing, and just acted like he hadn't noticed ( yeah right ) but did say he would pay more attention to SSs behavior and be more careful as to not allow the things that have been going on with it.
Well SS comes home today ( only good thing is that this is our short week 3 1/2 days) thank goodness, bc with the vacation we took over Christmas break 1 week ( with SS) then to come home to our long week of parenting time 5 days, I really need a break from him!! and the 2 days we just had didn't do it for me.
I'm just wondering, how long do I wait to see if DH is really going to follow through with what he said? He did text BIObitch and told her that SS is not allowed to bring the cell phone with him anymore, she asked why, and he explained to Her ( which I didn't think was necessary bc our house our rules ) but whatever, he told her our house rule was 13 for a cell phone, and we (he) went against that bc she had gotten him a phone and he didn't want him left out, but he ended up sneaking the phone to school and lying about it 2 days in a row, so no phone.
She of coarse said our 13 yr old for a phone rule was stupid. He said oh well. She did agree not to send the phone, but I don't believe her bc she is as manipulative, and vindictive as they come. And mind, this cell phone is not used as a way of contact with SS from her while he's with us..she doesn't contact him via phone never has. Although she has started sending him social media messages while he's here, but they are usually negative toward our son, or she's asking about what's going on here, as to what we are doing, shopping, she never says she misses him, or anything like that in these messages.
So do I wait and see how DH is with him from the minute he gets home, or do I point things out purposely, Part of me, knows how the skid will be as soon as he gets home, even coming off of 2days with BIObitch means attitude towards me, do I snap or wait and see if DH notices, and corrects? Or do I pretend like always and go on about the normal household routines? And if the phone does comes back, do I take it away and put it up until he goes back to her, or do I tell DH ( who will be at work until after the kids go to bed)? So that means from the time I pick kids up at school 3pm until around 9pm (bed time) it's just me handling everything.