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Loaning out a child?

sbm014's picture

I am completely disgusted right now.

MIL and I were talking this evening like we do most nights or at least every other we are super close.

Anyways she told me that her BF or FIL as I refer to him as it is easier called BM to invite SS5 to play with his little boy who is 6 tomorrow they are super close its adorable. So I told DH when he called he said he knew nothing about this though he had talked to SS less than 5 minutes earlier and BM has to let him know if SS will be out of her possession for more than 4hrs other than school - and most of the time he will end up spending the night over there.

Well BM text me as we live close to FIL and most of the time if SS stays over I take him his throw blanket and pillow from our house over and sometimes will let him pick out a toy for me to take over - well I responded I was not sure as I may work late due to a convention I am sitting up for tomorrow 75miles away but I would talk to MIL as she has a key.

Her response (Copied and pasted)::

""I will talk to FIL or MIL and see if they want him the whole night or just for a few hours lol I don't know yet... Probably all night tho lol if I could only loan out (ELDEST SON [from a previous relationship]) too! Haha I would sleep ALL DAY!!! Haha""

Excuse me if you could loan or child out? I just resounded again I would talk to MIL, documented the text and ceased responses to her other text.

I know SS will have a blast as his ATV is at FIL's house and like I said the boys are wonderful buds but to hear BM refer to it as that just disgust me.

Mind you she doesn't have a job or she does from what we hear and she tells DH she will randomly clean a house or two for her landlord if someone moves out to help pay her rent - but it's rare she's "working" - both boys are in school and so she legit does nothing all day, and half the time her mom is with her and will cook and make dinner etc because BM is to tired - only reason her mom doesn't live with her is the HUD rules and we threatened CPS if she moved in with her mom in her filth of a house.

I just if you could loan or child seriously? How disgusting!

Silvercat's picture

Well, I don't think she meant it seriously - sounds like it was supposed to be humourous. I wouldn't worry about it. Parents say things like that all the time.

sbm014's picture

I get she put the HAHA and was trying to come off that way but she has a past of comments....

And she knows MIL will not take her eldest son because of past conflict but used to tell my real FIL that if he wanted SS he needed to take her eldest son because she needed a day off.

If her eldest son has plans then she has magically had plans before so that DH felt obligated to get SS for a few hours or something and once DH called because we were thinking about taking SS to the doctor because he bailed off one if the ATVs really hardcore DH asked what she was doing her response "watching (can't remember the show) marathon" DH was pissed she lied and ruined our alone plans so she could do nothing.

BM will do anything to not have responsibility but still get personal profits.

sbm014's picture

I screenshotted the text and sent if to MIL her response "I wouldn't doubt it, she is lazy but I would never ever take (eldest son) and I'm glad she knows that"

sbm014's picture

MIL and I are really really close she despises BM but uses time to see SS whenever she can.

My MIL is also going through stepmom struggles so we talk alot...

And like I said most if it is I just know how BM truly is and why would you send a comment like that to me of all people.

sbm014's picture

Update: BM goes to drop SS to play has the talk to SFIL about how she really wishes her eldest son could stay and it's not fair for him to SS go over there and not go (SS is 5, he eldest is like 11 and not connected to anyone over there) ends up both stay and now she keeps asking SFIL if the boys want to spend the night his response "SS can decide later" she has texted him this like 3 times the past hour - like wtf