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He loves ex wives

bestwife's picture

My SO says that. He still loves his 2 ex wives but is not "in love" with them. I call BS.

He married each TWICE!!

Why should I trust him?

NCMilGal's picture

You shouldn't.

I'm not saying you should not trust his fidelity - you shouldn't trust his JUDGEMENT. Obviously, if he hadn't learned the "sometimes a relationship is just BROKEN" lesson badly enough that he married not one, but TWO women twice - he's a slow learner, and he will let both of those BMs (and their 'darling' spawn) walk all over him.

Run now, while you still can.

bestwife's picture

He treats me like a queen. Even when I throw awful hideous hissy fits about his ex-skanks. We are almost 60 so this is not something that took place in a few years. These marriages were years ago.

But I still want to SCREAM at the top of my lungs at times. I have a history of being treated like crap by men in my lives. My fiance of 4 years (begged me to marry him each year) married someone else a few weeks before our wedding. And there is more just as bad if not worse.

I know that I have deep insecurities. No one has ever wanted to marry me. I will be 60 in a few months. How pitiful is that? I am pretty, smart and have a zillion friends so I am not an awful person. People really like me. But I am just unloveable by a man. I know I am pathetic.

Vichychoisse's picture

FWIW I still love some former boyfriends (never been married) for various reasons. I suppose I define it as still caring about what happens to them, and would feel a loss if they were gone from my life (I have kept in touch with most). Personally I just don't lose those feelings completely, except in cases where I was treated poorly.

Doesn't mean I have ANY desire to get back with ANY of them!