My Kindle "Book" is under review at
So we shall see how it turns out. Twenty nine pages of action packed stepmom drama to dissuade the most fervent "in love" step-mom-to-be!!
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So we shall see how it turns out. Twenty nine pages of action packed stepmom drama to dissuade the most fervent "in love" step-mom-to-be!!
What is the name of it?
What is the name of it?
Congrats and I'm sure we'd
Congrats and I'm sure we'd love to read! What's it called? Keep us posted on the progress
The Guilty Parent Trap --why
The Guilty Parent Trap
--why today's single women should avoid dating men with children.
It's still under review and not released yet. If nothing comes of it, it's still a lark for me. I have pen name and p.o. box at the ready! :evil:
I'll put in my order with or
I'll put in my order with or without amazon!
HA!!!!! I love the pen name.
HA!!!!! I love the pen name. Just found it.
Do they review the content
Do they review the content and then post it for sale?
I think so. I hope to warn
I think so. I hope to warn as many stepmoms-to-be as possible!!!
Well it's a kindle thing so
Well it's a kindle thing so it seemed like 60 pages instead of 29!! There may be a sequel about my personal experiences with StepHell, but I have to wait until GG is totally out of the picture for that one.
that sounds awesome! i have
that sounds awesome! i have been working on a book the last 3 years about my adventures in stepparenting lol, let me know how it works out for u cause if i actually get around to finishing mine, i may go the route youre going!
I was looking for something
I was looking for something that didn't involve literary agents where i could get the info out in a quick and consise manner stating that until the system changes, stepmotherhood is something that should be BOYCOTTED!
what's your nom de plume?
what's your nom de plume?
I PMed you!
I PMed you!
I predict it will zip off the
I predict it will zip off the virtual shelves! Fingers's a public service announcement that needs to be out there! LOL
You can put kindle on your
You can put kindle on your computer, phone etc.
Exactly!! I hope to market
Exactly!! I hope to market to the child free by choice sites to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Eventually all this crap should blow up in these bioparents faces (PAS, BFF free ranging etc; gov't agencies pushing psychobabble and outlawing traditional parenting)
That is so exciting! I hope
That is so exciting! I hope your book is for sale soon!
I love reading your posts, so I imagine the book is great.
Exciting!!! I can't wait to
Exciting!!! I can't wait to buy it
You can download an
You can download an application to your PC or iPhone to read Kindle books without the Kindle.
Exciting! Good luck! I have
Exciting! Good luck! I have often thought of writing. My SIL is a book editor in Boston. Can't wait to read!
As a matter of fact yes I
As a matter of fact yes I did. I kept personal experiences to a minimum but did use lots of "collective" experiences. In other words the infamouos LISTS of guilty daddy mantras and typical psycho BM ploys.
I used a tactful approach and pointed the finger of blame at society as a whole and the various agencies/divorce industry that encourages the worst of human behaviour.
Auteur, that is so cool! I
Auteur, that is so cool! I have a Nook but I an e-Reader on my laptop.
I can't wait. Please keep us posted.
At the risk of being a
At the risk of being a shameless commerce flunky, my book is slated for publishing in 12 hours according to amazon. i have my toes crossed.
Fantastic! I can't wait to
Fantastic! I can't wait to read it!
Hopefully the stupid ass BMs
Hopefully the stupid ass BMs will get a clue and stop PASinating and especially FREE RANGING if they want a chance at a successful relationship!!
The Behemoth's Snufflupagus just "goes with the flow" and then posts on his FB "it's the most wonderful tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeeeear" when school vacation ends and the spawn go back to school. He's probably internalizing everything and is afraid to speak up to the almighty Behemoth (not unlike GG)
Stepdads have less of an excuse not to assert their authority over the BM's free ranging; I know in my case, I'm always in PHYSICAL danger from GG should I even BREATH a word of "negativity" toward GG's spawn or the Behemoth's loosey goosey non-parenting.
On the other hand, GG feels immense freedom to TRY and find something negative/impune bad motives about my grown bios who never cause any trouble or cost him one thin dime.