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Betty79's picture

Off to work today and as I'm leaving..
ME to SS7 "I love you, have a good day!"

SS7- stares at me

Me "Hey! I said I love you and have a good day."

SS7- stares through me.

F*ck this sh*t. Over it. Punk.

At work fuming and texted DH told him he doesn't have to tell me he loves me but to tell SS7 to at least acknowledge me. DH said that SS7 will apologize when I get home. What do I say to SS7?!

Catcat2020's picture

My SS8 does that to me sometimes too and I tell him "Do I look like a dog to you?" He'll say no ma'am and I say "Then when you're in my house you will not treat me like a dog and treat me with respect cause I'm not just piece of crap on the bottom of your shoe. I'm a human being and not to mention your step-mother and I will not tolerate it after everything I have to go through for you!"

giveitago's picture

I disengaged from the SKids over a year ago. DH can deal with them, he took on board what a counsellor told him about enabling the kids and he is making the best of it now. SD is doing some introspection (both before and since her incarceration)and she realizes that I was not wrong on a lot of issues, it took a lot for her to own that and she gained more respect from me. I never lost the bond with the kids, just did not do everything they wanted! I'd refer them to their daddy, I'd simply state that it's not what I would do but it's their choice and stuff along those lines. I refused to allow them to push my buttons, so to speak, and once they realized I was not playing along they stopped trying. It took a LOT of energy to stop myself responding with a reaction though...the pay off was definately worth it.