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Jerseystepmom's picture

Anybody have a BM that just doesn't get boundaries? (Probably plenty if you do)!

So SS17 is dating one of my friends DD. BM didn't know my friend at all. Well. Of course she had to get involved and got all cozy to her and now the two THEM are friends (go to dinner, hang out together friends!) I am FURIOUS with my "friend." I haven't said anything to her but I also don't plan on seeing or talking to her. She wasn't a friend I talked to often, but we have been friends for over 10 years and have had plenty of conversations about my DH and BM. I am hurt and angry. 
And wtf BM?! These kids are 17 & 16. You just made it much harder on them bc now they have the pressure of your friendship if they wanted to break up. 
I ask my original "boundaries " question bc this isn't the first time BM invaded my space. She still attended the church DH's family attends (we moved to a different one) and still sits with FIL at games before we get there. Go. Away. 

NieMojCyrk's picture

But it was my ex's partner. My ex introduced his partner to a couple, who we two basically grew up with together. She was my high school classmate and a very dear friend. All of a sudden my Facebook was flooded with pictures of four of them partying and just being all over the place and my "friend" and my ex's partner hugging and acting like they were besties. They just freaking met for goodness sake! I knew this whole show was put out there from my ex and his partner to hurt me. As of my "friend", well, last time I was in my hometown for the first time ever I didn't bother calling and meeting her. 
Was I really hurt by this? Nah, we are adults. Moments like these show us who can stay in our life and who can go down the drain. 

Jerseystepmom's picture

Yea. Facebook. I actually deactivated my account for that reason. I'm not playing that game. Let's post and "love" each others posts. Grow up. I ducked out of that crap real quick. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

BM2 here is a boundary-stomper. She has cozied up to SO's brother as well as SO's daughters by BM1, with flattery, dinners, vacations, gifts, and about $100k of cash via a loan from her uncle to SO's brother to buy a house. She also cozied up to SS19's previous girlfriend's mom and the parental circle-jerk of photoshoots, pic exchanges, parties, and gifts is one thing that i think contributed to the end of their 2-month relationship. It was too much pressure. I swear the moms were planning the wedding after the first date! I didn't care until the girlfriend's mom started texting multiple pics to my SO and my SO tried to convince me to try to compete with BM to be the girlfriend's mom's BFF (I told him to get lost with that craziness.) It spun out of control and the girlfriend did not want anything to do with all that pressure for a guy she had dated for like 2 months. These crazy women are, well, crazy, and you will probably just have to find another friend to replace this one. Some people just can't resist the love-bombing (and cash-bombing in some cases!) 

Rags's picture

anything to do with her. Unless she was on fire. In which case....only flamable liquids would be applied.

My younger brother thought my XW was great. Until she cheated... repeatedly. The last thing he said to her when she called to inform me she was pregnant, not long after our final divorce hearing, was to recommend a name for her child. He answered the phone the same time I did when she called.

"You should name him Less. Of course that would have to be the middle name. Since the first name has to be FATHER!" Followed by a forceful hang up.

She broke down in tears "Why does your family hate me so much?".  He was far more brutal with her than I was.  I did what I could to calm her down. She had called to ask me what she should do since she was of the mind that I knew her better than anyone.  I asked her if she really had a choice as she claimed to be a devout Catholic.  She kept the baby. She ended up having two more also out of wedlock children. The first and the 3rd are cheat babies. She was married to someone other than the baby daddies when they were conceived.

The few times I have run into my XILs my FIL had tears start streaming down his face whe we would shake hands.  He is heart broken about how his DD behaved during our marriage, that she had not had our marriage annulled, and that all of his GKs by her were spawned out of wedlock.  That she continued to take communion while not right with the church bothered him incredibly.



justmakingthebest's picture

I have made jokes in the past about exH and my mutual friends while we were married. It was who got who in the divorce. PS- I kept the better people! LOL 

At this point (we have been divorced for 13 years) I wouldn't have an issue with having a mutual friend as him, but for a long time when things were fresh and bad- Hell no!

Thankfully when it came to BM, DH's friends from the military were all still his and she moved back to her home town. So we don't have that as an issue. 

Jerseystepmom's picture

She's not a mutual friend. She was my friend. BM did not know her at all. That's what really surprised me. 

classyNJ's picture

Thank Dog I don't have to deal with this anymore.

When the SS's were younger, we had multiple travel teams for baseball, football and hockey.  My youngest SS had a best friend we will call D. D's mother E would drop D off at our house for weekend sleep overs, sit and have dinner and drinks with us and would sit with us at every game.  DBDB BM really never showed to any of the games and if she did, she would leave after an hour.

All of a sudden one day E showed up at a game, sat on the other side of the field and here comes BM and plopped her butt right next to her.  This went on for the last 2 years of sports.  E never acknowledged us after that.  She would drop D off at our house and not even get out of the car.

At first, I was hurt, but DH and I both knew that once E saw BM's true colors, it would end.  LOL  at the end of the seasons party, the host did not tell BM about it because he know that I was the only one that did all the work it took for the sports.  Don't you know that E tried to sit and talk with me.  I just looked at her and said Nope.  She turned to DH and said, what's with her?  DH said, well that's what you get for forgetting who your friends are.  What's wrong you and BM aren't friends anymore?  E said no, she is too much drama.  DH got up and said oh well you live an learn.

Jerseystepmom's picture

Wow!! Fair weather friend much???

and I LOVE that reaction..."Nope!" I would love to say that and only that to my "friend."

ugh. People. 

classyNJ's picture

need to pull out the Jersey girl.  LOL  

CLove's picture

I hate that. When Toxic Troll tried to gate crash MIL death vigil, SIL told Feral Forger to tell her mother that she was not welcome and if she tried to stay she would be escorted off the premises.

There are a majority of common friends that "chose" husband, but we live in a very small town, and one of my fears is that feral forger and powersulk get into my small circles. Im really hoping they decide to move away to a new town somehow.

Rags's picture

They made zero effort to participate in SS's life. Ever. Not once in the 16+ years we lived under the CO.  The only actual member of the SpermClan who ever made an effort was one of the GreatGrandFathers. He would travel to pick SS up for SpermClan visitation return flights when SS was a toddler. No one else ever made any effort. When the GGF passed, they would farm out Skid pick up to random non relatives who had family near where we were living.

If anything, the Skid visitation thing hyper isolated the SpermClan in their community.  The whole small town grapevine knew their crap and for the most part turned their backs on the SpermClan.  DW was celebrated in the small town.  She was the 16yo single teen mom who made a great life, completed university and grad school, lived all over the world, raised a man of character who is thriving in his adult life.  My MIL has some level of notariety for how well my DW' has done in life.  The incidence of teen pregnancy in that town is shockingly high.  MIL shares DW's outcome when a coworker, etc... shares that they have a kid, GK, etc.. who is pregnant as a teen. Though upon occassion one of those MIL is trying to support by sharing DW's life will snap at MIL that "not all of these girls are like  your daughter".  That... is an absolute fact. DW is brilliant and inspiring. I am blessed to make a life with her.

The SpermClan, just ruined yet another generation.  SS's three younger Spermidiot spawned half sibs are shit. Just like the rest of that shallow and polluted gene pool.

In my first marriage, my XILs were hell bent on keeping me in the fold after the divorce. That did not happen. Interestingly, my XW never was part of the XIL's effort to maintain a relationship with me. 

I never engaged with my XILs beyond the occasional running into them at lunch and going to their home once after a random lunch greeting.

They wanted me to bring my family to their Ranch for a July 4th celebration. That was the last conversation I ever had with them.  Many years after that I learned that XMIL was in federal prison for embezzlement.  

I dodged a bullet as the whole family was sued by XMIL's employer for $millions and lost.  This was 22yrs after the divorce was final.  I got the quality friends in that divorce and am still very close with them.  They still live in the XIL's neck of the woods and I get the grapevine updates upon occassion.  I don't ask, but the friends do tell when something of note finds its way down the XIL grapevine.