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BM wants to come over for prom

milldog's picture

Hi…It has been a long time since I have posted here. I have been with my DH 5 years, married 3. I have 2 stepdaughters, SD16 & SD14. They live with us full time by their choice. They visit with their BM throughout the week. DH and I never speak ill of their BM, and they see her anytime they want. In the beginning of our marriage, my DH and I had to put up some boundaries with his ex as she had previously been able do as she pleases. This included walking right into his house (which was theirs when they were married), calling, and texting excessively. We moved to our new house after we married. She has always been very dismissive of me when we are forced to be somewhere together. I am sure she blames me for cutting off her freedom with my DH.

DS16 went to prom last weekend. She asked us to invite her boyfriend’s parents over for wine and picture taking. She approached my DH a few days before prom asking if her mother could come over and help her get ready and take pictures. He told her no, that it would make us feel awkward. We also didn’t want to be put in the position of asking her to join us for wine. He knew I would hate her coming in and going upstairs. I think what happened was she asked SD16 to come get ready at her house and she declined. I don’t think she wanted anyone helping her get ready, and she didn’t want to cart all her stuff over there.

BM was furious when SD16 told her the response. She took SD14 to dinner the next night and apparently told her about the refusal. SD14 approached me to ask if she could come over. I said we were going to stick with what her dad said, and walked away. Then BM text DH saying she” DID NOT UNDERSTAND” why she couldn’t come over. Three different ways she tried to make it happen! I would have never asked again after being told no once. DH text her back and said SD16 can go over there and get ready. Neither of us would have cared if she had done that. He told BM it would feel awkward and it wasn’t going to happen. He told SD16 that she needed to go over to her mom’s after our house to take pictures. She and her boyfriend did that.She seemed to have no problem with the situation.

SD14 has told DH that she doesn’t understand why her mom can’t come over. She is pretty mad about it. We both feel like we have the right to decided who gets to come into our home. We feel we offered compromise, and everyone got to see and take pictures. How do you explain this to a 14 year old without coming out and saying your mom is straight up never welcome in our home. My relationship with the SDs is pretty good otherwise.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Ask the kid how she would felt if she broke up with her boyfriend and you kept inviting him over anyway.

ScrewUboozilla's picture

Just wait until graduation. Our BM threw a cry fit so SS had to call and ask, then put her on the phone with DH bawling so she could come to DH side of the family party.. At MY house. And BM was having her own party. Geezuz. I ended up saying "whatever" since SS felt bad BM was bawling she wasn't invited. Can't wait for next years party for SD. Not. So far DH hasn't been included in any dance photo sessions.

I wish he would have said no. And not put it on me to OK. I was in a no win situation as they have a bunch of mutual friends that now I know the wives and we do stuff as couples.. One wife even asked her.. WTH do you want to go? It was awkward. It has caused worse feelings because as I try to explain to DH.. It was a bunch of stuff all at the same time of her boundary less behavior that was like petting a cat backward to me. I want nothing to do with her. I don't care how nice she is. I know she has trash talked me too. The high road sucks.

Men don't get we women know how to get the other one and it was her peeing on my house.

Don't worry so much about SD. But man, "because I said so " was good enough for our parents. Haha. I like what OP said.. Your sister had a choice... That way she will know she has a choice when it's her turn.

I am happy you have a MAN with his cahones intact still.

milldog's picture

I put those cahones back on him. It is nice to see that he is learning Wink
I think both girls and BM will know now that joint graduation parties are not happening.

notasm3's picture

I'm afraid I would be upfront with the SD. "I DO NOT WANT HER IN MY HOUSE." And I do NOT have to explain to you why. Now STFU.

There's nothing wrong with saying "BM is not welcome in my home." No negatives about BM. I'd ask SD14 if she is crazy if she kept on about that.

somedevilishbeauty's picture

I would also add, "SD it's not your prom,this has nothing to do with you so but out.

Rags's picture

Time to inform SD-14 that her BM overstepped by discussing the issue with SD-14 and the issue was not SD-14's issue. BM acted inappropriately and SD-14 needs to hear that message.

Lather, rinse, repeat.