Anyone ever want to contact BM's new husband or boyfriend's EX???
We did and it took me some searching but I finally found her!!!
A few years back, SD had mentioned she "overheard" a conversation about her SF having had a daughter about SD's age....curious. Made us wonder...HMMMM
Well, I like to 'research' if you will and I figured if we could get some information about SF that it might help us figure out why he always goes along with BM's craziness.
As I said, it took me some time, but I finally found her and we've been in contact over the last couple of days. She's very nice and very willing to give us the info that we are looking for on her EXHb (the SK's SF)
BTW, they never had any kids together....luckily for exwife or she'd have to be dealing with BM too.
She had to deal with BM a little bit because she and SF were going through a divorce when BM started seeing SF. Even she knows what a crazy B***** this BM is. In fact, I even found out how MIL/FIL feel about BM....they think she's crazy too.
ROFLMAO!!! I love it. I guess my Mother was always never hurts to ask!
By communicating with SF's exwife, it will give us insight, but it will also give us ammo.
BM & SF would both FREAK if they thought that we got this info on them and I can't wait for the chance to be able to use it....without getting exwife involved, of course....
Any of you ever do this or wanted to do this??
I would love
to talk with BM's BF ex wife or the woman he knocked up & broke up with right before he started dating BM. ( Our BM worked with him back when her & DH were dating & he was in loved with her) I always wonder is it coincidense that he dumped his pregnant GF when BM came on the market.
BTW this woman has never met BM & probably doesn't know that her 2 year old calls her mom.
She may be just as curious....
From talking to SF's exwife, she has kept in contact with Ex Inlaws herself, and through her parents so it's obvious she was curious about SF and BM's life together.
We were curious about her life with SF when they were still married, especially if they had kids together. But mostly we were curious about SF himself in order to make sure what kind of person SK's were around because of the way BM acts nuts and SF goes along with it.
Here is something for ya...
My friend was in contact with the new BFs ex....found out tons of info...they have actually become friends now. In the meantime, when the BM was last emailed something pertaining to the kids, she CC the BFs ex too (it was a dummy email account made up but with the old exs name listed on the account - so that she wouldnt be harassed).
I tell ya, things started turning around then...because the new BF was actually in court over a family issue as well with the ex GF. They must have figured out watch what you say, because it could be used in 2 court cases.....LOL. It was actually quite funny!! Smart thinking on my friends part.
Not sure if you can do it there or not, but here for $1 a page you can get ANYONEs family court papers from the court all the affidavits where the other party has stated things, you can have access too. Sure is helpful with your own case when you know what took place in the other relationship. Repeated history, etc.
and CCin the emails to the ex is a good idea. In our case it might help with issues of SF but since he and ex didn't have kids, there won't be any court on their end.
and told each other to contact anytime.
I'm curious to see how this "friendship" develops
We have already traded personal emails (accounts the ex's don't have
I so wish I had the nerve to do it. We have always wondered what the SF ex wife thought about BM. SF and BM have one baby and another on the way and SF has two teenage kids with his ex. Funny thing though...we did look at court records and had found out that SF had been so far behind in CS from when he and BM got together that he almost went to jail over it but when it came out that we knew BM and SF said some crazy story as to how that happened and even went so far as to say that SF and his ex wife are actually friends and that they all get together etc. I personally don't ever believe any of them since SD says she never sees the teenage kids and would love to contact her and get the real story but I am afraid just in case she is crazy too and is actually friends with them!
I would like to talk to SF
BM always throws it in my husband's face what a GOOD relationship SD has with SF. I think that's bullshit. I think he's so beat down by BM that he lets SD pull the same crap with him that she pulls with me, but he puts up with it (unlike me). He used to transport SD all the time, and he would come get her and she wouldn't even speak to him and would walk to his car and get in. Husband used to complain that SF made SD "carry her own bags" when they exchanged her. It's only 10 feet from one car to the other, poor little SD! Ridiculous.
I'd like to know how he really feels about SD and if he really thinks she should be allowed to treat him like she does. Husband informed me that SD told him that BM sat SF down a couple of years ago and "told him how it was going to be" and their relationship has been much better ever since. I don't think so! Wouldn't be happening with me, although BM suggested it. BM told husband he needs to "lay down the law" with me. Um, no!
LOL Elizabeth
I have heard that line about "laying down the law" myself...a lot.
In fact, early on in my relationship with DH, BM used to tell me to "get behind your husband where you belong"...yeah, right!! I would tell BM my place is BESIDE my husband and DH would agree. should go for can't hurt to ask. Or maybe find a friend of SF's ex. There's lots of ways to go about it
I'm glad I did it, although I was nervous at first, because I was also worried that....what if SF and Ex are still on friendly terms??
We'd have to hear about it in an email from BM and SF but, I decided, so what??? If it wasn't that it would be something else, so I did it!
Glad it turned out so well.
I have wanted to shake the
I have wanted to shake the living crap out of BM's soon-to-be husband (Poor sod). He is the polar opposite of BM and with the way she is, I'm assuming that he is pretty p*ssy whipped. Whenever BM and I would be arguing or going through a dispute, I'd always ask why he never gets involved. BM replied with, 'because I'm protecting him, I won't let him.'
It's like my mother in law says, he'd better not let his balls drop because she'd grab them the first chance he got.
I dont know whats worse, the fact that he's balls haven't dropped or that BM is a ball buster. lol
"If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?" ~ Milton Berle