How do you tell your spouse you want a divorce?
I have had the worst day today. I can't remember the last time I have cried out loud. It thru me into a blinding migraine.
To make this short - hubby & I went out for drinks last night and everything was going great. Those here that know me personally know that I'm outspoken and fun to be with. My buzz was on and I'm sure my mouth was running. The conversation went south fast when the bm name came up and dh defended her. I snapped and said some really horrible things. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I can't stand when dh yells at me, I sware he thinks he can bully me into submission. After 17 years of marriage that doesn't work with me-it just don't work anymore.
He is resentful towards me I know. He says that there is plenty of blame to go around. He said that raising that first child is always the hardest. That I hold different standards for my bk than I did for sd. Of course I reminded him that our bk are not like as at all. Not suicidal, not sexually active, not dating a punk that threatened to kill us.....bla bla bla
Our relationship has just changed. Maybe it is me that has changed, I don't know. But this is what I do know. I am the type of person who loves to please others and never expect anything back....except maybe a thank you or just a little respect. My dh tends to be antisocial he doesn't like being in crowds, hell he doesn't even like being around my family. Who am I kidding. .... He asked me if I wanted out today...I told him that I need things to change. That I need to emotionally feel loved. That I know I wasn't the perfect step mom, but I didn't need to be told or him to make observations. I want him to love me and show me. He tells people that I am his trophy wife, which I guess is a compliment. But he also says that I am his retirement ticket. I don't care too much to be called that. I leave him little cards or send him little bags of candy, I cook for him, I clean for him, ihave sex with him, and all I want is for him to put me up on a pedestal ! That is where I deserve to be. Oh yes...I work full time and our pay is pretty much I pull more than my own weight in this marriage....I just don't get anything out of it.
My heart hurts!! I love him, don't get me wrong. I don't know what to, how do you tell him your are thinking about divorce? Oh yes....we have been to counceling before and it worked for a while. I don't think he will do it again. Because I need him to show me love....I'm sure he thinks I'm psycho.
So, yet again.....I will be ringing in the new year by myself. Hello 2009-nothing new!!
- stepwitch's blog
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You are not alone
You will not be alone on New Years ringing the bell I will be there with you! I have just in the last couple of minutes been told by the DH that I am a peice of crap and that I should not be talking about his ex!!!! Ah the life that I have is oh so gracious. Crying alone is not a bad thing, i do it alot. I have talked to my husband about divorce and the most I have gotten from it is ~ if you don't like it get out!!
Damn !
Exactly how much do we have to take? And why would we have to be the one to leave? I don't want to leave my kids. I love them more than I feel unloved by dh, so what do you do?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
awww girl....
I feel so bad for you. I honestly can say I know how you feel. Have you told him that you need to feel loved? I am concerned that this adult SD is still being raised as an issue.....why is that? She IS an adult this should all be a non-issue now right? Why in the world would he be defending BM? Call me if you need to. Know that I love ya and am here for ya! HUGS
Thanks...I'll keep you posted... I just don't know what I should do? We only have one life I want to make sure that I'm doing this one right. I know he loves me - I do....but I want him to be in-love with me. And I want him to want that-make sense? Just throw me a bone every now and again and I don't mean in the bedroom...,,,,,,
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Hey, girl...
As we sit here and BITCH SDs (in my case) or Exes (in your case),
the bottom line is that they are EXES for a reason.
I WISH I could still blame everything on my SDs. The bottom line is that, like his GROWN DAUGHTERS, he is just NEEDY and ANNOYING. (He goes online and buys stuff, but there's always a problem...I have heard that man YELL at more customer service reps than I can deal with; thus, his DAUGHTERS...)
The thought of spending New Years Eve with HIM makes me want to puke. Thank GOD I have to work. I have NEVER dealt with more HIGH MAINTENANCE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
He says to me that it is always about me.... I hate that, it's condensending and not true. He has a way of turning things around and putting them back on me.... I want my husband of 17 years to show me emotional effection. I know in my heart that he won't be able to. So---I've never been thru a divorce I don't know how to go about this.... Do I tell or not? Do I leave or not? What about the kids? What if he won't leave? How about his guns and crap?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I'll be here-alone. Thank God!
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Got Max. Got Arial (cat). We'll be just great. Much better than having the moody, up and down, watch what you say, watch your expression, controlling H here.
KittyKat-Your H does the screaming at customer service reps too? My H got so nasty on a gambling site that they sent him a warning (he doesn't know that I know). I agree. HIGH MAINTENANCE SUCKS!
I might be looking for a roommate soon-any takers?
I have a Max too..
He is a pug and he is mine!! Two cats... Noel & Myla... Two german shrherds in the backyard and two kids. But the only one I want to be with is dh. I really hate he can't be what I need... I sound like suck a freaking cry baby!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
OMG, Stepwitch...
I am so sorry. I hate that you are feeling so alone and unloved. You are loved!! Unfortunately the person who should be treating YOU like a princess for all you do, is being an idiot. Emphasize to him just how much you need to feel loved, and need to feel like he'd have your back (and not BM's!) in anything that comes your way as a couple. If he'll agree to counseling again, try it. I hope things get resolved. Being miserable is a horrible way to live. I've sent you my number before, but if you need me to send it again I'll be more than happy too. I'm here if you need someone to talk to.
Thanks bbbb...
Send me ur number on myspace again. I haven't been able to talk about this out loud yet. It's hard enough just to get it typed...,, thanks for your support...
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think I might be done,
I think I might be done, too.
To every thing there is a season.
Your right....
We really need to catch up!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
What time are you getting up
What time are you getting up tomorrow? I'm off until Tuesday.
To every thing there is a season.
What time are you getting up
What time are you getting up tomorrow? I'm off until Tuesday.
To every thing there is a season.
I think we need a winter retreat~!!!!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I agree.......
I think all of us need a break!
Stepwitch, you don't have to make a decision tonite
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
And having a migraine makes everything look bleak and black. If your h is just able to meet your emotional needs, after all you've given him, he needs a wakeup call. I don't know what it will be, or how you can force him to see, that, for a marriage, emotional love, and feeling it, is just as vital as food is for a body.
I've grown so accustomed to feeling unloved by H-that the few times in between, where I feel he actually cares, feel like falsehoods. What I've done, emotionally, is withdrawn. I stayed single so long, after my divorce, that I've grown used to not having someone who loves me being around. It's the turmoil his high maintance mood swings create that is battering me.
We only have one life, and as B put it, being miserable is a horrible way to live. And leaving someone you truly love, is miserable also. I hope you find a solution. I hope you find happiness. Whatever your decision is.
Oh -wow !!!
Your doing really reel fearless, I wish I could be so bold. You know I don't think I'm miserable....just not happy with how it is. You know....he doesn't beat me or cheat on me and most people would love to have what I, it kinda makes me feel like I'm the ingrate....
Thanks for responding to my blog-your outlook on things are quite interesting. Wow-I do wish I could be do bold..... I hate the thought of dumping 17 years down the toilet...but on 2nd thought that is where shitty things go-right?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Feerless u r precious!!
I wish we lived closer! So do you ever run into the housewife I'd orange co? They are so out there...I'd like to punch a few in their million dollar noses! Spat on them for me if u see um.
I'm going to try to pick myself up today. I can't stand the way I'm feeling. I just can't.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
you're awesome!
I love you fearless!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
SW-I was married for 17 years to my ex
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
of course, circumstances were different. He was cheating on me, lying, stealing. I had no option but to divorce him.
But do try to get thru to your H-I know you've tried, but try again. I know it's hard. I know you're heartbroken. I know-17 yrs of your life...
My first H was terrible-but he was what I knew, ya know? I couldn't wrap my mind around the affairs-it was so painful. A distant memory now. But I'll never sit on the deck we built and watch my grandkids play, like I dreamed I would. My sons will never come home-and feel like it's home-for both of them. My youngest does real well, after a hard hard adolescence (sp) but my oldest will never have that feeling.
Funny, H doesn't cheat on me. But the things he's done, in this short marriage, feel as bad, or worse, than the cheating.
And I will only admit this on here...there are times when I still cry over the loss of that first marriage. Times like now, when it's all so black and bleak, and the thought of being stuck in this marriage with my now H is so depressing.
But I know my older sister went thru exactly what I did-I used to kid her that our first H's were the same man, just with different hair color. And her second marriage is a success. But she tells me, there are times, when she'll go into the shower, just to cry. Over the loss of that first marriage, the loss to her kids. She's like me. When we gave our love to those men, so long ago, so young, we totally gave our hearts away. And the sorrow of the death of our marriages, will probably follow us forever.
I hope you can find someway, some amazing lightening strike, to get your H to see what he is costing both of you. And your children. It's not like your asking for precious stones and a mansion by the sea. All you're asking for is love.
17 years is a big deal !!
I just texted hubby and told him my head was still hurting and he replied..."if I wasn't the only lt. here tonight, I would come home". Damn. That was exactly what he needed to say. See...he is able. Normally he would say sorry, can't do anything to help. So, little step....
Your right tho...I'm just so damn heartbroken. We even went and saw fireproof last week. I do think that he is thinking....but thinking is not what my heart needs.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Tell him to leave
you say you don't want to leave your kids - can't you tell him to leave. You make as much as him - tell him to leave. Tell him you have had all you can take with his coldness and ask him to leave
Tried that before...
He said back then he wouldn't leave his house or kids. I doubt I could make him...he would stay just to spite!!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Maybe it's time to just go talk to an attorney
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
like many of the wise women on here advised, that's what I'm going to do. A consultation. How else can we possibly know what to do, what our rights are, how not to screw it up if you do decide on a divorce.
Don't tell your H-this is "self preservation" mode. Just find a good attorney, and ask him how to proceed if you choose to file for a seperation or a divorce. I've watched too many women give up way to much, myself included, just because it wasn't "nice" to go to an attorney without telling their H.
If things work out, no harm done. If not, then you'll feel, at least, like you know a little about the path you'll be walking.
Stepwitch, If everybody on this forum got a divorce because of the after Christmas explosion all of us would be putting in for it Jan 1. Most of the people on here had one but this too will pass. He may be a priXX but at least you know what you got and the next H may have even more kds. See an attorney to find out the divorce laws for your state so at least you will know where you stand. The only time you 2 fight is when the BM or SD name comes up so don't bring it up.
Anabihik, when you get done with the BF you will be rich. You are not responsible for taking care of all of those people or his kds. Let him step up and pay his CS and deal with his issues. You are too young and beautiful to take on those kinds of problems. Be young, be happy and enjoy your life before you start your own family.
Oh hell no!!!'
As far as being a stepmother that's it, I willnever be called stepwitch ever again in my life. I can't take any more of that shit! No way!!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I know just how you feel. (My recent post..."where does the love go?")
Have you thought of just counseling for yourself? I think your inability to deal with SD and all that comes with her...and all the resentment that boils to the surface has a lot to do with why you feel like bailing. DH can't understand why you feel the way you could you not love his precious little girl???
Fix YOU first. Then make the decision.
I know you love him. Still...after all this time. If he came home tonight, flowers in hand and professed his adoration... he'd be forgiven.
It's that damn resentment that gets in the way for all of us and our great loves. But you BOTH think the other is at fault and you both need to find that middle ground where accountability and blame meet. It's just really hard to apologize when you're just not sorry.
Call me if you need to talk. I'm always here.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
I completely agree
Counselor for YOU.
More thoughts to follow.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
counseling seems like the best bet for you
First, I am so sorry to hear you're going through this. You have been through so much together, and I can only imagine how painful it is to even be considering throwing in the towel after all that time. I hope you can convince him to go to therapy again. If it helped before, it can and will help again. It sounds like you are hurting, but still open to working it out. As long as he is in the same mindset, you guys have hope.
In answer to your question though, my ex threatened to divorce me every time we got in a fight and he didn't get his way. It was just part of the litany of horrible things he would say, because he was a man who hit with his words. I would rather stand there silently crying and take it than say something I did not mean and would regret, but that was not the case with him. After too many rounds of this abuse followed by "baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it" He just shattered my heart. Not broke it, shattered it, nothing left to put back together. I felt it happen, and it was the worst feeling of my life. In that moment, tears streaming, I looked him in the eye and said "pay attention, because unlike you, I do NOT say things I do not mean and ask for forgiveness later. Never in our 8 years together have I said this, but I am saying it now, and unlike you, I MEAN IT, I'm done, I want a divorce." And I walked out the door.
It was hard, I lived in my car and on friends couches for 2 months after that. Had a desperate love affair with a big strong lug of a guy that was all you could ever ask for in a rebound. (okay, that part wasn't so hard)
In the end, I got my own apartment, and moved on. I left the house, the cats, everything, though I did get some of that back when the divorce was finalized. I don't suggest you could do exactly the same, with children to consider. I suggest you contact a lawyer to discuss your options if there truly is no working it out. I would NOT suggest leaving the children or the home, as it can be considered abandonment legally and you forfeit any stake in the house if you do that....
Best wishes to you!!!!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
You know, northern ...
I read somewhere last night that the leaver was usually the stronger of the two. I'm not very strong right now. Shattered is a good adjective to my feelings right now. I slept about 8 yrs last night &. Feel pretty good this morning....but only on my 2nd cup of coffee so far.
Yesterday I asked him how many birthday parties had he ever thrown for me since we been married? He said -none - then came back with but your birthday is in January and-I cut him off and said sorry that my birthday is an inconvenience. Then asked him how many I have thrown him....he held his head down. I sware our whole life is like that I'm not here to only take care of him. I have feelings too and need more than anything for him to acknowledge and try instead of using some lame excuse....january-what is that? Laziness!
Some things are worth fighting for and some things are not. If he can't learn to be not so selfish-he will wake up to no wife anymore. If I do everything on my own anyway-why should he get a free ride? Arg....
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think you're right
My heart hurts for you, hearing you feel that way, it's the most awful feeling a person can have...
Even after that moment, I knew I was doing the right thing for both of us. It all ended up being "my fault" and I lost friends, etc. But I KNEW he would never be strong enough to just end it. I was ALWAYS the catalyst in our relationship, any progress we made together as a couple was through my will and initiative, it was only fitting I be the one to end it too. I accepted that as one more responsibility I had for "us" and did what had to be done. I'm sure now he'd say I did him a favor, he's engaged to the blonde preppy girl he always wished I was. :sick:
I find it funny you mention the birthday party. I basically FORCED him to throw me a 30th birthday party a month before we split up. I raised hell saying I DO EVERYTHING for everyone, including him, planning birthday parties, trips, baby showers, everything, and no one does squat for me so once, just this once, I am going to have a nice party and not be the one making all the arrangements. Needless to say, my party was a bust, once again reiterating, if you want something done right....
My favorite was the year my friend gave us tickets to see U2 for my birthday. Somehow this stressed him too much to remember to get me a present, b/c he came home late, from the mall with a paper bag. In it was a men's t-shirt with a logo I sort of liked on it, but way too big, and a CD he wanted. No card, nothing. happy freakin birthday.
You can only give so much and get nothing back for so long before you start to wonder why the hell you even bother??? Yup, free ride indeed....
I hope coffee brings clarity today, I know it's always good for that for me!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I promised bd 13
Yesterday, that I would take her to the mall today. Maybe....just maybe I will find a sexy, but classy, little black dress that I can wear downtown tonight. He is working and I don't have any plans, so this really could be an opportunity. Do you remember that old Reba song...she doesn't want to leave, but she's wondering if there is life out there?
Shopping always makes me feel better.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
DO IT!!!
Yes yes yes, hot sexy dress, maybe some black boots, if nothing else, TAKE those admiring glances, and use it to remember how wonderful you truly are! If a perfect stranger can admire you, don't you think you deserve that from your husband!!!
Here's wishing you an AMAZING time!!!!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I had heard this song before, but right around the time of my divorce, it REALLY made sense to me:
Your Heart is an Empty Room--deathcab for cutie
Burn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
Home's face: how it ages when you're away
Spring blooms and you find the love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
Cause the chase is all you know
And she stopped running months ago
And all you see is where else you could be When you're at home
And out on the street Are so many possibilities to not be alone
The flames and smoke climbed out of every window
And disappeared with everything that you held dear
But you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
Cause you knew you were finally free
Cause all you see is where else you could be, When you're at home
Out on the street are so many possibilities to not be alone
And all you see is where else you could be,
when you're at home,
There on the street,
are so many possibilities to not be alone
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Colorado Girl...
I need to burn something !!!!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Come visit us!
You should come visit annabihik and me in Colorado. We could all go skiing or something.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
We could make snow DH's and
We could make snow DH's and smash them.
To every thing there is a season.
I just tried to call you
I pray this situation works out the best for you. 2009 has to be better doesn't it?
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
2009-it just has to be.....
Thanks for the advice Harley....... Miss ya..
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
When is your birthday????
You need a counselor for YOU. RIGHT now.
If he doesn't want to do it then he deserves the outcome if you decide to leave. When I left exH, we had been through counseling a few years before. That time ExH did NOT want to go. Then I made the appt for me and exH panicked and went "So the therapist doesn't just hear YOUR side." That round of counseling was what I call a band-aid on our marriage. We ended up having BS number 2 after counseling. Another attempt on both our parts to cement me in the marriage.
New Years Eve 1999 was the night I realized I wanted out. A few days later, a pic of ExH with my sons, not smiling because he didn't feel well, shocked me into finally realizing I had to go. I had made a lovely spread for him and the boys, and he spent most of the night in bed complaining about having a bad cold. So midnight strikes and I take a pic with him and the boys. A week or so later I get them developed. And Exh's expression, his inability to fake a smile in a pic with the boys on New Years Eve, made him look just like almost every expressionless pic his miserable, miserly father ever took. And I thought, "OMG. I am married to my FIL." Exh was always complaining about the things most important to me, was always insinuating I wasn't strong enough to be on my own. So eventually he left me no choice but to show him I could.
One day, a few months later, I was folding laundry when he complained I wasn't folding his pants properly for the crease. I said, "Well at least I finally "learned" how to fold your T-shirts." And he laughed sarcastically saying, "Sure you did." I went off. We argued, and as I walked out of the room I said quietly to myself, "I will NOT spend the next 40 years feeling this way. The next time this happens I am just going to say it- I want a divorce."
A few weeks later, while getting ready to go to my families for a b-day, he got peeved because I was sorting through some of older BSs clothes to find something to fit his 18 mos old little brother. We were running behind. The kids still needed bathed. Rather than asking what he could do to help, he complained about how I ALWAYS made us late. Rather than even thinking he should start a bath for the boys, it was about ME not getting everyone ready.
I told him I wanted a divorce.
He asked where the hell that came from.
I asked where he had been the other 4 or more times I had said it in the 9 years we were married.
It is a tough road SW. You must be sure of your wants and needs, and be prepared for all the people who will tell you that you are wrong, including possibly your own children. My kids were 2 and 5 and greatly oblivious. Your are old enough to blame, try to manipulate, etc. I'm not sure if they would or not, but there's a lot you must be certain about.
One thing in particular is that I no longer felt anything near love for or from my exH by that point. I felt contempt. I felt tolerance. I felt obligation. I didn't want him to even touch me. If you still love him, you have a lot of sorting out to do before you bring up divorce.
I always suggest people go through a trial separation. I wanted to, but my exh thought he had a better chance of changing my mind if he was living with me. It had the opposite effect. Every longing, heartbroken stare, every attempt to intimidate me or manipulate my emotions to get me to stay, only made me want him gone sooner.
Maybe if you get another place to stay, you will both find out if you miss each other or feel relief instead. And that will tell you plenty.
Counseling - yes. For you alone if he won't go, probably even if he does go.
And we need to plan a road trip to meet up somewhere in the middle for a girls weekend in Jan!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
January 9th
Dh is very selfish. He does things that benefit him. Ex 1. When we went out the other night...I said let's take your truck-he said what? What if it gets broke into? (omg?) ok I said we can take my 40,000 Yukon so your 27,000 brand new truck stays safe tucked in the garage.. Ex 2. Same night..I mentioned he could suprise me with a little trip, he said....there is an upcoming gunshow in Nashville...I was like WTF? Fine! On my birthday trip we can go to nashville and you spend it at the gunshow & I will stay with Sunshine and maybe she can introduce me to her boss. He asked what she did and I said she works for a lawyer -a DIVORCE lawyer. That shut him up.
I don't want to hurt my kids, I love them more than I feel unloved. But I'm not sure if that's a healthy thing.
I'm ready to get out and meet up too..,,, my works schedule has changed and I'm still trying to figure things out.....
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Where we going?????
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Anywhere but here...sounds good to me...
I never learned to snow ski....water skiing-no problem....snow ??? I would probably cause an avalanche!!
I vote hot sun, beach, & bikinis !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
and if there's sand and water, even BETTER. If it's somewhere I can drive to, I'm there. BD 3 is hopefully starting preschool in Jan, so it will be easier to get a sitter for her, or my oldest BS can do it after school every day while I'm gone.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Oh my beloved SW - I just
Oh my beloved SW - I just read your text and came here to read through this blog. I am so sorry that you are going through this - you are such a special, amazing, loving, exceptional woman and you deserve to be treated as such. I know what it is like to give so much and feel like you are not getting anything in return at times. I am off work today and am here if you need to talk. You know you are always welcome here in the cold, snowy midwest if you need to get away. Please stay strong and take the time to take care of yourself!! I love you my wonderful friend - we are all here for you!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
I must say...
As a child of "parents who stayed for us" I never encourage that myself. We knew they stayed for us. At least we THOUGHT we knew it. But after some really tough talks with my mom when I left my marriage (one hurtful letter where she was angry that I couldn't make the same sacrifice she made for me) I realized she didn't stay for me really. Once we all moved out my disabled brother was her excuse. Once he went to a home she still made excuses.
She did finally leave my dad after spending a weekend at our women's writing retreat. My dad is a hoarder and it's bad. Like the people you see on Oprah bad. So my mom wrote in her journal at the retreat, "I can no longer remain in a place where there is literally no room for me to create."
And sublet an apartment from a co-worker.
BUT here's the catch-
My dad still did things for her. He ended up staying with her when she had foot surgery then knee replacement. Then he never left. He sleeps in the guest room. They still have THREE other properties they own outright, but live in a duplex paying RENT. Every once in a while she says something about how she doesn't know how to get him out. Then this Christmas they gave us professional pics of them together.
Mom loves my dad. It's all I can figure. And no matter how much we tried to get her to leave him she can't seem to do it. She's old. She's secure there. Feels safe. Whatever the reason.
So NO SW. Please don't just stay for the kids. But do figure out if you still love him for real, otherwise you may leave and regret it, or have trouble if he moves on. There's a good test. When I left my exH, I could have cared LESS if he slept with another woman. That is a vital sign. If you can't stomach the thought? Then you have to figure out how to get some help for your marriage.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Do I love him .... YES
I don't know tho what kind of love it is? Is it my co-dependent love in which I feel the need to take care of him?
Is it a 17year bond love of security?
Is it a love that he gave me my children?
I know I wouldn't like it if he slept with someone else...because I could not ever do that! Hell, he has little 21yo bartenders flirting with him downtown. He could get a younger model I know....they love offical men in uniform..
I don't know what kind of love I feel for him? But I feel a lot of resentment. I know that, it would be so easy for me to make a case if why I should leave, but it would take a much longer time making a case why I should remain mrs. Stepwitch.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
And this means
that there is simply too much crap between the two of you that has taken place for you to be able to sort out your feelings. Would he go stay with someone in his family for a couple months so that you can each take a break? This could make him realize what he is doing (or not doing that he should be).
Make a list of the good points of yur marriage and the bad points. A counselor may tell you to do this as well. See where that leaves you.
"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac
I just don't like that you feel he could trade you in on a younger model SW. You shouldn't even feel that he would consider that! You are fantastic, and one hot mama as someone said above (and I've seen you in REAL life, not just your pics!)
Those other kinds of love....hmmm...I had the 11 years together security love and gave me two sons love for my exH. And the "taking care of" love I felt for my long ago abusive high school boyfriend who was a drug addict.
Those are NOT lasting love.
Co parents...
Not enough to stay.
Now I didn't care if my exH cheated by the time I was ready to leave him. I almost wished he would so everyone (my brother and mom in particular were not happy I was leaving him) would feel I was justified. I am proud that neither of us ever crossed that line (though he thought I did because it was easier for him to think that I left him for someone else, rather than to be alone.)
So do you think you would be upset he cheated? Or can you really not stand the thought of him happy with someone else? Those are two totally different things, and a big window into your soul right now. If he cheated on you would just anger you that he betrayed you? Then you probably aren't in love with him, and it's a matter of principal. But if you were divorced and one day saw him happy with someone else would THAT make you unhappy? Or relieved. Those are the things you need to sort out before knowing if you should leave.
I will also say though SW, that you can love someone and still let them go. As a matter of fact you can love someone, they can love you, and you can still end something that is otherwise unhealthy. I have done it myself. It is the hardest thing to do though. Like someone died hard.
I wish I could come see you right away. I hate that we are so far apart. Maybe if we can't get a beach/warm get away (I really can't afford it) maybe you could head to your family's and I could come there? That's only 5 or 6 hours away from me, and inlaws can always watch BD 3 while we hang out.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra could ALL
come here...I'm in the middle......
You and many others here are my...
Councelors!!! I don't take that lightly!! Be assured!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
You and many others here are my...
Councelors!!! I don't take that lightly!! Be assured!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
You and many others here are my...
Councelors!!! I don't take that lightly!! Be assured!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I still think you need to consult an attorney-on the downlow
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
just go talk to one, find out where you stand, legally.
I wanted to walk out of the house with my ex-just gather up the kids & walk. But I didn't-because posession is 9/10's of the law, as the saying goes. I remember being so furious, and just wanted him to be the one at home, wondering where the hell I was and what I was doing for a chnage. But I didn't leave because of the kids. Got his butt kicked out, tho. Ended up having to leave the house after the divorce, simply because I couldn't afford it.
Even if you change your mind, thru the ebb and flow of emotions that come with a decision like this, you'll feel empowered just knowing what steps need to be taken.
The thing about your original post that really got to me was him coming down on you for not parenting the skid like you parented your own. Ummm. Unrealistic, to say the least. A skid is just that-not your own. And even if you love the skid, it's not going to be the same. But after 17 years? I mean, you have been together that long and he's still bitchin about your stepparenting skills?
I'm wondering what goes on in his mind-he asked you if you wanted out. Which implies to me that he's been thinking along those lines somewhat himself. So go to an attorney. Get some sound legal advice. Usually people don't bring up something (like ask you if you want out) unless it's been somewhere in their own mind.
Sw...I do agree that
perhaps a PROFESSIONAL counselor will be good for you. We can help, but a professional can point out things that maybe your friends cannot. He might also be more receptive to you telling him how your really feel. I know that you are a people pleaser, and that may be hard for you, but sometimes it helps to tell the person we really don't want to, how we really feel. When you told him about the headache, at least he responded like you wanted, so I think there is hope.....
You are posting exactly how I've felt too stepwitch
I could have written your post word for word, I feel so much the same way. I don't even think it's so much we want to be put on a pedastal as it is we want to be valued and respected for all we contribute. I feel alot of the time my fh doesn't value me as a person and all I contribute to our's almost like he EXPECTS it. If he appreciates it, it doesn't show...or maybe it does, but he also does things, like support bm, that make me feel betrayed. What really irks me is that I'm not even married to mine and he seems to expect things from me that you would normally expect from a wife...and yet I don't even get the engagement ring and all that jazz. Even though he's basically a good man, I feel taken advantage of in alot of ways...whether that's true or not remains to be seen...but I do know I feel like my needs aren't being met...which sounds like what your complaint is.
I also know the flurry of emotions your feeling. I wanted to leave a few days ago after a large fight(while my mom was in the hospital no less). It's so hard and emotionally draining when someone we love makes us feel bad. I had a complete breakdown while trying to get some things together to leave for the night...and I started sobbing uncontrollably. FH came to comfort me...which wasn't all that comforting because he was still pretty emotionally distant. I told him that I didn't know where I's like, I wanted to be somewhere that was home while I was having my breakdown, but I didn't know where home was. It doesn't feel like our house is home sometimes...and my old place isn't really a home anymore since I moved in with FH...I just felt completely lost. FH was supportive and kind of understood...but also was angry that I didn't feel like our house was my home. So it was just a bad night.
I hear what your saying and really get where you're coming from. Try not to make any snap decisions right now. Give yourself time to cool off, cry, and get the emotional part out. Then you can make a logical decision of what to do next.
Big hugs to you!
I am so sorry you feel bad honey!! I think the counselor for YOU thing is good (if he won't do it too), and possibly a DL attorney consultation but only if you can keep it an absolute secret!
I hate the thought of you being unhappy, and it sounds like you have some valid points but! sometimes things are said in anger, that are given more import than they really have, you know, especially when people have been drinking! I know the saying about a drunk man's words equals sober man's thoughts, but I don't think that is always true, just that a passing thought that is better left unsaid gets screamed out instead!
The reason I know this? I was a pretty solid drinker for a long time but with long periods where I don't. Recently I have started a little just for stress relief because of h. getting laid off job, etc. SD not speaking to us for trying to parent her, the holidays, etc. but on Christmas Eve I realized that my h. is the one who should not drink!! He got mad over something stupid then went to bed early and I slept on the couch, which sucked! The next day, it blew over (after I told him off). Point being, if we hadn't been drinking, or if we hadn't been drinking white russians (forbidden now), we maybe could have had a better holiday.
So if it was a drunk argument, just take time to feel better and let things calm down. I am not saying your feelings are not valid, just take time to think things thru and not act too hastily!! It sounds like you have a nice life together and he can be sweet, he is just a *&$^#( man and therefore a ding-dong! no offense guys. I wish we could get together but never can do anything. Hang in there, we love you and want a complete report ;)!!!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
You don't, you just have him
You don't, you just have him served! haha
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Hello my friend
We just talked and I read your post. I'll call you tomorrow. I think the most important thing you have done is to express your feelings to not only yourself but your partner. Sometimes, life puts us against a wall, forcing us to look at ourselves and decide the direction we want to go. Sometimes, we need to go through difficult times so that we can make change. I am sorry you feel so sad, but please know, you are not alone, you will be okay, and things will turn for you in the exact direction you need them to go. Have faith in yourself. You are an amazing person. We have all made mistakes and can reflect on our lives, and question our step parenting for example or anything else and come out thinking we are less than perfect or don't have a solid ground to stand on when faced with adversity. But truth be told, we do the best we can, and I know you. I know the love you explode out of your heart and I know this too will pass. Have a good cry and know you are loved.
Thank you!!
I'm glad you called, but I apologize for not being able to thru my tears. How horrible. Please have a safe and hapy new year !!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I'm sorry that I don't have any really good advice for you. I'm kind of ignorant in that department.
I'm really sorry that you're feeling so badly.
You're in my thoughts.
If there's anything I can do, let me know.
I understand how annoying it
I understand how annoying it is for DH to take up for BM. We just had that discussion (FIGHT) around here on Sunday.
Basically, the BM can do anything she wants and is never held accountable. I, on the other hand, cannot do anything to upset the poor dear. DH wants me to be quiet and lay low until the child support is all over (6 more months).
HAY, I"M THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE GETTING THE SPECIAL TREATMENT AROUND HERE!! I try to see the point, keeping the peace, because anger only forces her to be more annoying to us. However, I just told DH that now, after 10 years, I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT TRAMP DETERMINE MY BEHAVIOR ANY LONGER. She gets in my face, I'm going to tell her to back off and let the fur fly. She's been fine until she got on my facebook adding my family and crap. So after all this time of telling me to back off from her, I told her to back the f*** up from me. It felt so good.
If you leave your husband, your standard of living may go down and you will never have your kids like you have them now. If you can possibly stay, and be "armed" with your new attitude and stand your ground, I bet you can make progress with DH. I have, and I'm unapologetic about it. He isn't happy that I won't let her walk on me, but I certainly am.
We may have to accept that he doesn't always show love the way I want him to, but he does show it in many ways that I might not appreciate enough. he comes home to me every night, he takes his job seriously.
I'm hoping good things for you and good changes between you and DH. I think marriages with BMs and SKIDs have an extra difficult challenge to make it work. Its a wonder that any of us make it through to 18!