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I want to kill them but I'll let my DH do it!

Dreamer's picture

I just went outside to give the dogs fresh water and glanced at the window air conditioning unit. The girls have smashed the back completely flat! No wonder it hasn't been working right this week! It will cost 200.00 dollars we don't have to replace it if DH cant fix it! I am sick and tired of my 11 and 12 year old SD's acting like five year olds!

They don't shower unless told, they don't wear deoderant unless told, don't brush their teeth, can't use a knife, have the manners of a toddler, constantly interupt conversations and phone calls, are nosey as hell, are CONSTANTLY caught in lies! And I think they came to live with DH and I to late. I don't think there is any help for them. In the almost four months they have lived with us they have barely improved. Was their BM blind! How could she stand living with them like this! They won't even follow the simplist of house rules! They are on constant restriction and see all their problems as My! fault!

Sorry I just needed to vent since the air conditioner was bought for me as my first aniversary gift. What can I say... I'm very hot natured


Chel Bell's picture

I always wondered the same can the BM stand living w/ them like this.......then I realized the answer........She is just like them!!!"~waiting on the world to change~"

StepLightly's picture

Could stand living with my SDs because she was never home. What a concept!

frustratedinMA's picture

My prob w/the skids is their bm treats her belongings badly, and allows them to.. They were brought up to not have nice things, and take it out on nice things that I have when they can.

Are the girls not used to your standard of living? I am NOT making excuses for them, just asking. Also, do they have a savings account at all? I would have them replace that unit w/money from their account for breaking it. Nothing teaches a child faster than having to replace something w/thier OWN money.

Sorry about the A/C

Dreamer's picture

No their BM never gave them an allowence. She used the CS to pay her bills and her money to spend on herself.

Since they've moved in we haven't started an allowence either. One b/c we were still paying CS till last week (we've had the kids since March) so money has been very tight. And it didn't help I had to quit my job to care for them!

And 2 b/c their behavior has been out of control and they don't deserve it.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

2nd Mommy's picture

They are seeing how much they can get away with. Stick to your guns. GOOD LUCK!:)

Harleygal's picture

I have the same problem with deodorant with my BD as you have with your SD's. She interrupts my conversations as well and questions everything I tell her to do. Maybe it's just the age or maybe the fact that mine lives with her dad 50% of the time. He doesn't make her do anything while she is with him as far as picking up after herself etc.. He treats her like a friend rather than his kid. When she is with me I become the "meanie weanie" to her because I enforce rules and she has to actually do things.

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac