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Dreamer's Blog

BM is up to something

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I know I'm posting alot today, sorry. BM just called "me!" She wanted to know if it was ok to highlight SD12's hair (BM is a REALLY bad hairdresser). WTF? She's NEVER asked our permission for anything before. She says it's b/c "SD12 lives with you now" not "because the "girls" live with you now". I wonder if she talked SD11 to moving back in with her.

Georgia is growing!

Dreamer's picture

We constantly Blog about the states we live in not recognizing step parents. That it's like we don't exsist in their laws.

Well yesterday I went to fill out the benefits papers for my new job. It's a state owned school so it means great benefits. DH and I had talked about it and I told him I wanted benefits through my new job and he said he had to get benefits through his job b/c of the skids.

Sigh... I'm free!

Dreamer's picture

I'm free till next Friday! No skids! Their BM ACUALLY! showed up! Can you beleave it? SD11 asked if I would tell her BM her feeding schedule. I said "Do what?" She said if I don't tell her BM then BM won't cook for her and she'll have to feed herself. I laughed. For a week know SD11 has been a pain in the butt complaining about my home, my cooking, and everything else. I told her it's one week you'll survive.

LOL Yall made me burn my tea

Dreamer's picture

I was so wrapped up in reading posts I forgot all about it. No really I love you all.

Today in a good day! The girls are at camp, DH is at work, and I'm home aaallll... alone Smile The skids are suppose to be picked up tomorrow by their BM too. If she comes... But I really don't care. If she doesn't then the skids will know once again what I lier she is. We've told them in the past that the things she said about DH and I were lies and now she helping to prove it.

It's been continued

Dreamer's picture

When we got there the state had SD12 a lawyer. After I told him what happened he told me I had filed the wrong charges against her. He said I should have filed battery, criminal trespass, and criminal mischief. The battery for hitting, and the trespass and mischief for breaking and throwing things. He said I didn't do her a favor for not fiing the charges.

Today's the day...

Dreamer's picture

We've got to go to court today for SD's fit back in May. I don't know why but I'm nervous. I know nothing is going to happen to me. SD12 was upset about it yesterday. She kept saying I've been good for the past four days. Yeah well four days don't make up for three months. DH talked with BM two days ago and she's pissed that I'm still going through with it. BM said we are doing it to punish her... umm ok... I think she's fishing for excuses and reasons not to come get the girls today. I won't be surprised if she doesn't show up.

I'm acually not venting!

Dreamer's picture

The skids loved camp yesterday! And I loved a few minutes to myself! They did have to come home early though. SD12 peed in her plants! I know it shocked me too. By that age you would think she would go to the bathroom or ask someone where it is. DH was shocked too.

It dawned on me that they'll be gone next week too. YEAH! Their BM plans on picking them up Thursday after SD12's court date. That is if the courts will let her go.

Hehe I love a small town!

Dreamer's picture

I went to the store a minute ago and ran into one of the Elementary school teachers. She told me drama camp was going on at the park this week, here in town. Small town and everyone, no matter if they know us or not, knows we are broke. She invited the Skids to go to camp this week for FREE! Yeah!

So now I get my days to myself this week! Yeah me! All except Thursdat when SD12 has her court date.
