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Dreamer's Blog

Update: Good news!

Dreamer's picture

After all the advice and talking with DH. we came up with a solution! I'm now back at my old job full time and DH quit his job!

He's going to stay home and take care of his own kids till he can find a local job. I'm going to work and pay the household bills till then. Then after that, there will be his money and my money.

DH hurt me again and I'm still here (long)

Dreamer's picture

A little back note: Every Saturday morning while I'm cooking DH come up behind me and starts pestering the hell out of me.

Well this Saturday I was about to start breakfast and the skids wouldn't shut up about french toast. Well I told them to get in the car b/c we were out of cinnamon.

When we got back from the grocery store DH had started breakfast and waiting for the cinnamon. Well I desided to pester him. After all, all things are fair in love and war.

I'm either crazy or starting to go crazy

Dreamer's picture

Yesterday DH and I took the skids to get their hair cut. SD12 has been wanting to cut hers very short and BM informed us that we were not allowed to let her do it. Oh well BM doesn't live her so now she kinda looks like a boy since she doesn't even try to style her hair. SD11 only got a trim. But they all gained up on me to get my hair cut. I only get my hair cut maybe once a year and a ponytail holder is my best friend. My mother even called and put in her two cents worth.

2 hours with BM and now they are heathens again!

Dreamer's picture

This past weekend we went to North Carolina to see my MOL. BM lives there so she came to see the girls. She wouldn't come get the girls at my MOL's house (just like she won't come to Georgia to get or see them). Instead we had to meet her at a gas station 10 miles from the house. She said she was going to spend time with them and call when she was ready for us to meet her, to get the girls. She kept the girls for just under 2 hours.

DH and I had it out because of SD12

Dreamer's picture

As most of you know, Monday thru Friday it's just Skids and I, no DH. Friday he came home early and we went to file the CS papers. Then when the girl got home from school he spent the rest of the night entertaining them. At one point SD12 had his Sonic Ear, which he uses while hes deer hunting. She played with it over an hour then I found it in the floor. I had to tell her three times to put it up. She kept saying she was still playing with it. At that time I gave her the choice on punishment or putting it away, telling her she could save the batteries and play with it outside tomorrow.

I tried updating yesterday but AOL kept messing up

Dreamer's picture

I was so mad at BM yesterday! I got to school for SD12's meeting and two teachers and the councilor came in. I was thinking something must be VERY wrong! But what it was is SD is suppose to be in special education. I was floored! I didn't think she had any problems in school. Teacher said she was suppose to be special needs classes for Math, Reading, and Social Studies. But then they told me she was in a advanced reading level for her age and grade. I was also informed that the state of North Carolina never even tested her before placing her in any of these classes.
