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Dreamer's Blog

SD's school called

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SD12's school called DH. Usually they call me since I'm at home. It seems that they got her school records from North Carolina finally. BM never let us know what was going on and the girls are hush hush about it. But what ever is in that file, the school is wanting both of us to meet with them at 2pm.

I'm thinking of sending this email to the BM, what do you think?

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Until you sign a paper giving over primary custody to DH, the girls have no insurance. The Medicaid they had in North Carolina is not valid in Georgia and DH's insurance won't pick them up till he has paperwork showing that he has primary custody. They also are ineligible for emergency insurance her in Georgia. We are not asking you to give up your rights to the girls, just sign over primary custody of them. You will still get your visitation rights. Family and Children Services says you also need to close out their Medicaid in North Carolina.

I don't think my hair is going to last long enough to becaome grey!

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I'm ready to pull all my hair out! My Skids have been bugging DH and I to get them a hamster. We argreed they could have one IF they behaved and did well in school for one month. Well the skids have chores in the house. They have to clean the kitchen together, put away their clothes that I wash, and care for their dogs. Neither one can do these things if I don't stay on them constantly. Yet they keep wanting more responciblities because they think they are all grown up.

Skids told their BM today

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Skids told their BM today that they won't be moving back to her home at the end of the school year :). BM then processed to do everything in her power to make them feel guilty. The tears, yelling, say things like: "was I not a good mother? Do you not love me anymore? Why's it better at dad's, Ann's (me) there and you hate Ann?" This woman was horrible! The girls got histerical on the phone crying. Do get me wrong I'm sure BM's hurting but she is the one who kicked her 10 and 12 year old out of the house for getting suspended off the bus!

I'm feeling selfish today

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As I've said before I had to quit my job to care for my two ungrateful stepdaughters. So no there is no money at all. Plus the psyco BM is still getting her child support until we can go to court next month. It's hard to pay any bills on the one income with two more people to care for plus the child support. I don't even know how we are going to pay rent this month.

All BM could do is laugh

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My husband called BM yesterday and confronted her on her trying to screw us over. He also told her that he was taking her for custady of my two SD's. She just laughed and told him that for the past five years that's what she wanted to do and he wouldn't be able to see his girls again.

First Blog so here's my story

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I met my husband 5 years ago. We were both truck drivers so dating was out of the question so instead we talked on the phone non stop for two week, then we started driving together (much cheaper). After two weeks in the truck together we had a load go thru Las Vegas so we stopped and got married. Total time we knew each other: 1 month, the number of times I had met his kids: 0
