Week on and Week off Schedule
I have read in several post from yall that several have the week on week off schedule with the kids. We are trying for that with my ss. BM said it will only confuse him if it is that way and that it is way too much back and forth. SS is 7 will be 8 in Sept. currently we get one night a week and every other weekend. That means in a 2week period there is 6 back and forth trips as opposed to if we did get week at a time that would be one pick up from dad and one pick up from mom in a 2 week period. I would think she would see the good in this as it less she has to deal with us and vice versa. thoughts?
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it's the $$$
If the skids "live" w/ BM and she collects CS, that $$ would stop, because you have SS half the time, and she has him half. That's the way it went for us when we had our skids like that....BM went crazy cause she was not going to get CS anymore, and started saying the same thing yours is right now, she did not care about that it would be good for skids or not.~"I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!"~
Not so...
I still get CS for 50/50 custody. Not as much as I would for full custody but my ExH still pays. BM collected 500 bucks a month (and she's an administrative RN) when DH and BM shared 50/50 custody (SD was here 4 nights, TH-M and at BM's MTW.) So that shouldn't be much of a concern. What may be for this BM is if she has legal custody (all decision making.) If she doesn't, then the only thing that would change is less CS and more equal time.
Week to week is not how we started out with my sons by the way. The BOYS pressed us for it. We do alternate Mondays though, once again because the boys don't like not seeing us for seven days straight. So it's the same back and forth as when we did half a week alternating weekends.
SD begged BM for week to week when the case was going on, and we were willing to try it. At the time BM had NO weekends and apparently didn't want any. She fought DH throughout mediation to take SD even one weekend a month, and then reduced her weekdays so she had her less than before. SD actually only goes to BM's 2 days less a month (when they are seeing each other) than she did with the old shared parenting schedule, but now BM pays us.
CS amount and time spent together are not always connected.
“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks
depends on ur BM
mine doesnt care whats best for the kid, she only cares about how she can control my fiance and me and the entire situation...AND she want sto see us as much as possible bc then she can torment us. we just fought over this in court...she wanted to pick SD up from daycare and drop her off at our house instead of having us get her simply bc she doesnt want me at daycare and this way she has control over him. i personally owuld hate one wk on, one wk off but thats me. i think it could work out great for the kid if both parents can get along and theres no PAS going on or whatever. but i also think that something like this, that big of a change, would need to go thru the courts and since BM wont agree and theres really no grounds for it, and visitation is already established i dont see it happening. i think the courts are reluctant to make that drastic a change unless something is going on.
We do have list of issues
SS has ADD and she has not been giving him his meds. she tells us that she does not and the school calls my H to see if he has had it cause ss said he does not feel right and needs his med. Also he relationship with her signifigant other is volatile at times and it is very hard on ss. Then there is the PAS issue that we deal with. I have a daily journal I keep recording all the events and have some doozies on what she has told her son infront of us. Also he missed 17 days of school this year and was late 10 times due to her just not wanting to go to work and him staying home with her and she has withheld our visitation on 6 occasions in the last year. We are not worried about the $ although H way over pays for one child based on his salary but that is not our concern. BM is childish and very sad and we see ss taking on her ways and actions and want more time so he is not influenced by it so much. If he were not with his dad and I he would think that hitting your siginifigant other in the face with a high heel was normal. he has told me several times that he does not want a wife or girlfriend that hits him like his mom hits her Signifigant other. Granted that does not occur everyday the hitting and but the fights are probably 3 or more times a week and this concerns H cause he knows what she is like and capable of. so I think we got some good issue to back us. we are going to court over this too...she would never agree on her own even though ss tells us he would love it cause he loves all of us
well in that case
maybe u should go for full custody w HER having visitation, no? good luck w this...i really hope it turns out the way u and ur SS need it to.
I just want
what is best for ss. We talke about full custody but we feared that would mess him up becasue despite how BM acts he loves her very much and is just as torn by her actions as we are. I now know what my mama meant by raising kids is hard
I did hate it....
it was NOT a good schedule for me at all. BM had the skids signed up for every possible activity known to man, and guess who had to take them when they were w/ us......yup, me. DH worked nights at that time, soooo I was "the mommy". I had to bring them to everything, as well as put up w/ them coming over w/ hardly any clothes...and god forbid they forgot something. BM even complained that they came back to her house"dirty, and unshowered"....that's a f- joke, cause that's how WE got them. I could go on and on, but having them that often made BM a big part of our lives....there is no way I could do it now. We stopped that schedule after a couple of months, cause we told the judge when we went to court all the shit she was pulling, and she was so mad about not getting any $$ that she was using this as a tool to make us all miserable. It was after that, that I really started to disengage....I told DH that I would not be a cab driver/babysitter for their spawn anymore. We'll pay the EX-OFF repellant, and live in peace.~"I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!"~
I feel for your SD, thats tough on a kid when their mother just does not want to see them.I know my last post was nasty, but I have been so beat down by BM, I just don't care anymore. I had such high hopes in the beginning. And my Ex husband and I don't treat eachother, or our kids that way. I wanted to be their for my skids, and help them , but I was being used, really by everyone involved. I think our situation w/ CS was odd, then again, the state of FL does alot of odd things when it comes to divorce, custody, and kids. I do belive, in a good situation, when parents can communicate like adults should, the skids will reap alot of benifits w/ a schedule like that, because they still "have both" parents.~"I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!"~
Yeah....me too
But there will HAVE to come a day when SD takes out her anger on who is CAUSING it, rather than on us all the time. SD totally projects/transfers the anger onto us. It's frustrating.
“I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.” ~Louise Brooks
Where I live, the trend is
Where I live, the trend is to go with 50/50. Most of the kids in my son's class have divorced parents and almost all of them are on a 50/50. These were pretty recent divorces, so I think it's a fairly new trend. I think it's great that both parents get equal time with their children and I wholy support that. But I wonder if all that back-and-forth is really good, especially if you have a child struggling in school or active in a lot of extracurriculars. I think it works for some families, but maybe not all families. I think it would be better if one parent had primary residential and the kid was there every school night, then the other parent had the kid during summer vacation, school holidays, etc. with both parents alternating holidays. I know 50/50 wouldn't work for my skids. They both have learning disabilities, ADHD, one has PDD, ODD, etc. With all that to deal with, the only way they can be successful is with consistency and I don't think they can get enough of that alternating weeks. I don't really care about the money, even though we would pay nothing if we had them half the time. My skids are just not good candidates for this type of schedule. I think some kids thrive in it this situation and others flounder. I think it's worth trying, but I'd remain flexible in case it doesn't work out.
♥ Georgia ♥
"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)
We just feel
that we are missing so much of his life only seeing him the days we do. On the weekend we do not have him we already go one week without seeing him. H is very involved with his school and stuff. when ss is with us he gives us no beef about doing homework or anything. he is sort of a model child but he goes to his mom's and he is a compeltely different kid like i do not even know him. we have issues to back getting more time see repsond to bellacita. I am just know that I am tired of SS being made feel gulity about coming to see us when he does and being made to feel bad for loving us by his BM. I also have no bio children so my emotions are whack about this cause I do love ss so very much. he may be the only ever pride and joy i have.
Have to comment -- for years
Have to comment -- for years we had my SS10 and SD8 for 25% time, 99.9% of which was weekend time, and my DH was missing so much in terms of their development w/school and friends, 1.5 yrs ago we requested 50% time, and after almost a year of mediation we got 50% time. The school sched is now M, T at BMs, W, Th at DHs and every other F, S, S switches, so ea. week the kids are w/one family five days in a row. For summer we will do 1 wk on/1 wk off, then switch back when school starts again. Frankly, the kids have really blossomed getting to spend school/friend time with DH, I think it is so important for kids to have both female and male bio models in their lives on a constant basis. Yes, the switching is hard but once the decision to made to divorce, I firmly believe it is the best possible outcome for kids, to be w/both parents for school, etc., and not just one. And there's lots of research to back that up, and the mediator (who was trained as a pyschologist and a nurse) was of that mindset as well (thankfully). I think 1 wk on/1 wk off might be easier for them but BM wasn't willing to do that year-round, and that's fine too.
I cannot adequately express how nice it is has been for SS and SD to "live" with their DH instead of just "vacationing" w/him on weekends, it has really informed their development and they are so much happier at our house, like it is really 'home.' It helps that the grown-ups all act like grown-ups, for the most part -- there is little to no PAS, e.g. (once in a awhile I think BM pushes DH out of the pic too much w/school administrators, but that's such a minor complaint in the big pic so I keep my mouth shut).
BMs who engage in overt PAS should be ashamed of themselves. Kids need both parents, period. Or they grow up w/a huge hole in their lives. They need to imprint from and model behavior of both mother and father, to feel that connection. IMO.
You might try digging up some research on the benefits of constant contact w/both parents (in their own homes, on their own time, as part of real life) to assist your quest for more time. Good luck.
thanks so much
for your comment. I have read some good research on the split time. My ss likes the idea but he says his mom tells him that she thinks he loves us more. Get a clue BM he loves you and his dad and do you not see if you would encourage the relationship with his dad that you and your son's relationship would improve 10 fold. Like I explained to my ss when he told me about the loving more I said look it is like your mom loves you and your little brother the same just like you love your mom and your dad. By far that is my ss best quality is his love for everyone. he does not want to hurt feelings although we tend to be the ones always getting ours hurt cause his mom is vicious. H and I want to be more of a part of his school as well. We enjoy the one night a week cause that puts him in our everyday life and your right it would not longer be considered visiting dad he would be living there too.I will say it again this is the hardest thing I have ever done is to be married to a mine who has a child that is not mine and love the child the way I do.
I think you and I are in the
I think you and I are in the same place except that I am sooo lucky that BM does not diminish my role or DH's role in kids' lives. She is hard to live alongside sometimes but things (boundaries) have improved over time, and I give her lots of credit for loving her kids enough to let DH parent them.
I am right there w/you-I love my skids like they were my own and would move mountains for them. In fact, I have
But they have a mom and I am v. careful to make that distinction, and defer to her. They are my kids but I am "only" their stepmom--v. little authority in some ways, v. little recognition for the parenting I do, by third parties. No bio-mom juice. Gosh it's hard. We are trying to have our own baby which would help my emotions, I think, but I'm 37.5 and it's not looking real good.
Whether or not we are in conflict at the moment with BM, as far as the kids know I am always v. careful to act as if the parents are totally on the same page and that BM is the greatest and that we are friends and in constant contact. I don't talk to them about the grown-up stuff; when we were going through mediation we had a strict rule about not talking to the kids about it. My SS said something once about the potential change, and BM explained that he had overheard something about a custody change re: his stepsister (BM's husband's daughter from a previous marriage). I am not so sure but as always I let it go w/out comment. I think kids should be protected from all that. I am thankful that I am not in your situation, where BM is telling them inappropriate stuff and then you get the questions from the kids, and need to find some way to answer.
Yes yes yes! That is so
Yes yes yes! That is so true. It's about control. In my case BM is v. controlling but I give her credit, again, for loving her kids enough to let go. It's gotten so much better over time. Her letting go of the need to control (and honestly my DH stepping up and not relying on her to do the heavy lifting anymore in lg. pt thanks to my influence), plus a better understanding and implementation of boundaries have quieted animosity betw. households considerably. Plus, there is less contact b/c w/50-50 switch times are primarily school drop offs/pick-ups. It is all so much nicer for everyone and esp. the kids. The last major issue was last Jan. over BM unilaterally sending a cell phone w/ SD then-8 to our house, and ultimately DH and I just kept our mouths shut, and that lame thing disappeared after two weeks (as many on this site predicted it would). Phew, and knock on wood.
week on/week off
We have been doing the week on/week off thing with my children since the divorce 11 years ago (they were 3 and 5). It has worked wonderfully for us, but all the grown ups are very mature about the situation and there is definitely no PAS going on.
A few months ago I had to come down hard on my 16 yo BS and I was terrified that he was going to pull the old "I'm going to go live with Dad" thing on me (at his age he could get away with it).His Dad is a good man but likes to be the kids' friend...not to the extent of a lot of the dads written about on this site but enough to worry me sometimes.
Anyway, after the dust had settled on the situation, I shared with my son that I had been so scared that he might have decided he wanted to just live with his Dad. My mature, well adjusted baby said,"Mom, I would never do that... it never even crossed my mind".
My kids are growing up with both of their parents doing what is best for them and they are so secure and know that even if we are not together in a marriage, we are definitely together in our parenting of them.
I know that I'm extremely lucky with regards to my own children...I lurk on this site because I am also experiencing what many of you deal with in regards to enabling DHs, crazy BMs, and out of control SDs.
I feel for you all.
In a passt relationship....
In a past relationship of mine, we had a week on, week off with sd.....it was awful!! She was 8 when the weeks started. We found that because they had two sets of rules, one at our house, one at mom's...the child suffered from it terribly. She was still young and would forget what she was allowed to do where...as both households were run differently....or she would play us against one another.
The BM and I suffered terribly (BF was just a useless tool)...finally one day I called up BM and said, can we meet for a coffee? She accepted and we sat down and put some rules in place to have SD abide at both homes...then it got a bit better. SD found that BM and I were working together to make sure homework etc was followed up on if it carried over to the next week, activities we informed one another of, rules were not the same, but similar. Even if a punishment was put in place for SD at our house (or vise versa)...BM would carry it over to her house so the SD realized that she had to mind. I would like to point out though that BM & I did not like one another, knew each other for years prior...so this was a big step for us...but we knew it was in the best interest of SD to work together....wish this BM would think that way!! But it was still very, very hard to manage the week on, week off schedule..very hard. The judge even mentioned in court (here I was allowed to attend and was asked ?'s by the judge about how I felt about it)...that he did not think it was in the best interest of the child...to allow them to be settled into one home and visit the other parent..that it was too much jumping around..but because both parents finally agreed (both were seeking full custody at the time and neither wanted to lose) the judge went on the mutual agreement of both parents.
However, after BF and I broke up, things went to pot for BM...I actually feel sorry for her. BF was still wanting to be irresponsible but yet be the cool parent. Would let my previous SD do whatever she wanted, go wherever she wanted, would buy booze for her...has since she was 12, etc. BM had to try and pick up the pieces for her daughter every other week. Because here a child can decide where they want to live at 10, the order was never changed. Previous SD is now 15 and 5 months pregnant, does drugs on a regular basis, drinks on a daily basis and doesn't go to school. I say in this case....way to go DADDY...you did a fine job!! BM I see occasionally and fills me in on things. She is devastated....actually told me now that she wishes I had remained in the picture because SD would have had a chance then.....and this is coming from a woman who disliked me and in the beginning was resentful of me being in the picture.......
Good luck to you, because any decision that is made will not be an easy one.