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I'm feeling selfish today

Dreamer's picture

As I've said before I had to quit my job to care for my two ungrateful stepdaughters. So no there is no money at all. Plus the psyco BM is still getting her child support until we can go to court next month. It's hard to pay any bills on the one income with two more people to care for plus the child support. I don't even know how we are going to pay rent this month.

But here's where I'm feeling selfish. Before I married my husband I used to go it manicures twice a month. I liked having nice nails. I wore contacts all the time. I went to the dentist as needed. Now I can't afford any of those things thanks to the ex. Plus my aniversary is on the 30th and I ask my H if we could just go out to dinner, something cheap, and see a movie. He says there's no money but then promices both girls $20 this weekend to go out shopping, right after I had just told them no that we didn't have the money for a bag of potatoes and a gallon of milk!

Oh and my DH told the ex he just wanted to girls that she didn't need to pay child support. I chewed him out over that! We do need the child support until I can find another job. Then after that that money can give the kids an allowance and be used for extra school clothes are save the money and take the girls on a special trip. (their mother next took them on vacation although she saw fit to go on one mini vacation (one weekend) everymonth either to Hilton Head Island or Cherokee Valley to the casino.

I'm sorry but I'm tired of caring for all these people (SDs, ex) that don't give a damn about me, while I have nothing and wearing the same worn out clothes I bought before I got married.

Gotta go SD just broke something else and has yet another excuse.


stronggirl's picture

That is crap, the girls do not need 20 bucks to do anything...How old are the girls? Why does he think that the BM does not need to pay anything when he has been paying it all along?? I was told long ago by a lawyer that something should be paid so that the kids will feel like both parents are adding to their upbringing....

As Dr. Phill would say this might be a deal breaker (I love that saying)...Anything to do with money in a household is something that you both agree on before anything is DONE..... don't back down you are right!!!

stay strong,


Dreamer's picture

The girls are 12 and 10 (11 next month) and very selfish. They both admit that their BM bought their love, other than that she ignored them. Now they expect DH to do the same.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

Most Evil's picture

It is just stupid not to, plus she is legally required to help support the kids-!! Put your foot down girl! somehow I don't think that will be a problem, ha ha!

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

Dreamer's picture

The oldest SD went to work with my DH today. He was able to come by the house last night (truck driver) and took her with him. That left the youngest with me. I desided to open the youngest SDs eyes to what the oldest already know. I told her the truth about her BM and about all the lies. Now she's mad at her BM and BD. It's helped with her anger towards me now that she knows I'm not the problem. She's also decided she wants to continue living with us too.

The reason I'm annoyed is I spent 3hours fixing a very nice dinner and all I heard was arguing! My DH made them go to bed but when I reminded them to get quiet DH chews me out!! I'm sorry but they were sent to bed not to their room to go play. He says I nickpick. Excuse me! He doesn't follow through with punishment which confuses the girls and makes me out to be the evil one. I'm sorry but when he's not around they mind alot better. To bad I can't sue for custady from him and BM!!!! Oh and then to top it all off he asks if I'm ready for bed and I told him I would be in there in a little while. He got pissed b/c he wanted sex! Excuse me! But he had just finished chewing me out! What an Ass! As soon as I get another job I'm getting my own bank account and I'm spending "me" money and screw them!

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

smurfy1smile's picture

You have to take care of your needs or you cannot possibly take care of others. Get your own bank account. My BF and I have seperate accounts. He pays these bills and I pay those. I take care of most of the kids stuff but that is by choice. After my marriage, I will never comingle funds ever again. My ex could not remember to tell me if he spent any money but I had to give him an accounting of every penny I spent. I was the one who paid the bills, did the grocery shopping, etc. All he had to pay for was his smokes and gas for his vehicle and he could not even do that on his own. I had to remind him to get gas.