Decided to Move Out
This stuff is so hard. After a heart-breaking holiday where DH decided to spend Christmas with his GROWN kids (who ditched me when we started having trouble) rather than me (SD was with her mom), I have taken the hint and am leaving. It's pretty obvious now that he will never put our relationship first - even when SD graduates since the grown kids are here. And he acts surprised - he thought everything was going fine. As long as we only talk about the weather, it is fine! I am so angry, which is a sure sign to me that I am hurt to the core. Right now we are living in an upstairs/downstairs separation arrangement, but I just can't do it anymore. I'll likely get the house if we split since I brought in the $$ to buy it and had a house when we got together. But he doesn't want to move now and is content living downstairs with SD with no kitchen... The stress of this arrangement/marriage/stepfamily is really getting to me, even with my weekly massages : ) (which will now end due to the high rents in this town!). But it will be better to be on my unmassaged own than stuck in this living hell. Although I'm really going to miss the dog (we have a brother/sister - the girl is his). I actually do wish him well and hope he is happy with his kids. I also hope his kids get to be stepparents someday!
- Roselin's blog
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I am so sorry
things turned out like this and that he hurt you. Your decision sounds like a good one. Good luck.
I'm very sorry
so many of us get dragged through the trenches, and after many wounds, we have to be the brave ones to end things. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you two, and I wish you the best on getting into a better living arrangement.
I wish you peace!
So sad to hear...
I'm going to plug Eat Pray Love again here. Every woman who's leaving a marriage for any reason should read at least the first half of it.
I remember leaving my first marriage. I was desperately unhappy with life at the time. Then I left and...
Had more energy and zest for life- the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders.
Good luck and keep coming back here - we're family!
Peace, love, and red wine
This is Unfortunate
I can only hope I don't end up where you are. But if I do, I do. It takes guts to walk, but sometimes, there isn't a better option.
I think Candice was on target when she said, "We have to be the brave one and end things."
For some unknown reason, DH and skids often think there is something sooo freaking magical about them that you will want to stay around and get treated like dog poop forever. Where do they get this delusion of impenetrable charm? Do they just assume that the whole biological thing makes their feelings somehow... more valid? Do they think it is up to the stepparent to fix EVERYTHING that didn't work in the previous marriage, not to mention the current one?
Boloney. You matter too. Good luck finding a new situation where, if you aren't treated like a Queen, at least you aren't being treated like a 2nd-class citizen.
You hit the mail on the head
You hit the mail on the head about the Step-parent/new wife having to fix everything from the first marriage, fix the step-kids behavior to make them into the angels they are precieved to be all the while only getting noticed if something goes wrong!!!
Thanks for all your support. It is a hard thing, but I'm thankful I have reached a point where I value myself again. I love Eat Pray Love Zenmom - in fact, it helped me with this decision. There IS life and love out there. I plan to be on a healing journey this year and start all my journal entries with what I REALLY REALLY REALLY want : ) I also have supportive friends here - none that are stepparents, so it is so wonderful to have all of you that have "been there" offering support. While my family certainly had major problems, at least I always felt loved. That is not a dynamic I have in this family - maybe that is something that comes only with biology. However, when I realized I wasn't loving myself - well, that was the ultimate wake up call. I may be lonely on my own for a while (I was previously a very independent woman who traveled all over the world by myself - so I'm sure I'll find my groove again), but what can compare to the loneliness I feel in this relationship/ family right now??? While we have made it through 8 years - not all bad - I'm wife #4 and DH needs to look at the things he's doing to sabotage his relationships. I agree with you Count2ten - this family thinks they are all doing everything right - all DH's ex's are "psycho" and he is perfect. Uggghhhh. I'm not taking all the responsibility for this one and I am not "psycho." I am merely standing up for my rights - finally!!! Three stepmom's have bailed. After this experience, I'm not surprised.
Thanks for your support and wisdom. I've only been looking for a new place for one day and nothing great popped out, so I'm sending great situation vibes out there! If you have extra good vibes send them towards Montana : ) I've got time though and can go to my homey, lovely little office downtown in the evenings if I don't want to be here. It's also across the street from the tapas bar... hmmmm.
Talk to you all soon!
I commend you on your courage
I know this is not easy, but it sounds like you did what was right for you. I also think yo should do something absolutely self indulgent.
((((Hugs to you!!)))
I know how you feel
It takes a lot of guts to walk away from it all. I did too, although there weren't any children involved, but still, I was with the guy for 20 years. The hardest part for me was waiting for my ex to assume ownership for his part in the failed marriage. It never came. We even dated after our divorce and nothing had changed. He was exactly where I had left him 4 years earlier. For a long time I truly felt it was all my fault, that I was the crazy one, but once I sat down and made an actual list of all the things my ex did that hurt me to the core of my soul. I realized that leaving him was the best thing I could have done for me. I had lost all respect for him, lost every last shred of trust. There was no way I was ever going to fall for his line again only to have my heart stomped on. I walked away from a very nice life, everything I could ever want in a material sense because like you, my ex showed me every day by his actions that I was not even on his top ten list of priorities.
It's funny that you mention the current living arrangements, cause my ex MIL suggested we do the same, but her reason was to keep up for appearances sake. I told her absolutely not, that is not why I got married. I would much rather be by myself than to live a lie for the benefit of others.
And if your husband hasn't figured out why FOUR wives have left him, he never will!
Hard to hear the truth
What a story Sasha - sounds a little to close to home. I'm glad you have an easier life now and are healing. It is funny how we seem to automatically blame ourselves - we must be crazy, ignoring all the little things that slowly zap our life force. Before I got bogged down here, I was fun, funny, happy, and full of joy. Like you - I am hurt to my very center. No trust and respect is long gone.
Thanks again all of you for your support. I'm off to look at a couple places today.
Hard to see the truth, too
As our former President Bill Clinton said: I feel your pain. I know what you are going through and I know what you will be facing. People can "say" all they want, but the proof of how they really feel is the way they act or behave towards you. And like your H, mine also thought everything was okay. Let's sweep everything under the rug where no one can see it, let's not talk about the REAL issues, pretend everything is okay and it will all go away.
It took a long time for me to realize that I was a good person, that I deserved to be treated better than what I had been, that I deserved to be in a position of importance in someone's life. I spent many nights crying myself to sleep over a man who thought cutting the grass and washing the cars (among other things) was more important than our marriage. What an idiot I was! I prayed to God and asked Him that if I was truly deserving, to send someone into my life.
In May I will celebrate my 3rd anniversary to a wonderful man. He's not perfect, but somehow all those little irritants are miniscule compared to how he treats me. He is a good man with a great deal of integrity and I have the utmost respect for him. He has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. He absolutely adores me, and I him. This time God said yes.
So you see, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong and take care of yourself. Your former self is still there, maybe hidden deep down inside you, but dig her out of the mothballs and give yourself the time to reconnect with her. She sounds absolutely wonderful!
Thank heavens for happy endings
I'm glad to hear your story has a happy ending Sasha! I actually started crying reading it - talk about repression, huh? And I truly hope things go well for you Cruella. I truly wish that things would have worked out here, but I am thankful to know when to throw in the towel. Happy weekend!
All this talk reminded me
All this talk reminded me of one of the most hurtful things my ex ever did to me.
A long time ago when I was in my early to mid 20's I was in the Air Force and stationed in Maryland. This was a 4 hours away from my home, and on weekends I used to drive home. My ex and I were already married then.
My younger brother was going through a tough patch in his life and he too was in Maryland. He had tried to call me to ask if I could pick him up on the way and drive him home, but I had already left. No sooner had I arrived home he called me. Seems he was living out on the streets, had no money and nowhere to go. I told my ex I had to go back and get him. I couldn't leave him out there. My ex got pissed at me and didn't want me to go. I told him that with or without him, I was going to get my brother whether he liked it or not. Mind you, this was coming from the same guy who bailed his brothers out of jail several times after being picked up for DUI's.
He went with me and sulked the whole way. When I found my brother, he was waiting at a strip mall (it was already closed), staying under the roof cause it was raining and cold. He didn't even have enough clothes on his back to keep him warm. I immediately said I was hungry, let's stop and eat. At first my brother said he only wanted coffee, but I ordered a big breakfast and told the waitress that my brother would have the same. He gobbled down every last crumb on his plate. Even now when I think of it, it makes me cry.
We took him to our house to spend the night until my parents could pick him up the next day. I gave my brother one of my husband's t-shirts and robe to wear and again, my husband threw a hissy fit. Here was my brother in dire straits and my husband acted like an ass. I had never had anyone hurt me like that before. I can't believe I put up with 20 plus years of that kind of treatment.
My ex
Was and still is a somewhat negative person. He made fun of others constantly who were less fortunate, he had a very inflated sense of self, and was also extrememly sarcastic. He never took any responsibility for our marriage not working- if he had been "happy" that meant he didn't do anything wrong.
When I left him he did finally develope some compassion with people who were going through a painful breakup- he told me more than once he didn't know how he would have gotten through our divorce without our kids to make him get up every day.
When I finally met my new H in 04, I had been alone for 5 and a half years. I had been through one heartbreaking relationship that didn't work out in that time (lasted a couple of years in the middle of my singlehood.) I had become totally independent, was 2/3 through a BA while working full time and parenting my sons every other week.
So I finally feel ready to move on and I meet this man online. He is short (so am I but had never dated anyone short before) he was in the military (I graduated with a BA in theatre) he was REPUBLICAN (eek for the liberal theatre girl.) I almost deleted him from my inbox on yahoo. Then I started dating him. He was polite, he was sincere, he was interested in seeing me enjoy things I am passionate about. And the main thing I discovered the longer we dated was, we treat people the same way. We care for those less fortunate. We love our extended families. We love to hang around with just each other on a Sunday morning sipping coffee or tea.
I honestly think this is the number one quality we need to look for in a mate. Do they treat other people with the same respect and concern as we do? Because if you don't share that, nothing else can possilby work.
This story you shared about how your ex treated your brother is an excellent example.
Peace, love, and red wine