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BB texted my DH on my phone that said Love ya

TheSaneOne's picture

I called her, she cussed me and hung up, said she thought it was her mom she was texting. THen tells me to drop it and continues to send ten threatening messages that it was going to be an issue. Then, she blogs about how I am a pissy wench and I threatened her in the text messages! All I told her was that he was my husband and I wouldn't tolerate it. Oh yeah, she said she caught me cheating with him while they were married. I met my DH four months after SHE left him for another man and moved three states away. I even have our first email to prove it.
I can't stand her. Oh yeah, she also texted that her youngest was in the ER unresponsive at 5:30 in the morning - which wasn't true! I have never met someone that lied so much!


jaded's picture

and needed a little excitement to her day. Try to ignore her bs. By engaging you in fighting she is forcing you into a relationship with her. Thats how these psychos operate - high drama. Im sure thats probably why dh divorced her in the first place! Just disengage and let your dh handle it. It will save your sanity.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

TheSaneOne's picture

We did just that and she continued to stew well into today when her mother called my cell to explain what happened...she told me to let it go which I did....they didn't Smile

jaded's picture

Oh gosh how I know.... my dhs ex told everyone the reason they split was because of me.... um we met months after they split and I lived several states away!!! Do the math and bring out your atlas people!! But whatever, people will believe whatever they want to believe.

Im so sorry you have to go through this. I know how frustrating it is. But try to look at it this way. These women want attention at all costs. They have no boundries. They will make up outrageous stories, cause so much drama for what reason? I dont know - I think you have to be insane to understand the insane. Do not give her an audience. Do not let her rent so much space in your head. Do not let her antics get to you. She in a sense is trying to control you and force herself into your life and into a disfunctional relationship with her. Even if your fighting with each other that is still a relationship. Cut the bitch off.

You, have a life. Obviously she does not. Dont answer her calls, dont respond to her high school games, and dont get to overly excited when she is trying to use the kids with some imaginary illness (been there too). You will come off as a lady of class and she will look like the lunatic she is.

Oh it will get worse before it gets better but I promise it will get better. If you dont engage it wont be much fun for her. Oh every so often she will test the waters again but she will gets called to the mat each and everytime. I feel for you. Ive been there.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

Colorado Girl's picture

Do not give her the OBVIOUS attention she is craving. I say obvious because of her recent attempt at attention by lying about her child's fever.

The more you ignore her and don't play into her bs, the less she will attempt. Trust me on this one.

BM has had cancer scares, brain tumor scares, asthma attacks, and so forth....EVERY time was while we were on vacation. It's so weird the ailments she comes up with for her and her children just to ruin my vacation. BUT we quit playing into the drama and now she knows it won't work anymore, so she quit.

I really think BM in your case is mentally disturbed. My BM is diagnosed as mentally ill(bipolar). I try to just let her be loony on her own time instead of wasting my precious time.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Sita Tara's picture

I am so glad we nipped this one in the bud. BM used to text DH b/c to try to avoid talking to or negotiating with him regarding SD. She wanted to just state what she wanted to do/what was convenient to her as in, "I will pick her up four hours late." Never, "Would it be alright if I..." So DH told BM not to text him ever again and that he would not read or respond in that way to her. That was the last of the texting. I think all this texting stuff is very rude. Worse than talking constantly on the cell. When our kids DO get a phone (years from now) we won't have that option on there for them. Why? Well....b/c we're the meanest parents in the world of course!

Peace, love, and red wine

TheSaneOne's picture

from what I understand she has bi-polar. She says she is just manicly depressed which I understand is the same thing. I completely agree, she knew what she was doing and she knew what excuse to use.
this from the woman who was furious that we got married and didn't tell her, so she couldn't keep the kids from us by running late or breaking down. Then put my wedding pictures on her myspace~ Yeah, I would say thats crazy town.