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How to follow expensive advice...

wildlife's picture

Our lawyer advised us to enroll SD in our HS asap, even before final custody papers have been drawn up. BM is dragging her feet on the papers and we want to have SD in our school district by thanksgiving. I just called the school and they said they won't admit her until all papers have been signed. I explained that SD would be living with us before the papers were official and she would need to be going to school. I was told that DH needs to contact the superindentant and explain the situation. I was also told that since I was "just the SM" it should be DH that called.

Aaack. It begins already.


Persephone's picture

Seems weird to me. Perhaps you offered the school too much info. I enrolled my girls in another district before the final papers were signed. And mid-term. I got a copy of her school records from the current school and showed up in the office and registered. No explanation. Gave them a firm start date and arranged for my BD to take a tour of her new school.

Treat the enrollment as any other, sans divorce.

wildlife's picture

Thanks for the good advice, Persephone. DH called the superintendant and explained the situation and he told him that it would be OK as long as he had papers by Dec. 1st. That probably won't happen either but what can they do? Kick her out of school? The super said that he would accept letters from both lawyers stating something official. That's not right either. It will cost us money to have lawyers write a letter. Wasted money that is not needed, IMO. Anyway, I think if we just get her enrolled and going to school they won't be able to do anything about it and will have to wait like the rest of us going through the courts.

The attitude about me being just the SM annoyed the heck out of me. I should be used to it but it's just so rude and out of touch for a school to treat us like that in this day and age. SM's didn't just touch down on the planet yesterday. You'd think there would be more sensitivty to our issues by now.

Persephone's picture

this is hardly a new situation for the schools. Our school actually sends all school related mail to both parent's addresses. And in the student directory you can find the name under my new married name and their given last name.

I have never had to get their father's signature for school enrollment. Although I never explained my personal business with the school.

It does hurt being dissed. Don't take it too personally there are some things you do not have a legal right to sign for.. school enrollment is one of them.