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Amazing the difference when you take BM out of the equation!

Caitlin's picture

I don't have a whole lot to report from tonight's family based therapy session because I haven't discussed it in any detail with my fiance yet, but he is very happy to report that the meeting was hugely successful. He said that SD was her usual loving self with him and they talked at length... until BM was called into the session. As soon as she entered the room, SD reverted back to last week's strange behavior, ie not talking, sharing repeated glances with her mother, looking very uncomfortable. I'm just glad the therapists are witnessing this.

If this is not a classic case of parental alienation syndrome, I don't know what is.

More later, once my fiance is able to give me the full scoop!


Nymh's picture

I look forward to reading more updates. I'm so glad you guys are making progress and that it's all in front of the therapists!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear how this all plays out. I hope that the system actually works in this case.


Anne 8102's picture

I think about you guys often and hope that everything turns out for the best for this little girl. It's so good that they see how she turns off and on like a switch in the presence or absence of her mother. That's very damning evidence. Good luck!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Candice's picture

actions speak louder than words sometimes! Please keep us posted, you actually are giving me hope that you guys will one day win custody!


loonybonusmom's picture

Caitlyn, I am sure your posts give hope to alot of people here, and sadly it is because the "system" doesn't always work, but you have made my good to hear therapy is exposing the reality of sd's life here! When do they come to your home for the video? How are you feeling? I hope it isn't too warm for ya! I guess the old belly will be growing more and more now eh? Cheers sweetie! Loony

Caitlin's picture

Ok, so my fiance was physically ill before going to the appointment because he was just literally sick with the stress and worry of it all. After vomiting his poor guts out, he arrived a few minutes late and SD was already in with the therapist and BM was sitting in the reception area taking notes. The conversation that took place between them is classic BM - she blamed this "episode" of SD's on the fact that BF "didn't take SD's therapist's advice (in late summer/early fall 2004) to take it slow with Caitlin." Here we are almost 3 years later and she's still living in a 2004 time warp!! SD has spent a quarter of her life with me in it already and loves the life she has with us, but BM thinks we took it too fast and that's why 3 years later, SD's falling apart. I think she honestly believes this nonsense. She really doesn't see that it's HER behavior and HER non-acceptance of our existance that is making her kid insane!

Another thing they discussed was the fact that we're trying to arrange for BF's daughter in England to come for a visit this summer (which I am SO excited about - I've never met her!!) and BM was SO pissed she had steam coming out her ears. She probably asked 14 times "is Caitlin paying for this?" as if that's any of her concern. Then she went on and on about how she always tried so hard to foster a relationship between SD and ESD (English SD) and that it was BF's decision to abandon his other family, blah blah blah, lies lies lies. The truth? BM was so insanely jealous of BF's first wife and daughter (big fat surprise!) that she couldn't even stay in the same country as them and moved their whole household to America when SD was a baby. She wouldn't even let BF display ESD's photo in their house. How's THAT for fostering a relationship? Anyway, BF brought this up to talk about dates so that SD could stay with us during the ESD visit, but BM refused to discuss dates. She said she'd have to get back to him. This is what she did last summer AND the summer before and I suspect she'll pull it again this time around - we try to discuss dates, she refuses, she goes and schedules a vacation or a class or something fun and exciting for SD to do during that time, SD tells us she wants to do the thing Mommy suggests, end of story, SD misses out, we don't get one freaking extra hour of her summer vacation. This year *might* be different because I think SD would rather DIE than not meet ESD and stay with her the entire time she's here. This might be the one thing she stands up to her mother on.

Ok, work beckons - I will continue the next chapter entitled "SD and BF reconnect" in a bit.

Caitlin's picture

So, after a *lovely* chat with BM in the reception area, which ended with her saying that SD was extremely apprehensive about seeing him and that she had had *so* much trouble soothing and calming her about it, BF was called into the session with just the therapist, SD and him. The moment BF saw SD, he just ran to her, tears streaming down his face, and held her and told her how much he loved her and supported her. She told him how sorry she was that she was mad, and that she was really happy to see him because she missed him. The therapist asked if BF had anything important to say to SD and he told her that he wanted to clear up any miscommunication about the birthday because he wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly. He repeated that he had simply told her that he would discuss the plans with BM and they would get back to her, to keep her out of the middle and that he had never said no to her request. He said that he didn't want to perpetuate the unhealthy dream of Mom, Dad and SD together again so spending her entire birthday like that would be living a lie, but that maybe they could spend the hour of her birth together with just her parents and then bring in the rest of the family, ie SM, baby sister, grandfather (BM's father) to gather together and celebrate SD's life on her big day, much as we had done for her elementary school graduation lunch last year.

Well, low and behold, SD didn't even REMEMBER that happy event. The only events she remembers are the ones that BM rehashes to her over and over and over until what she's remembering is BM's (nasty false BF-bashing) retelling of the event and not the event itself. That said, after BF reminded her a little bit about how we had had lunch all together and we played the "SD Trivia Game" where she asked questions about her life and we all had "buzzers" when we knew the answer, she suddenly *lit up*, eyes all aglow, so excited and said "YES! That was great! It was so nice to have everyone together to celebrate ME! Hehe!" Well, the therapist LOVED seeing Dad and daughter share and talk and interact because she's never seen this, because BM is always in the room.

So when they called BM in to share what they had discussed, SD immediately closed down. She went from bubbly, lovey, all hugs and laughing to quiet, withdrawn, mumbling, stumbling over her words. She haltingly told BM that she had misunderstood her dad about the birthday, that she had thought he was saying no way, no how will he ever consider the idea of spending any part of her birthday with just the 3 of them, but what he was saying was that they'd have to discuss arrangements that would suit everyone. Then, SD dropped the bomb and I'm so proud of her! Knowing that BM is very anti-Caitlin et al, she proposed what they had talked about, that they spend the hour of her birth with the two people who brought her life and then have Caitlin, sister and grandfather join them in the festivities.

First word out of BM's mouth? "NO." And the second and third words as well. She said, "No, no. NO - that's not what you said before. That's not what you want. You said -" At which point, the therapist interrupted and said "why don't we let SD finish?" And SD was so uncomfortable, her eyes darted from BM to the floor, to BM to the floor, she shifted in her chair, she only said "that's all, I guess." After seeing BM's nostrils flaring in fury over the mere mention of my name, I guess SD didn't feel comfortable continuing to express her feelings? How odd.

There's more, but I'm swamped at work! More later. Wow, it feels good to get this all written down and documented. Thanks for being such a captive audience! You all have been such a support through all this. You are a GODSEND.

Anne 8102's picture

Again, it's so crappy that this is happing to your SD, but it's so good that her team is witnessing it first hand.

You know, we all have to stop ourselves from saying or doing things that will get us in trouble. How many times have we said something to our spouse that we know we shouldn't have and we backed off at the last minute or, worse, said it anyway? This woman seems to have no clue that what she is saying is building the case against her. That she can rationalize her own behavior and abuse this way scares the crap out of me. This is even worse than physical abuse, if you ask me, because you can't see how bad the damage is sometimes until it's too late.

Keep on keeping on, girl!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Nymh's picture

I think the therapists are getting a good dose of textbook psychological abuse. I'm so glad that everything is happening right in front of the therapists!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

happy's picture

I seriously think that SD will be living with all of you soon. Her mother is The PUPPET MASTER. How she can sit and basically try to control SD every thought is just outrageous. I mean seriously I have a daughter and I know that she is my Baby, I am her world. I would never try to control her thoughts in such a way that her father would become the evil one in her eyes when I was around. I mean he shows that to her a lot on his own. He always put me down in front of her, which my daughter knows me without her dad trying to tell her all this crap. So I think with what all I just read (which has me glued like a tv show) darn work.. Anyways, I think that things are going to go your guy's way, I think that the therapist saw things on her own for the first time with just daddy and his little girl and then how she totally changed to fit her mothers wants and feelings. That lady is seriously wacked. I am glad that she may not have anymore kids. This is a good indicator on why she is alone and why she only has one kid. I have to tell you, that you are a very loving person and a great supporter for her and your BF, your SD is lucky to have you in her life 100%. You are a nurturing and compassionate person, and I don't know you in person and I know you.

" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..

Caitlin's picture

I can't tell you how much your kind words of support and understanding mean to me. I can't wait to celebrate with you when SD comes to live with us. (I'm keeping a positive outlook. It helps keep stress to a managable level.)