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Proud of DH!!!!

step mom of 1's picture

O kay so ss went home on Sunday, just for 2 nights. Well here we are on Thrusday and no ss. Bm is not answering her phone, which is not nothing new she tenda to do this from time to time when nothing is going her way. Dh & I think ss told her he wanted to live here, which would not be a bad idea, maybe then he might have a chance at a normal life, ONE WITHOUT DRAMA!!!!I can see him coming back when he does something wrong and she needs someone to control him. I told DH that if she can't answer her phone why should I. I know this sounds childish but I am tired of being at her every becking call. He agreed which is very hard to believe, usually he is no we need to answer the phone just incase something goes wrong. Now he is we have an answering machine let her leave a message. if i decide to call her back I will if not oh well. I AM SO PROUND OF HIM!!!!!!!!:) YIPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too! Any steps our DH's take to shut the door to the BM's and their outrageous behavior is an opprotunity for praise. My DH shut down phone commucnications some time ago, refusing any convo's unless regarding ss...we had months of peace..Now when ss calls to talk to DH, bm trys to insert herself agian...He has talked to her the past 3 calls and we are back to the no convo calls agian. If she gets on the phone he imm. asks if there is an emergency with ss..and continues to ask this question no matter her reply..then he just hangs up and lets the answering machine do the rest.