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Timing sucks

searching_but_still_lost's picture

Hello everyone, here's my story. I'm 25 with no children of my own and currently in school to be a lawyer. I've always envisioned my future to have a traditional family (meaning that my husband and i would have a child when we were ready and that child would be both of our firsts). I met an amazing man who is my soul mate about 2 1/2 years ago. He has a daughter that's about to turn 3. We've been dating for two years, engaged for the past year. For the first year of our relationship every time he had his daughter he also had his exs 5 year old that he's not the father of. We fought over him taking the other child a lot because i was uncomfortable with it and the only reason he took both is because the ex threatened he couldn't have his daughter if he didn't take both kids. When he stopped taking the other kid she immediately filed For child support out of spite. Since then my SO has been court ordered to pay a significant amount weekly and $8000 in retro pay child support. Its been hard on both of us and For me trying To be supportive of him through all this and life's other curve balls. For about the past year if not longer I've had nothing but negative feelings towards his child to the point that when she comes around I leave for the entire weekend every week, which isn't fair to me to have to completely change my way of living. I want nothing to do with the child and don't want her in my life. I don't really want to be a step mom or have a blended family. It hurts me to see my soul mate be a dad to someone else's kid and I hate seeing him hold her or them cuddling. I don't want to be the second person he has children with either. This makes me question if this relationship needs to end. I just have a lot of conflicting feelings. I'm not sure if all these feelings stem from my core values being compromised or from all the past difficulties with his ex. I've been completely open and honest with My SO about these thoughts and feelings. My SO believes that We can work past this and things will change. I think things won't change and will probably get more difficult as the kid gets older. We went to a counselor and she said she can't help us because it would be like asking one of us to give up something as fundamental as the bones in our body. I don't want the relationship to end because him and i are perfect together and whenever the kid isn't around there's no problems but at the same time i can't deny that this child exists and changes everything and adds financial strain. It sucks because if this kid didn't exist there'd be no doubt in my mind about this relationship. I just feel unsure of what to do and don't have any support.

lintini's picture

Do not do this to yourself. I was 25 and childless when I met my DH.

You can find a man without a kid and share firsts together. Don't settle for less when you know this isn't right for you. It never gets better, never. There is always drama. Are you going to be leaving your house every weekend for the next 15 years?

twoviewpoints's picture

And if something happens to the other, the child would live with the father 24/7 365

fairyo's picture

You don't want anything to do with the child and don't want her in your life?
You don't really want to be a stepmom or have a blended family?
You think things won't change and will probably get more difficult as the kid gets older?
If this kid didn't exist there'd be no doubt about your relationship?

The child will be part of your life for ever- no doubt about that one.
You don't have to be a stepmom- you can choose to walk away.
Things won't change and they will get worse.
The kid exists- the child you speak of is entitled to have a loving relationship with both parents even if they are not together. I think for the sake of this child you should get out and find yourself someone who doesn't yet have children.

searching_but_still_lost's picture

I understand all that. I don't take away from their father daughter relationship, i don't ask him to choose between us, i dismiss myself so they can have that. I've had conversations with my SO about these thoughts and feelings and every time i try to end the relationship he doesn't want to end it. He tells me he'd rather keep me in his life because the kid is a mistake and only happened because his ex tried to trap him and poked holes in the condoms. As much as i dislike his situation i wouldn't allow him to cut off his kid.

CANYOUHELP's picture

This dynamic will never change as they age, and even when they are adults (the nonbio with be coming right along to see dadddeeee too). It never ends.

You have no children and you are not dependent on this man. You will suffer miserably as long as you are with him. Get out while you can, you deserve much better and find a man with no children who will always put you first. Like one poster says, have your firsts with another person having firsts too!

searching_but_still_lost's picture

Thank you for your words, you're right, I'm not happy. When Friday comes around I become miserable, depressed and angry because everything changes. Ultimately i want someone that's childless like me, so I shouldn't settle for not having that

searching_but_still_lost's picture

How am i causing him damage? I've told him all these things many times. He doesn't want the relationship to end

searching_but_still_lost's picture

I'm not making him choose between us, I would never do that. That's why I leave our place when its his time with the child.

searching_but_still_lost's picture

I understand that. In my opinion I think he just says that and if it really came down to it (which it wouldn't cuz I wouldn't allow him to disown his kid to keep me) that he wouldn't be able to especially because he grew up without a dad. I believe he is my soul mate maybe just not the one I'm supposed to end up with. You're right I'm still young and can probably find someone else without a kid already, it just seems like in this generation everyone's having kids with everyone already

notasm3's picture

When I was your age I dated a great guy. He made me laugh. I loved his friends. He treated me like gold. We had the best times ever. But he was divorced with a young daughter. I never met the daughter or the ex.

The guy wanted to marry me very, very much. But although I was crazy about him and loved dating him - I never once considered marrying him. I just did not want to marry a man with a child - so I didn't. I never regretted that decision.

Cara1128's picture

1.The kid DOES exist. The Kid is REAL
2.There is no" perfect for eachother without the kid"-see above -accept above
3.If you love this man you will not put him in the heartwrenching position of having to choose between the woman he loves and the child he loves(if you were in his shoes what would you want?)
4. Read some of the blogs here for enlightenment(many of the peiple here started out wanting their family to function and accepting the skids)
5. I believe at 25(?) you can find a wonderfully perfect mate whose first children you would be happy to have
My advice: honor your wants and end the relationship.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

"I want nothing to do with the child and don't want her in my life. I don't really want to be a step mom or have a blended family. It hurts me to see my soul mate be a dad to someone else's kid and I hate seeing him hold her or them cuddling. I don't want to be the second person he has children with either."

You have already answered your own question as to the nature of this relationship. You don't want to be in a relationship with this man, even though you love him. It is not going to work long term because you are either compromising things you want or hold dear, or you are blaming your SO because he can not rewrite history.

You are 25, in school and childfree. Why on earth do you want to saddle yourself with a man who can not give you what you want? (To be his first wife, to have a first child together, to also be childless like you?) It is already a bad start and will have a commonly sad ending: divorce or break up.

You can not wish away his child. Whether you or he wants this child is irrelevant: she exists. If you do not have the mental strength and maturity to deal with the baggage that comes with this man, then end it. Walk away - you already listed the reasons why this relationship is wrong for you. Why dont YOU believe YOU?

As to soul mates? You can believe this romanticised version of relationships if you wish. Please do know that your soul mate was the soul mate of someone else a few short years back... People can have successful relationships with many varied people if they are compatible on various levels. The idea of romanticised love is probably the least successful basis for this - and makes me question if you are ready to actually marry anyone at all, given this (unrealistic) way you are looking at your current relationship.

As to this man? He should actually be ashamed of himself. His ex "trapped" him, "poked holes in the condom"? Really?? What does the ex say about this because I sincerely doubt it is true. Ever heard her side of events? If SO didn't want to have children with his ex, he shouldn't have had sex with her in the first place. End of story. No excuses. No lies.
I doubt ex forced him or raped him, so this excuse of his is quite disgusting and should be tossed in the trash heap where it belongs. Also. he is not being punished by his ex on the child support issue. He is legally obligated to pay to maintain the living costs of the child. It isn't the ex being vengeful. This is the legal obligation of a parent towards a child - and it will be in place until the child is 18 (normally) unless modified. So add to your list that this man will have his pay cheque sliced to support a child you don't want to be around.

Please understand this, if nothing else: The problem (for you) is not the child or the ex. The "problem" is the choices and history of your SO.

You already have doubts about the fit of this relationship for you. There are factors you can not change. If you don't like it now, walk away. It takes more than love to make a relationship work. I love chocolate: I don't want to be married to it. You have a choice to find peace with what you can not change. Or you find the courage to walk away.

Ispofacto's picture

I don't believe the condom story either.

Why are you still in the picture? Are you secretly hoping he dumps his kid for you? If he did, he'd resent you for it.

Most of the women on here don't have any jealousy issues. We are on here for the real problems of stepparenting. You haven't' even gotten to the hard part yet, and you are already unhappy. The BS that is yet to come for you is already more than most of us can handle, the jealousy on top of all that is too much for anyone. Even if this kid were a perfect angel, you would resent her for having needs, being a financial drain, and intruding into your life. But she won't be an angel. Multiply the problems you will have by 100 if the ex is psycho (she sounds like it), and the child is a girl, which she is. The ex will cause drama in your life too.

Run. Run now. Do not pass go. Do it for the child's sake. Do it for yours.

Cara1128's picture

Yes...what you said about resentment,crazy BMs and lil mini-wife girl children who look and act like the BM.(I thank my lucky stars my SSs are boys-they still have BM habits UGH)

Acratopotes's picture

You are not soul mates girl.... google the meanings of soul mate...

a person with whom one has a strong affinity, shared values and tastes, and often a romantic bond: "

1 : a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament
2 : a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs

ideological soul mates

1 : a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament
2 : a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs

ideological soul mates

The 10 Elements of a Soulmate:

It’s something inside
Flashbacks. If your partner is your soulmate, chances are he or she has been present in your past lives
You just get each other. Ever met two people who finsh each other’s sentences
You fall in love with his (or her) flaws
It’s intense.
You two against the world.
You’re mentally inseparable
You can’t imagine your life without him (or her
You look each other in the eye.

see you do not love his flaws, he's not protecting you.... so please stop saying you are soul mates, you are not, you lowered your values for some guy.. why??

Ispofacto's picture

And another thing. Take it from someone who wasted her youth on the wrong guy:

You will be at least 40 when this child launches, and yet still this child will be in your life forever. You will look back and wonder why you wasted your youth on someone else's problems. You will regret wasting those years. Then you will look forward and know that all events, all future Christmases, will be shared with this child and her future spawn, with BM playing her games all along, the the energizer bunny of psychos, these women never get tired of their BS. SD's future family may very well be hostile towards you. Your man may attend these events without you, leaving you and your children to celebrate without him. If you have a child with him and divorce, you will spend half your holidays with your own children.

Think on that.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Pretty bleak picture you sketch - but very true, Ispofacto.

Add to this that if they divorce/split up, SO will get OPs kids at a time when his first child is present, plus maybe even the psycho energiser bunny Mom. HER kids mixed in with this lot - without OPs moderating influencing around. It is not outside the realm of possibility that OPs kids could end up being influenced by the other half of the SOs family.

You are lucky as a set of divorced parents to see your kids every second holiday. As these kids age and have partners of their own or get married, the split is then third holiday or forth holiday if there are two sets of divorced parents.

As a child of an intact family who then married someone who was also from an intact family, we alternated holidays with our families - that was a "half the holidays" situation. Unless there are family fights, your time is split even further to accommodate your parents divorce (and possible remarriage) and the divorce (and remarriage) of your spouse's family. You may end up seeing your kid every 4th holiday occassion or worse...

secret's picture

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

still learning's picture

Even if he did dump his kid he's still responsible for her. He'll be paying child support for at least 15 more years and maybe through college. Some men say they are *dumping* their kids and then sneak off and see them in secret. If anything happens to BM he either has to take her on full time or put her in a foster home.

You love him, he's probably great in bed but your lifestyles do not mesh at all. You have different goals and values. He'll never be just dad to your child he's going to be dad to sd and her sibling as well. I'm a few decades older than you so let my experience save you some pain. This relationship will only bring you heartache. You'll always be unhappy and regret your choice if you choose to stay with him and attempt to blend.

He may have been duped or he may be lying and didn't use protection while sleeping w/her. Either way he has a kid thats real and that will be around for a long time.

skatermom's picture

Picture this - fast forward 10 years and the brat is now a mini wife lounging on her dad and competing with you in every way for attention. Stealing your clothes and make up, leaving her food and garbage all over the house, lying...

Ex wife, non stop texting your "soul mate" about something you said to the little princess that she didn't like.

I have 3 SDs, GET OUT NOW!!!

sportslover's picture

Where the heck do you live that "everyone" has kids at 25-30? I would bet most in at your law school do not, and isn't that who you associate with mostly?

Regardless, there are 40+ guys out there without kids. I know, because I dated plenty of them after I left.

You really need to break this off, nothing but unpleasant daily life (pretty much) in your future if you don't.

I remember that Friday late afternoon feeling *shudder*

Please do yourself the best favor you ever could and leave this relationship, you won't even barely remember their names in a few years

horseygirl's picture

Searching... You are a young woman with a full life ahead of her. Do not saddle yourself with a man with kids. If you have to leave every weekend that the child is there, it is definitely not the right situation for you. Find a man that can devote himself to you and you alone. That is what I would have told my younger self because it isn't worth the heartache.

It will be hard to leave but you must. For yourself and his child.

Rags's picture

Go back and re-read your original post then make the decision on whether or not this guy is your "soul mate". Hint: He's not! And you aren't his either.

If he were your soul mate and your equity life partner he would make you and his relationship with you his only top priority. And you would do the same. Equity life partnership includes being equity parents to any children in your home regardless of kid biology. Each other and the relationship are the unequivocal top priority. Children are the top relationship responsibility but never the top priority.

Things in a blended family marriage don't just get better or fix themselves. It takes considered and concerted action to fix things and keep them on track. If you and Mr. Wonderful Soul Mate are not equity life partners then you are completely right. Things wont work out, get better, etc... even if both of you work on it. Only if you commit and focus on your equity life partnership including being equity parents to SD and any future children you have together will this work.

Not that a blended family marriage can't be a wonderful thing. It can. But.... it is more work than is imaginable by anyone who has not lived it. So, are you ready to go all in and be your Mr SoulMate's equity life partner? Of equal importance.... are you confident that he is ready to go all in and put you and your relationship first above all else including his XW and her manipulative crap, the SD and all she entails, and don't forget... are you capable of being a mother to your SD, providing and protecting her best interests when she is in your home and with you, and are you willing to compromise your "core values" and have children with someone who has "been there and done that" before and without you.

So... whatcha gonna do?

Good luck.

ESMOD's picture

No way in this world that you should consider staying with a man when you despise his child of 3 years old.

You are young enough that you can find a better match. He has a responsibility to that life he created (no matter whether he was trapped or not... which is often a line fed to the step parent btw). He could potentially have full custody at some point. If you can't be a part of this kid's life, do everyone a favor and move on.

I know there are some on here that live separate from their spouse due to Skid issues. Personally, I wouldn't live that way. If my spouse couldn't ensure I was welcome in our marital home... I wouldn't consider that person a good spouse for me. Every situation is different, so I am not judging those people and in fact, it may work well for some. But... going into this at 25 with a toddler in the mix. Nope.