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Curious about Disengagement

Steppedonnomore's picture

I find this concept of disengaging from adult skids interesting. I think it must be very hard to put into practice but quite rewarding if you can do it successfully.

How does it work when there are “his” and “her” adult kids in the mix and at those times when everyone must be together (holidays, etc.)? Do the kids engage with each other?

For those of you who have managed it, did you start with baby-steps or go full on right off the bat? What was your spouse’s initial reaction and how long did it take for them to accept that this was the new normal?

I’m not sure it could have saved my marriage since exDH put our finances and future plans in jeopardy by enabling adult SS.

2Tired4Drama's picture

I don't know about mixing kids because I have none of my own. But I can offer the following on my experience with disengagement:

I do not recommend making any kind of big "announcement" that you are going to disengage from his kids. It's much easier to start out slowly; make up a reason you can't be there if his kids visit, stop actively reaching out to them, stop doing things for them (for your DH) etc.

Stop offering to host/cater/cook if they visit. If DH says skids are coming say "Aw shucks! Too bad I won't be here since I've already made plans to do XYZ. But I'm sure you will all have a great visit." Then drop it, don't discuss it anymore, and be sure to go out and do something that gets you away from them for the duration.

Social media is a big headache and causes lots of problems. Recommend you put skids on pause on that, too.

Disengagement for some people is absolute, they have no contact whatsoever. Others, as in my case, are able to manage a couple of occasions per year (holiday, SO birthday) when we can tolerate the skids for a short dinner. I no longer cook, decorate or do anything else for the holiday in order to accommodate the skids. My SO is in charge of his visit with them and now we usually go out to a restaurant. That works just fine for me.

On the down side, there are still feelings of resentment that crop up from time to time. I think my SO finally got the "hint" that I was not interested in spending time, specifically with SD. Now he doesn't even mention when he talks to her on the phone.

That's the part that does bug me a bit; he has a whole section of his life that I am not a part of but my life (and family) is an open book for him - since everyone accepts and likes him. It's that unbalance that leaves some feelings of resentment. But overall, that's better than having to deal with all the other drama of trying to have a relationship with skids who are not worth the bother.

Steppedonnomore's picture

Thank you. I hadn't thought about the imbalance in that you would be excluded from part of his life while he would not be from yours. I can see where that might cause some resentment.

sammigirl's picture

2Tired4Drama: I could not have answered OP better than you. I did all of the above, except I disengaged "all or nothing" from SD. If I had it to do over, I would go slower and a piece at a time.

I let myself be backed into a corner over 30+ years and then it all broke loose at once. I suggest taking it slow and just as you stated.

I am very happy with my disengagement and it has been very good for our marriage. The only regret: I didn't do it years ago and much slower.

LJFSYD's picture

Love the band aid're right quick and over in one fast pull......I quit planning parties and dinners 7 years ago....planned three huge parties and after buying all the stuff, made the food, the steps showed up late, hours late and food was already put away....all three parties were for the numbers they gave us, about 20 to 25 people and the most who showed up was 2,,,why? Because they never invited ANYONE to begin with...the sabatoging on their part started way before I even lived in the house and that was after they were gone!

LJFSYD's picture

Love the band aid're right quick and over in one fast pull......I quit planning parties and dinners 7 years ago....planned three huge parties and after buying all the stuff, made the food, the steps showed up late, hours late and food was already put away....all three parties were for the numbers they gave us, about 20 to 25 people and the most who showed up was 2,,,why? Because they never invited ANYONE to begin with...the sabatoging on their part started way before I even lived in the house and that was after they were gone!

still learning's picture

I used the slow disengagment technique and it worked for me. Conversations about ss's were kept short, just enough to validate that DH was heard and then we moved on. skid/Gskid birthday's, holidays, all the shopping was turned back over to DH. No more cooking and cleaning for the herd while they all sat on their a$$es and watched me work. "Oh skids are dropping by? What are YOU planning on doing for them for dinner?" Gskids were hungry or wanted to play, "Go ask Grandpa Learning."

I never announced anything, or told DH that I was done. I simply stopped doing. A great side effect is that skids have stopped coming over so much since I'm not facilitating and catering.

DH hasn't said much about it except, "I know it makes you upset when I talk about ss32." My response was "What?" accompanied by an innocent look of confusion.

Like you said, the imbalance of it all is hard and it's confusing to be hated for that fact that you are married to someones father.

SugarSpice's picture

i agree that no "announcement" need to be made.

just put your plan into action as start "backing away."

i no longer have the need to be in my skids lives. i do not have the desire to hear about their lives from dh, and i simply dont care.

if dh tells me about one of the skids, i just reply "oh thats nice." i leave it at that.

LJFSYD's picture

Funny my response to DH telling me is "how nice" and change the subject....LOLOL

LJFSYD's picture

Funny my response to DH telling me is "how nice" and change the subject....LOLOL

BFS's picture

LOL I do this as well when my DH brings up his toxic daughter.. I always reply "that's nice" and continue on my way.... 6 years later he doesn't even mention her name anymore.... a HUGE thank god for that!

LJFSYD's picture

Thanks so much for your input about disengagement.....I have been trying to "fix", engage, and try to make a transition with my Husband's two younger adult children...25 and 32...We just recently were married, I am 68 DH is 73.

We have been together for almost 9 years with no thoughts of marriage and we both lost our spouses to illness. The daughger teaches English in Taiwan, the son is a recent officer in the Navy. Even when we were first dating, I found the two children, still living at home at that time, rather "different"...No rules, No boundaries, pretty much Lording over their father. I found my DH to be great fun, engaging, loving and very independent when away from these two kids (he has two older children living in another state he ignored for 27 years and has reconnected with and I adore and we have a grand time when together). But when the two younger ones would be in the same room with us when I would visit him at his home, he would jump on command.

at the time, when dating, my DH got very ill, dangerously ill. The two adult children did not come to visit him. I was driving almost everyday after work to see him in another town an hour away, then when he got home I had to visit to infuse special meds into his pic line. This was way before I even considered being in a long term relationship. During this time, both children would act like I was invisible when they would come home. Both had PT jobs, and would come in walk past us, go to thier rooms and slam the doors....I questioned, but with him being so sick he had enough to deal with.

Eventually the son went off the college, daughter off to taiwan to teach (her deceased mother was chinese raised in Taiwan) so there was extended family there, who by the way have found the niece/daughter/SD to be offensive to them, so I'm not alone in my opinion how she acts. My DH, after over a year asked me to move into his home, which I did. I firgured, they're grown, off doing thier about Naive at,,,,,,and I had been a step mother before with decreased husbands three children, but never took the active roll of being a "mother figure" since those kids had a mother already ....

Now we are in a spot where the two adult children's attitudes have escalated through the past 7 years to a point they have accused me of stealing, throwing and hiding their mothers things (it was all put in storage paid by DH "grand national bank" of flowing funds to these two kids. I learned early on to NOT ever been in a room alone with them unless DH was there, yet they claim all these remarks I made to them that have forced them "to be in therapy and I, the daughter and paying out of MY pocket for both of our counseling sessions, which are very EXPENSIVE. Because we are so depressed and distraught over how we have been treated".

After 8 years of accusations, which i finally addressed piece by piece in an email to them with final thoughts that if they felt so targeted by me, perhaps they need to reconsider attending a party we are holding in september to celebrate our marriage until they are in a better place. To say my email did no good is an understatement as they fired back with the same 8 years of accusations of things I supposedly did, stole, said, etc.

Its all a shame, but I do have to disconnect from them. I feel i gave it every shot to do things, plan things to make their visits with their father wonderful (he has been critically ill 4 times in the past 9 years.....the children have showed no level of empathy towards their father during any of these illnesses, the last being cancer, with chemo and bladder removal) I have enough to do making sure he stays well at this point. My priority is my DH. I set my boundaries a long time ago and when breached I have politely told whichever of the two children that their behavior toward me or their father (when it involved me) was unacceptable.....and for me was a dead subject once dealt with.

I have told my DH this past week, I will not allow them to only come to this house for a party in september celebrating our marriage when they refuse to engage with me, will not acknowledge my presence when in a group situation, will not even say hello unless DH says something to them. The son is only one hour away and after DH's surgery he asked his son to help him with a few yard tasks and come see him (he shouldn't have had to ask) and the son wanted to come after dark when the work would have been impossible to do in the dark outside.

So my DH knows I am totally done with these two Steps......he knows I will not tolerate disrespect from either of them in OUR home, or any other time (which i will now not engage in) That he certainly can see them alone, no issue with that, but they will not when SD is visiting from Taiwan in four weeks (she will in the US for 3 weeks, dad paid for her to come to be at party in september, and has always paid for her to come home) she and her brother will not call constantly to have alone time with thier father day after day and disinclude me.....thankfully DH agrees, he will see them during her visit to the US, She is not staying with us, but her brother in next town, who lives with two other Navy officers in a small 3 BR house (mmmm) but her choice, as truely I don't want her here in our home.

So thank you for the disengagement post, something I've had to do a couple of times with people when I was stupid enough to allow thier negativity to enter my life and I was stupid enough to think i could fix the sitatuion....the shame of all this, its a horrible game they are playing and I refuse to play. Its sad to watch, as things could be wonderful as it is with the two older children.....and shameful how they treat their dad and how he has allowed it. His recent email and mine did nothing to improve the sitatuion, but it was a last ditch effort . My DH has gone to counseling several times in the past 8 years to get help in how to try to turn this around, but his illnesses have certainly interrupted the process. So we sit here 9 years later with no resolution and I really dont see it happening anytime soon, the saddest part is their behavior will overflow into their own personal lives if they dont find a level of empathy to others, much less thier father and I.

Thanks for listening

sandye21's picture

My SD used to enter a house I owned, walk right by me without saying a word or even looking at me, go into the room she was staying in, and slam the door in my face. I was also accused of all sorts of vague 'sins'. So I know what you are talking about.

You are just at the beginning of disengagement. This is the hardest part because you are setting boundaries and this is something new to both DH and the skids. Your DH may 'get it' some day but the odds the skids ever 'get it' are pretty slim.

For your emotional survival you must continue with the disengagement. There are many degrees of disengagement. You may decide they may enter your home but you will be detached from them, smiling, not saying much, treating them the same way they treat you, leaving all of the entertaining, cleaning cooking, etc., to DH.

I chose complete disengagement because SD was very threatening when she had her meltdown. Quite frankly, I refuse to allow anyone our home who is rude and openly hostile to me. DH can visit her just about whenever he wants but I don't want her near me.

The one common thing, which ever disengagement road you take is to not discuss the skids with DH. If he brings them up, change the subject. But you have to put them emotionally out of your life. Sorry they are unwilling to help with DH but it is the 'norm' for entitled 'skids'. You can feel sorry for you DH but he is really the one who helped to create their self-centered attitudes. The most important thing is to focus on you and do everything in your power to make a meaningful, pleasant life for yourself.

Keep up the good work with disengaging. It is a 'two step forward, one step back' process, but eventually you will find it was worth it. It gets better every day. Good luck. (((HUGS)))

notasm3's picture

There are many different ways to disengage. One can disengage from just about anyone - not just a skid. Have a cousin, in-law, spouse of a friend, etc. that is not your favorite person?

Sometimes one attends an event where that person is going to be there. One option is to be civil and polite and to keep your distance. Sometimes that's not enough so you just make sure you are never even in the same room as that person.

I personally think that holiday events can be held separately for each "side". Really no reason to all be together. But I also think a key element to a successful disengaging is to NOT spend time justifying it. Don't bombard your partner with all the reasons their spawn are worthless and disgusting. That doesn't work.

No parent wants to hear a litany of their child's shortcomings even if obviously true. I've told my DH to keep his son and GF out of our home - I did not add a paragraph about what utterly repulsive disgusting lowlifes they are.

Steppedonnomore's picture

Thank you. I can see another reason that would probably not have worked in my marriage. ExDH wanted one big happy family and that just wasn't going to happen. I think my exDH would have resented me refusing to engage in any way with his son or doing separate holidays.

Does resentment build up on both sides during disengagement?

I'm trying to see how disengaging from a skid doesn't also result in disengaging somewhat from the spouse? Or is that just part of the fall out?

sammigirl's picture

I think my DH resents my disengagement; but I have been very honest with my DH on "why" this took place. We used to argue about it at first, but it has been almost eight years; like 2Tired4Drama stated, we don't discuss it and when SD56 visits I don't ask or show any interest in their visit. It is their time and I really don't care.

I have never betrayed my DH to my family or our friends; therefore, my family adores my DH and loves spending time with him. He betrayed me to SD56; she took all the info and ran with it. The only misbalance in our case is DH and SD56 gossiping about me and my family. I don't lower myself to bother with retaliation.

DH was to blame for the entire disengagement and he knows that now. He regrets the loss of the "Brady Bunch Family", but it is what it is; I will never go back, too much water under the bridge. We are moving forward now and it is not easy. SD56 and SGD32 (mother/daughter) won't let it go and we will never be on "speaking terms" again. I am civil and again, will not lower myself to their mind games and drama. But I am not around them to be on the receiving end of disrespect either. I buy no gifts, do not entertain, nor do I hostess them; these are all DH's choosing now and have been for a few years.

They are nothing more than another human being to me; I treat them as such. I stay away from them and deal with them on a case by case basis.

SugarSpice's picture

sammi, by disclosing personal information to his daughter, your dh betrayed you. certain confidences dont belong between a parent and a child.

your dh made that bed and now he must sleep in it.

LJFSYD's picture

Love it,,,youre right,,,does no good telling the spouse....mine gets defensive "their my kids and i love them" and my response was, "they are your kids and of course you love them, doesnt mean I like how they behave". I gave up saying anything as he always knee jerks

LJFSYD's picture

Love it,,,youre right,,,does no good telling the spouse....mine gets defensive "their my kids and i love them" and my response was, "they are your kids and of course you love them, doesnt mean I like how they behave". I gave up saying anything as he always knee jerks

Steppedonnomore's picture

Thank you for sharing your journey. I hope your DH has his "lightbulb moment" soon.

CANYOUHELP's picture

You know when it is time and you know what to do to protect yourself, because you realize you are the only one who will do so... Like other posters mention all situations are different, but if you feel totally excluded, then you are.... So make as much peace with that as you can, and move on. You do have to accept it was your choice to make this move, and that is not always easy either.

Sounds like Mayo's DH is punishing her for not wanting to continue the abuse by his poorly behaved adults. He may be trying to guilt her, that happens a lot, and well as pointing blame squarely at you...but you cannot be blamed for anything--- if you stay away from it, can you? That is where I am at now. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. "I" am not the blame. That is the great part about disengagement now, it takes you out of the equation.

sammigirl's picture

CANYOUHELP: You mentioned "that is where I am at now"; disengagement is exactly like grieving/death in one way. There are steps/stages of getting thru the process. Divorce is somewhat the same process. If OP reads here, there are many people in many different stages of disengagement.

Disengagement is like death and divorce, it is different for different people, because it has different circumstances. Also it gets better and easier with time and patience, if you set your mind to getting thru it.

When I took control of my life and carried out with my disengagement for me and nobody else, it worked. My DH has withheld affection from me, since disengaging; but I have learned to deal with that part of it also.

Like you stated here, I refuse to take the blame. I did not betray DH, as he betrayed me. I did not raise his spoiled brat SD; that is on DH and BM. So I just refuse to let them drag me down with withholding affection and/nor speaking to me for periods of time. When they act like idiots, I know my disengagement is working.

SD told me she didn't want to be around me and didn't want anything to do with me. I obliged her; she just never dreamed I could stand up for myself, or would I not "love her".

Again, DH's fault from the beginning. We are doing well; because I let it all go and have my own life. I love my DH and always include him. If he chooses to not join me, that's his right and his choice.

With all of this said; we have our days and will always have hurdles. But I love my freedom and will do fine.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Sammi: You are a role model to so many of us on this board; your experiences and willingness to share with posters have made a positive impact in my life and the lives of many others, as I read... Keep up the great work!

CANYOUHELP's picture

Thank you Granny, I definitely do not have the solution...I look to you and others for valuable years of experience. ,,,but I did find lots of help and support from posters like you; you guys helped affirm my thoughts to keep looking forward. ST has been insightful; it has helped me stop doubting my feelings and actions, as much...:-)

sandye21's picture

You're my rock! Before I joined this group I was always outnumbered by DH, SD and her husband. It has been you and this group who have made the playing field even again.

Steppedonnomore's picture

It almost sounds as though, unless DH supports the disengagement, it can be pretty much like being divorced but still living together.

notasm3's picture

When DH and I met later in life, I'd had a long tradition of celebrating holidays with my extended family. The first year I invited SS as my family is very inclusive. But the night before he came over high as a kite, and it was horrible. No way I could take him to my aunt's house. One of my cousins is a DEA agent. I would never disrespect my relatives by subjecting them to that.

The next year we celebrated at noon with my family and then had SS over in the evening for a dinner. Worked out okay.

A few years ago when we bought our home I planned a Christmas dinner for DH's family in mid December. DH asked if SS and the GF could come. I said no as SS had been hideous for the past couple of years, and I'd never met the GF. But his ex GFs were disgusting pill popping low life ho-bags. DH's family is pretty much like mine - raging druggies are not appreciated. DH was livid and pouted for a couple of days. But he got over it.

Then we went thru a spell of pretty much me not having anything to do with SS - but it was not openly discussed. SS and the GF had a baby, settled down some so I opened the door a crack. They would stop by. I held the baby. They came over for dinner. I have to admit that I didn't really enjoy spending time with them, but I was okay with being pleasant and welcoming for DH's sake. I think we've all been nice to someone's spouse that we didn't really like.

And then ..... we went on vacation out of state for two weeks. The night we got back I noticed a few things out of place and realized someone (guess who) had been in our home. DH went over to see them that night and talked to them - at that point I did not know the scope of our home invasion so sent along presents from DisneyWorld, etc. I thought they'd just stopped by. I was unhappy - but not nearly as LIVID as I became when I realized they'd ransacked our most personal possessions and that almost 6 litres of hard liquor were missing.

So I am now at they can eat sh*t and die stage of my relationship with them. TBH I really do not care if they are dead or alive. They DO NOT EXIST in my life. I do not bad mouth them to my DH, nor have I shared their horrible transgressions except with two close friends and this board. I know my DH hates that his son is so worthless - but he does still love him because it's his son.

The GF has already pulled the "you can't see your grandson because you do not allow us access to your wife's assets and belongings" card. That didn't last long - as SS was calling and begging DH to come see the GC.

But to me - it's a good thing that I never have to deal with these two efftards again.

Steppedonnomore's picture

There is never a time when you MUST be together with anyone.

While technically true, how would you negotiate typical family gatherings when there are adult kids on both sides (his and hers)? Separate Thanksgivings and Christmases? Do you separate the Gkids too?

Or does disengagement not work well when there are kids on both sides.

sammigirl's picture

You disengage for yourself; it isn't a package deal. If there is one person that you wish to disengage from, do it slowly; it has nothing to do with other family members.

I have NEVER shown favoritism to any child or grandchild; step or my own family. I have step children and step-grandchildren I get along well with and no problem being around them anytime. I never talk to any of them about my disengagement and I move forward for me.

If I have to be around SD56 and SGD32, I just remain civil; I plan it so that it last just a short time, maybe a couple of hours during holidays, and then I'm off to whatever else is on my schedule.

Steppedonnomore's picture

Yes, that makes sense to me.

I know disengagement would not have changed anything in my situation but was curious about how others managed it and what it looked like in various families.

After adult SS cornered me and told me what a terrible wife I was for not forcing DH to put his mother in a nursing home, I pretty much stopped having conversations with him and made sure I was never in a room alone with him.

sammigirl's picture

I did disengage from my DH, where SD and her family are concerned. This disengagement from my DH concerns their activities ONLY. It has nothing to do with DH and I; although it has effected our relationship, it is different now. It comes with disengagement, in my case, because DH wants a "Brady Bunch" family. My SD and her family are just people to me and treat me rude; so I stay away from them and will never engage with them again. They had their chance for 30+ years and refused to play nice.

I do not invite SD and family to my house; that is up to DH. The entire relationship between DH and SD is their thing; I have nothing to do with it. I will go with DH to gatherings that he invites me to, if I feel comfortable. I stay on mutual grounds with SD and family; I will not go to her home or be on her grounds. SD comes to our home to visit DH; I do what makes me feel comfortable, when she visits her Dad, which isn't too often any way.

The entire disengagement lies on my DH. He allowed his grown kids to be disrespectful and rude. The entire blame lies on DH and BM for the manner in which his kids were raised, not my doing; therefore, I will not allow it to reflect on me.

Disengagement is confusing, because it does change feelings between spouses. I will never trust my DH nor SD, in regards to their relationship (together) with me. They are on their own. I'm moving forward. By the way, this has taken me 8 years to reach the point of not caring what they think, thus NOT letting it effect me.

There are times it flares up, but it is much easier to handle now that I don't care. SD will forever be in my life; how I handle it is up to me.

momjkm's picture

My present situation is I just don't know if I want to be with someone who is a big wuss when it comes to his adult children. I had no indication of this when we got together and married. It has mostly played out after his grandchildren were born. He treats my grandson differently( subtle yet I see it) and walks on eggshells as to not upset his SDIL. Who happens to be very tight with the ex. I do feel like the life I thought we would have will never be. If I had a crystal ball to foresee my now life I would NEVER have married my DH. When its just my DH and I its great. And the family beyond my SS's is part of the reason I married him in the first place. I have known my DH since I was 7 and his family is great. SO sidestepping the skids will be a rough road..any advice out there?

2Tired4Drama's picture

This is the future situation that I am probably facing. SD is getting married and their intention is to start a family ASAP. My mantra has become "expect nothing." I will treat any future gskids the same way I treat their mother, the SD. Avoid when possible, and the few occasions when I must see I them all I will be formally friendly - like I would with any other stranger.

Whatever relationship my SO develops/maintains with his future gskids is on him. I am nothing to their mother (SD) so I don't expect that I will have any role whatsoever. That's fine by me. I know that going in so I won't be putting my heart out there hoping for anything more.

In your case, you should not expect that your DH will treat your grandson the same as his own. He won't. And his behavior towards his own gskids will probably not change; he will continue to tip-toe around the parents so that he won't lose access to the little ones. Do your best to not be around and see it. Avoid discussions about it and disengage as best you can.

ETexasMom's picture

I started out doing tons for the grandkids and even threw OSD her baby shower. She made a big deal about saying she wanted me in the delivery room (BM is dead, OD'd long before I came into the picture). When delivery day came she took the gifts I brought then announced in a room full of people she didn't want me in the room during delivery and felt more comfortable with her grandmother there instead. Which was understandable but to do it in a roomful of people instead of privately was very crappy!

When the baby was 3 months old she got mad when DH and I didn't do something she wanted and started telling him he had to chose between me and his grandson. DH refused so she got pissy and we didn't see the baby for months. I learned very quickly that the grandchild was just a new weapon for the steps to use so I stopped thinking of them as my grandchild.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Sadly, it was predictable that your DH would not see things your way. People rarely are when presented with truths about their loved ones - especially their kids (adult or otherwise).

This is why I suggest that those who want to disengage not have discussions or announcements about it. Just stop ENGAGING! Find excuses to not be around. Change the subject when skids come up. Etc.

If money to skids is an issue, then talk about changing some of the overall financial situation with the (unspoken) goal of ensuring you have enough to make an escape if you absolutely have to. Thankfully, I did not get married to my SO and I avoided this huge financial and legal nightmare that so many others face.

Many couples separate finances and experiences, and it can work quite well. It depends on what perspective you take. While I admit to having some occasional resentments that my SO's kids are closed off to me, the same could be said about others in his life. For example, he may have friends he does sporting activities with that I have no interest in. I am glad he enjoys it but it's a part of his life I don't need to be involved with. Likewise with some things/people I am involved with.

Mentally, I try to put SD into that same category - someone who is important to my SO, but I have no need of being involved with.

momjkm's picture

My DH is liked by everyone. I am totally the bad person because I say whats on my mind. He is very good at being fake so most people think he is the best thing ever. I sadly get to see the d**k side of him. No one else does. He seems to talk s**t about everyone except his kids and their families. Again, I am the only one to hear all this.

Finances/home etc are kept apart. I have another home in another town that my daughter rents. So as soon as my youngest finishes her senior year which starts in September- I can haul ass and take care of myself.

I just don't know. I want to honor my wedding vows about in good times and bad, but I just feel deceived.

Merry's picture

I can't say I'm totally disengaged from my Skids, but I'm not invested in them either.

There have been times when we've had my kids and DH's kids together. It was never my expectation that they become "family." My DD and SS have become friends, and honest to goodness I think SD and DD tried. But when SD blew up at my daughter at my DD's own wedding, that was the end of that. (DD didn't include SD the way SD thought she should be included -- as my DD puts it, everything is the SD Show. None of us have gotten an apology, except for DH, who had the good sense to be thoroughly embarrassed.)

So, no, we don't do joint holidays. Everybody knows why. Nobody says anything.

I don't ask DH about his kids. I rarely pick up the telephone when they call, but sometimes I do. I am crazy about the stepgrands, and SD does not use them as pawns. I give her huge credit for being a really good mom, and for being a responsible, contributing adult in general. DH has never been an ATM to her, but she is often a mini-wife. I've gotten to the point where I can ignore or say a few words to DH about the inappropriate role, and he deals with it. God bless DH and the behavior changes I've seen in him.

SS is an addict. Recovering, three years now, and we're very proud. But I am not really invested in him either. I hope he does well. But he has lied, cheated, stolen, broken DH's heart--all the things addicts do when they are actively using. I am super cautious and untrusting when it comes to SS. Although he is smart and funny and I enjoy his company, I just can't get close to him. There isn't really tension between us, but I always have my eyes and ears open.

When they come to visit, DH is in charge of cleaning, meal preparation, activity planning. SD is a good guest, and they are welcome whenever they want to visit. The don't live in our same state, so it's maybe two or three times a year. I can handle that. DH is also in charge of gift giving for his kids, although I will wrap gifts because I'm better at it and I enjoy it. Sometimes I'll help him shop, sometimes I wont.

You can have any kind of relationship you need to have--sometimes it just takes a bit of time to figure out what you need and what works.

momjkm's picture

I disengaged without realizing it had a name. I can't comply with the way I am expected to be around his kids and their wives. They say/do whatever they pretty much want and you are supposed to say nothing. Its like we are the children and they are the parents. I told my DH I just refuse to be in a situation that degrades myself. I don't do that with my owns kids therefore I will not around his. He is scared to death that the OSDIL will be upset if he does anything other than visit once a week and play with his GKIDS. I didn't move an hour from where I lived to go to another house to visit the SGKIDS. And OSDIL does not allow them to be out of her sight. Very dysfunctional.

steppingback's picture

Not announcing the disengagement to skids helps keep them off balance and makes it difficult to mount another attack. How much can they complain when you are not antagonistic but just silent? The silence becomes the norm. My male skids have no idea how to counter the use of their own ignoring tactic against them. This is not how I want life to be but it is the way it works.

SacrificialLamb's picture

"I had a flare today. Wonder if everybody does."

Guilty. Had a big one last week. I don't believe it will go away entirely. If someone else treated me like dirt - and this has happened - DH wouldn't give that person the time of day. When it's OSD I have to live with it because it's his DD, and there's the fact that he allowed it so long because he did not want to get in the middle.

Your DH is hanging out with people who wished you harm. Having a good time catching crumbs of approval. Feelings of past betrayals come gurgling back up. He's a puppy with a big leash, and you feel like crap when they are holding it, even if it's for a few days. I know this feeling all too well. I tell myself DH has the right to see his children, which he does, and what a relief it is that OSD lives so far away. But it doesn't make the resentment go away.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Smile Smile Smile

Wish there were something I could say to help with the resentment.....but I need that same help.

SacrificialLamb's picture

How benevolent of him. Just the kind of comment that makes your blood pressure go up. I can feel when my blood starts boiling.

An invitation to return to being Mrs Doormat alongside his Mr Doormat. Just what you needed.

sandye21's picture

Just hang on, girl. You are not partaking of the 'festivities' because it is below you to kiss a$$ anymore. You choose not to associate with hypocrites - you have taken the leap to being honest and genuine. Give yourself a big pat on the back. And when DH comes back home and wants to talk about all that happened, treat it like you would with a friend who has a different view on politics, "Let's keep that part of our lives to ourselves and go on having fun together." Even if you have to fake it, act like it's nothing to you - like these people simply do not exist in your life so why have any discussions about them. You had better things to do with YOUR family.

While he's away do something really special for yourself and your family - so much fun that the your kids can't wait to tell their dad about it.

sandye21's picture

"What would I like more than anything? That my MIL flies to the moon and I never have to lay eyes on the SD's again." On a broom, of course!

SacrificialLamb's picture

All 3 of them coming around at the same! What a coincidence! What a miracle! Planets have aligned! Just in time for 5 months before Christmas to start buttering you up! Praise God - you know MIL with her Pipeline to Jesus was praying for all of you. How self-serving for your DH! I've heard the same shit too. DH just had a hunch OSD would treat me with respect. As if I were clamoring to be in her presence! Give me some concrete evidence that she has been HEALED (I am throwing my biggest southern revival accent on HEALED). Oh, there isn't any evidence? Then shut the hell up, DH. I told him I needed years of concrete hard proof before I spend time with someone this toxic. And I know I will not get it.

OSD posted a pic last week of her, YSD and BM visiting many of DH's family. DH was not there. I have to hand it to DH - he said something to OSD. Sent her an email saying he didn't mind seeing pics of her and BM on FB. But he did not want to see a pic of BM with his family.

Instead of OSD apologizing and saying she would honor his request, she waited a week and then responded to him with one word: "why?"

Why? She needs to ask why she should not post a pic of her mother with his family when he asked her not to? If she respects him that little, then how much respect does she have for his wife? No plans on a reunion any time soon.

SacrificialLamb's picture

Then last night, YSD called to discuss the email that DH sent OSD politely requesting that she not post pictures of BM with HIS family. She was with OSD at a wedding when OSD received the email. Said OSD was upset the rest of the night. DH had sent her a polite email with a reasonable request, but the horror. OSD is now back into victim mode. The woman has never been told "no" in her life.

I heard DH three times ask YSD how she would like it if he kept in contact with her exDH, we took him out on the town without her and then posted pics on FB. She said she would be pissed. Really? Then why isn't DH allowed to be pissed too? Because it's the Original Family. The Family that Never Ends.

peacemaker's picture

There is a u tube video titled "colluding with being ignored and self betrayal by allen.....It explains why after 25 years of being treated badly by stepchildren, I chose to disengage...I had no other option if I wanted to keep my sanity and have my personhood still in tact. It is a great learning tool for any unhealthy relationship with people who do not want to connect with you....Peace.

SacrificialLamb's picture

peacemaker, what words of wisdom do you have for dealing with resentment? Many of us feel that the physical part of disengaging is so much easier than the emotional part. Do you still feel resentment yourself?

peacemaker's picture

I guess it depends on how you want to look at things...As hard as the step life has been...when I disengaged, All of the adversity I had experienced, forced my pendulum to swing to the extreme opposite. It was an incredible struggle for me to disengage with the co-dependency I had with toxic people. Once I had realized my battle was one that raged within myself...stemming from the baggage I had collected from the previous years of my journey through this focus changed from me.

I know it sounds selfish to some to actually make yourself a priority and learn to love yourself, be kind to yourself, respect yourself, especially when those surrounding you mirror nothing but contempt and apathy...

But I have come to realize, that, I cannot love anyone else beyond my ability to love myself. You cannot give what you do not possess. It has now been five years of discovery of who I am, what my specific gifts and talents are, and who the real author of my life is, to connect with my true identity. I feel like my adventure in life is just beginning. I am free not just from the madness of being surrounded by broken, hurting people who are so bad off, they leave a trail of brokenness and division, and damage wherever they go. I am just no longer on their radar. I have learned how unsafe and unstable they can be.

I cannot say that I have many regrets regarding how things turned out...Maybe the most obvious one is the length of time and energy it consumed from my life to get to this point. I feel sorry for them more than anything, because they are still stuck in their bondage for the most part, and are not willing to do what they need to to get set free from their own issues.

Once I learned that The only life I have to answer for is my own. I cannot control other people. So, I have moved on from the madness. I do not entertain it. I do not let it speak into my identity anything less than who God says that i am. I have learned to value myself...because He has shown me how valuable I am to Him. and so are they, but they have not realized it yet.

While the intensity of all the step drama was happening, it affected me in such a negative way I couldn't catch my breath before the next tsunami would appear...The complex trauma and stress I was enduring just about destroyed me.

Now my life is such a contrast to what it was back then, i can't imagine living like that ever again. I am a very diverse person with many interests. I have learned to embrace the people who I encounter along my journey that need help and know how to reciprocate kindness....

I feel like I am beginning to walk in my purpose, and expand my boundaries to try new things. My relationship with God has grown exponentially as He has become my source for truth... Now I just want to live my life to it's fullest potential...I really do not have time to entertain all the drama of their un-dealt with issues. I no longer try to impress them, and I no longer pursue anything with any of them...My relationship with craving their acceptance of me is over. My need to be accepted by them has disappeared. (that was the true battle for me),,,I am free from the co-dependency)...and, I am no longer a food source for them to feed off from either...

My battle was with my core beliefs and my own issues...and once I got real with my deal, I was able to get free. Now that those empty places and false beliefs have been corrected...That chapter of my life is over.

Yes, I am still married to dh...He really hasn't worked on his own issues much (maybe a little)...His children are still in the same mindset as they were...But I have changed.

If that is what it took to help me get to a place in my life where I could self-reflect and let the work be done that set me free from my own baggage ...I would not trade it for the world. The freedom I have now cannot compare to the pain I went through that got me here. Adversity breeds Passion.

As bad as it was, it truly has worked out for my good in the long run. I am so excited to see where the rest of my life will be taking me. My issues with them are no longer an obstacle. I have left them all in the hands of the God that created them, and can honestly say I will pray for them. Resentment? Yes, I struggled with resentment for a while until I realized what a waste of time that was...

In the meantime, I have been living life to the fullest...after all, It took me my whole life to get here!...Peace.

sandye21's picture

"I have come to realize, that, I cannot love anyone else beyond my ability to love myself." WOW!!!!

still learning's picture

"I have moved on from the madness. I do not entertain it."

^Such a key point in disengaging.

disrestep's picture

A lot of posts in here. After scanning quite a few of them, maybe some of the lessons I've learned can hopefully help others.

After being with my now husband for 10 years, I was the first to disengage. I didn't realize what it was or called at the time, but after about 2 years of being the brunt of 3 adult skids rudeness, exclusion and all the nasty little games they play, I said "Enough of this!" Like many, I tried with the holiday dinners, family reunions, weddings, parties, outings with them and the DH. I was nice to them, bought presents even when they were so sickening rude to my face right in front of my DH, just kept smiling and pretending to ignore their behavior. After all, they were trying to get me upset and I wasn't going to play that game.

I finally said to my husband something like, "Look, I've tried and I will no longer put myself in a position where I am going to be treated like this any longer." and "If my relatives treated you like this, I would not sit there and say nothing. I would tell them that is unacceptable, as this is the the man I love and you do not treat him like dirt."' At first, DH would pretend he didnt notice the rudeness. So I started calling his attention to it right when it happened, so no excuses from him. I started planning things for us to do without the skids, as we got along better when they were not around and he is not an event planner kind of person. When he went to the skids without me, I relaxed, never called him and kept up with hobbies and friends. Quite a few times at first I wanted out of the relationship. I did not sign up for this garbage, but we love each other and want each other to be respected.

So, after time and time again of calling his attention to their rudeness, plus he could see it on his own after a while, and pulling away, DH started to slowy disengage from his brood. They were also rude to him and when they did not get their way, even worse to him. DH began to get sick of it too.

Lessons learned: Stop placing myself in a no-win situation where I am feeling stress from being treated like garbage. Communication and patience is important with a spouse. Spouses cannot read our minds. Skids will never change and may even get worse.

Aggie107's picture

disrestup - I had to do the same thing... at the moment the rudeness was subjected on to me I made him take notice. If you do it later they will say they didn't notice anything. Whether or not that is the truth, I don't know. But somehow in doing this action he started taking notice of things and stepping forward to deal with them. Even at the exclusion of his own children as it is not right for the treatment that SM's receive from a divorce of the skid's parents.

Steppedonnomore's picture

It wouldn't have even taken him disengaging to make a difference. If DH had just recognized that SS was a grown man who should succeed or fail based on his own actions, then he would still be DH and not ex-DH.

peacemaker's picture
