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My step daughter says she's hated me her whole life and called me a c@#@

Litay's picture

I lurk but rarely post. The last time I posted, my step daughter had hit my husband because he insisted she apply for financial aid. Three years have passed, and my now 21 year old step daughter's conduct has been disappointing but not horrible. Sure, she blew us off on a pre-booked vacation which cost us hundreds of dollars. She has not been there for her brother, our son. However, her antagonism towards me has now blown up, and I don't know what to do.

We were out to dinner the other night. When we came home, we noticed that she had called dozens of times when we were out. She lost her social security card and needed her birth certificate immediately to get a job. My husband called her back and apparently, while leaving a message, left his phone on, so she could then hear the conversation that my husband and I were having. I remember saying something like, it was too late for her to come over; we had to go to bed. I get p at 5; or son gets up even earlier. My husband apparently said she was "manic."

She texted my husband some days later and reported that I had made it seem like she was not very important. When I texted her to ask how she got that impression and to apologize if I said anything untoward (which I can't remember doing), she refused to tell me what she heard. She wrote that she had hated me for her whole life (I've known her since she was 2) and that I was a lying manipulative c@##. She wrote to her father the next day about how good it made her feel to send me these texts.

She states that she never wants to have anything to do with us again, except she wants her father to continue to pay for her car and her phone.

Is this it?

sorrynotsorry's picture

Are you serious you don't know what to do?! Tell her to fuck off and say it with RELISH!! This made me feel sooooooooooooo good to say this to the adult brat. She always got away with being a full blown bitch with all the girlfriends, etc.. well not me. Your Adult skid sounds just like my stepdaughter and that's exactly what I told her to do, I disengaged and she's dead to me it's not worth your stress or your health, These ingrates don't give a damn about you and never will. I know the pain, stress and anger the bitch caused me and I will not live like that. My health comes before her. Please do the same! She's not worth the sweat off the balls of anyone!

Rags's picture

"nothing to do with her" is just that. Repo the car and the phone and give her her wish.

Good riddance.

mystical7's picture

Oh really? LMAO I would put empty boxes in her room with a note that says you have three days to find a new place to live before I take the extreme enjoyment of cutting up your clothes and breaking all your shit just to get you out of here. And sign it with that word she called you!