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Do you really need to ask why I'm mad?!?!?!?!?

hbell0428's picture

I think communication is the key to it! I really do. I tell my DH things like.......
Who's coming over; where our kids are; who's house they are sleeping over; you know
things I feel are needed.
So I just logged on facebook and I get the whole scoop of whos is over my house with SD14 - so now I get to come home to it and DH isn't even going to be there!!!!
I'm not saying he had to "ask" me but this is what gets me and gives SD the impression she runs the show. I would have walked in to her w/ all her friends and I would have had no idea........I think it's a lack of respect on my DH's part!


hbell0428's picture

Now I'm's only because it's SD!! You hate her!!

I am so mad!! I could scream;

No it's the fact that when DH doesn't tell me things SD runs to me like......hahahahaha or when I walk into all her friends she walks by me like.......hahaha I'm top dog!!

Auteur's picture

Yep it's pretty sad when the only way we find out what's going on at OUR house is through FB!!!

I know GG would NEVER tell me when, where, what, who, etc. as everything was dictated by the Behemoth and he simply took orders without telling me, never mind OKAYING it with me.

It's been almost two years since one has set foot over my threshold and I'm still traumatized. I get nightmares about them coming back.

Zoie's picture

My DH would only do that one time and all hell would break loose... You are his partner and he needs to respect you and your relationship.