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Passive Agressive Ex

LAMomma's picture

It was our weekend for visitation this past weekend. We picked up the girls on Friday as usual. BM has a new boy toy that apparently she feels the need to show off. She gets a new one every couple of months and they're usually a pain in the butt to deal with but we ignore it and go on with our lives. It just sucks for the kids that they're exposed to these guys over and over again.

Anyway, at pick up my husband overhears her boyfriend from the car talking about how he could kick his butt, blah blah.. Immature bull crap that we're used to dealing with. He ignores it. He hands BM her child support check for Feb paid in full. She asks him what this is like she can't read or we regularly give her money for anything else. He says child support and leaves it at that. We go home and get through the weekend.

Sunday rolls around and it's time for drop off. We drop off the kids and he's walking back to the car to get in and BM gives something to SD6 and tells her to bring it to her Dad. It's a card. I'm thinking WOW maybe she's matured and finally sent something SD6 has done in school home for her Dad. Nope. He opens it and it's a congrats card for us getting married apparently.

On the front it says: "It's always been LOVE. Now it's official" and inside it says: "Happy Forever After" then she wrote "Congrats wish yall the best May God bless!!" and she signed it her, SD6, SD3 with our last name and then included her son at the end with his different last name.

I thought it was quite amusing and funny. Not sure what her goal in this was because it didn't create any drama and was pretty laugh worthy and pathetic on her part. I told my husband I should send her a thank you card but include that she's 2 months too late on her congrats. We've been married since Nov. The only thing I can guess is she noticed on the child support check that my last name was changed.

AVR1962's picture

You can always hope that she meant this in all good intentions but with the previous situation probably that is too much to ask for. however with all that being said, PA new BF or not, if you two could get along it will so help all the kids in the long run.

I got along with my ex's wife just fine and this was real good for the kids but my husband ex was very angry and would not allow her sons to even accept me. It creates a great deal of hardship. She "won" her boys and they support her fully but I find it sad as it could have been different if she would have allowed her sons to love someone besides herself.

Cooooookies's picture

Oh that was definitely passive aggressive. There is no reason for his ex to give you guys a card like that. But TECHNICALLY she didn't do anything wrong....a card is nice to give. The BM2 I deal with is Queen of passive aggressive. No one is fooled though, she makes herself look more and more like an idiot. Just ignore the wh*re.

Stepmom09's picture

I am thinking about just saying "no thank you" next time BM tries to hand me any cards. We both used to give cards for holidays but after she lost it in a parking lot I have since stopped. She will randomly or send crappy candy for us that I just donate.