Dunno. I think it depends. There's a poster on here (can't remember her name!) who's DH had a bad relationship with his mom growing up. Now mom is getting old and needs her son to take care of her, and apparently at the first sign of mom "needing" him, he jumps to do whatever she asks and leaves his wife hanging. Blah.
Parental dynamics get so weird when one of the parents is mental!
I'm thinking it means a more consistent state of being miserable...like the constant presence of a step mom.
It was just a bright point to my day... }:) Gotta take what you can get.
Grasping at straws today.
Sadly it seems that far too many Skids gravitate to the biggest shit hole of their two homes. Usually the side of the blended family that lets them run amok. It is not until much later that they realize the place where they can run amok with no rules and no parentally enforced rules and limits is a nasty place while the place were there are rules and standards is much nicer as a result of the professional performance and pride of ownership that standards, rules, and character tend to deliver.
I made it miserable for DH and SD13 today. I have really been under the weather and my back pain has been terrible all day long. SD13 didn't do chores yesterday or today so I reminded DH to do his job and be a parent. He told me to relax! I just called SD13 up from the bsmt a little while ago and asked why she checked off cleaning the table? (Insert white lie here.) Oh I cleaned it this morning because Dad told me to. No, DH didn't because he is clueless about SD13's chores unless I put them in his face. SD13 tells me again that "Yes" she DID clean the table as she goes to get the swiffer. I told her it says to SPRAY the table with glass cleaner and WIPE. I had written "HI" in the dust that was on it earlier so I knew she didn't clean. SD13 tried to tell me that thick dust settled on the table just today. "SD13 go get the glass cleaner (and I am smiling brightly at her here, pure evil). The glass cleaner will help repel the dust from coming back so quickly and make your job easier. Thank youuuuuu........" And I left the room.
SD13 is a lying sack of........Any trash of hers that I find left in cupboards and linen closets has been making its way to obvious paces. DH is clueless. SD13 took the last rolls of TP out of the linen closet (only because DH asked) and left the large plastic wrap in the closet. I put it on top of her pillow in her loft bed today. She brought it down and was giggling nervously at me. "Ohhhhh, what do you have there, SD13?" Her reply, "LOL, huh-huh-huh, LOL" "WHAT were you doing up in your bed? It's not even dinnertime?" "I was changing my sheets...." "Oh you mean you took the 'clean' ones off of the floor from last week and put them on? Well, THAT's good!"
Lots of sarcasm from me. Last night she got caught eating ice cream on the good leather couch. A no-no because she is a clumsy mess. I called her out in front of DH and told her to sit at the table. DH backed me up and told her she knows better. Later last night, she was sent up to brush her teeth and DH said make sure to use your fluoride rinse, too.!" She stood up and had a box of Cheez-Its tucked behind her on the couch! I told her to NOT eat on the couch. AGAIN. Today I looked in the box of Cheez-Its and there were 4 left. FOUR. I put them on her chair at the kitchen table and asked if she liked the snack I left her.
She got pissed tonight because she wants new glasses. DH and BM never took her to get new glasses. She had the same pair from when she was 8yo until summer 2013 when she turned 12. Guess who took her? Yeah, my mistake.
She is a real pain and has become increasingly annoying with her lazy habits. That's ok, it makes me feel less guilty every time she asks for something. Her infamous blue Halloween wig has arrived at my office, and there it will stay for awhile. }:) }:) }:)
SD13 told DH and I that she couldn't find the basement TV remote yesterday. I reminded her today to go look for it, outside if you need to, because maybe the puppy took it out into the yard. "I don't knoooooooow where is iiiiiiiiiiiS! I alreaaaady looooooooked!" I handed her a flashlight and told her to go look under the sofas. Not 30 seconds later she says she's found it, tucked into the sofa cushions. Now was that really THAT difficult? I told her that's where I found some of her socks the other day. She doesn't know I tossed them all into the trash. }:) Santa will bring you socks for Christmas, and we know how kids hate getting clothes at Christmas.
I also stumbled upon her Yahoo Mail account on my computer today, opened on here from a long time ago. I guess DH has it set up so he can see her account. There must have been 1500 emails in her Inbox and Deleted folders, dating back to 2011! So I perused. I found a little soft porn reading that she had saved into a Notes folder. Copied that link into my own word doc for later... She hasn't done anything wrong YET but she has way too many accounts for a new 13yo. Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter and Vine. DH thinks it's all great.
I deleted everything in her email folders, spam and trash. I wonder how long it will take her to notice? She still never has any homework. Just wait until second term starts! Bwahahahaha!
I am perfecting the craft of making my home more miserable for her.
Oh, how I understand your frustration! I would love for my SS to move in w/ his BM. I could have the brat packed up and ready to go within 30-45 minutes!!! It's rather pathetic how my husband, as well the BM & her family caters to him. He's going to be up a creek w/o a paddle when he's an adult in the workforce...but I'm sure daddy will follow him around, do his work for him, let him live at home well into his 20's (NOT happenin' if I'm still here!!) until some clueless woman comes along. I could go on and on and on.
It's these daughters and their Disney Dads. What the hell? Quit catering to them already, DH! I agree with NC Step, what are these Skids going to think when they have to work FT? With their Big Kid pants on? My SD19 is an entitled bitch, and will be home soon for Thanksgiving. I have to break it to her that she can't sleep on the couch in the LR anymore, other people here use that area. If you're so tired and stressed out from 3 days of PT work, then go lay down in your bed!
SD19 is coming home one night next week because DH invited her. She has a doc's appt the following morning because she is having anxiety attacks at college. Gosh, life must be MISERABLE.
One day you'll have SKs, too. Or a lot of cats. }:)
Dunno. I think it depends.
Dunno. I think it depends. There's a poster on here (can't remember her name!) who's DH had a bad relationship with his mom growing up. Now mom is getting old and needs her son to take care of her, and apparently at the first sign of mom "needing" him, he jumps to do whatever she asks and leaves his wife hanging. Blah.
Parental dynamics get so weird when one of the parents is mental!
That was me, she still calls
That was me, she still calls damn near every day just to "check on her baby"
I think they'll always come back around every now again as long as there's wifi, food, and possible hand outs. IMO
And I clearly need some
And I clearly need some coffee, because that sort of wasn't your point...
I'm slow on the uptake today, sorry!
Not a problem Ally...
Not a problem Ally...
I'm thinking it means a more
I'm thinking it means a more consistent state of being miserable...like the constant presence of a step mom.

It was just a bright point to my day... }:) Gotta take what you can get.
Grasping at straws today.
It's nice to think about. DH
It's nice to think about. DH and I have plans on touring the world once sPPP is 18, hopefully we'll be out of the country when they drop by.
It is nice to think about.
It is nice to think about.
Sadly it seems that far too
Sadly it seems that far too many Skids gravitate to the biggest shit hole of their two homes. Usually the side of the blended family that lets them run amok. It is not until much later that they realize the place where they can run amok with no rules and no parentally enforced rules and limits is a nasty place while the place were there are rules and standards is much nicer as a result of the professional performance and pride of ownership that standards, rules, and character tend to deliver.
I made it miserable for DH
I made it miserable for DH and SD13 today. I have really been under the weather and my back pain has been terrible all day long. SD13 didn't do chores yesterday or today so I reminded DH to do his job and be a parent. He told me to relax! I just called SD13 up from the bsmt a little while ago and asked why she checked off cleaning the table? (Insert white lie here.) Oh I cleaned it this morning because Dad told me to. No, DH didn't because he is clueless about SD13's chores unless I put them in his face. SD13 tells me again that "Yes" she DID clean the table as she goes to get the swiffer. I told her it says to SPRAY the table with glass cleaner and WIPE. I had written "HI" in the dust that was on it earlier so I knew she didn't clean. SD13 tried to tell me that thick dust settled on the table just today. "SD13 go get the glass cleaner (and I am smiling brightly at her here, pure evil). The glass cleaner will help repel the dust from coming back so quickly and make your job easier. Thank youuuuuu........" And I left the room.
SD13 is a lying sack of........Any trash of hers that I find left in cupboards and linen closets has been making its way to obvious paces. DH is clueless. SD13 took the last rolls of TP out of the linen closet (only because DH asked) and left the large plastic wrap in the closet. I put it on top of her pillow in her loft bed today. She brought it down and was giggling nervously at me. "Ohhhhh, what do you have there, SD13?" Her reply, "LOL, huh-huh-huh, LOL" "WHAT were you doing up in your bed? It's not even dinnertime?" "I was changing my sheets...." "Oh you mean you took the 'clean' ones off of the floor from last week and put them on? Well, THAT's good!"
Lots of sarcasm from me. Last night she got caught eating ice cream on the good leather couch. A no-no because she is a clumsy mess. I called her out in front of DH and told her to sit at the table. DH backed me up and told her she knows better.
Later last night, she was sent up to brush her teeth and DH said make sure to use your fluoride rinse, too.!" She stood up and had a box of Cheez-Its tucked behind her on the couch! I told her to NOT eat on the couch. AGAIN. Today I looked in the box of Cheez-Its and there were 4 left. FOUR. I put them on her chair at the kitchen table and asked if she liked the snack I left her.
She got pissed tonight because she wants new glasses. DH and BM never took her to get new glasses. She had the same pair from when she was 8yo until summer 2013 when she turned 12. Guess who took her? Yeah, my mistake.
She is a real pain and has become increasingly annoying with her lazy habits. That's ok, it makes me feel less guilty every time she asks for something. Her infamous blue Halloween wig has arrived at my office, and there it will stay for awhile. }:)
SD13 told DH and I that she couldn't find the basement TV remote yesterday. I reminded her today to go look for it, outside if you need to, because maybe the puppy took it out into the yard. "I don't knoooooooow where is iiiiiiiiiiiS! I alreaaaady looooooooked!" I handed her a flashlight and told her to go look under the sofas. Not 30 seconds later she says she's found it, tucked into the sofa cushions. Now was that really THAT difficult? I told her that's where I found some of her socks the other day. She doesn't know I tossed them all into the trash. }:) Santa will bring you socks for Christmas, and we know how kids hate getting clothes at Christmas.
I also stumbled upon her Yahoo Mail account on my computer today, opened on here from a long time ago. I guess DH has it set up so he can see her account. There must have been 1500 emails in her Inbox and Deleted folders, dating back to 2011! So I perused. I found a little soft porn reading that she had saved into a Notes folder. Copied that link into my own word doc for later... She hasn't done anything wrong YET but she has way too many accounts for a new 13yo. Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, Twitter and Vine. DH thinks it's all great.
I deleted everything in her email folders, spam and trash. I wonder how long it will take her to notice? She still never has any homework. Just wait until second term starts! Bwahahahaha!
I am perfecting the craft of making my home more miserable for her.
Oh, how I understand your
Oh, how I understand your frustration! I would love for my SS to move in w/ his BM. I could have the brat packed up and ready to go within 30-45 minutes!!! It's rather pathetic how my husband, as well the BM & her family caters to him. He's going to be up a creek w/o a paddle when he's an adult in the workforce...but I'm sure daddy will follow him around, do his work for him, let him live at home well into his 20's (NOT happenin' if I'm still here!!) until some clueless woman comes along. I could go on and on and on.
It's these daughters and
It's these daughters and their Disney Dads. What the hell? Quit catering to them already, DH! I agree with NC Step, what are these Skids going to think when they have to work FT? With their Big Kid pants on? My SD19 is an entitled bitch, and will be home soon for Thanksgiving. I have to break it to her that she can't sleep on the couch in the LR anymore, other people here use that area. If you're so tired and stressed out from 3 days of PT work, then go lay down in your bed!
~ Moon
If mine isn't out somewhere
If mine isn't out somewhere "advertising", she's sleeping. A lot of effort goes into looking cheap.
Not sure who's spending what,
Not sure who's spending what, but I do know there's not a whole lot of material involved. :O
SD19 is coming home one night
SD19 is coming home one night next week because DH invited her. She has a doc's appt the following morning because she is having anxiety attacks at college. Gosh, life must be MISERABLE.
One day you'll have SKs, too. Or a lot of cats. }:)
~ Moon