ss7 told dhs family that
I'm mean and he's scared of me. So they called his cell And put me down and went off about how horrible I am...and guess what...nothing..didn't defend me or stand up to them. What a joke grow some balls I'm so tired of not wanting to upset them..he should have told them off.
Husbands family
Husbands family
DH's. This man has many
This man has many qualities which is why you paired up with him. One of them I would guess is that he caters to your needs and wants to a degree you found satisfying. But like every facet of a diamond there is a back side to it and he does this with everyone in his family. He's the peacemaker the one who doesn't confront anyone.
You'll have to accept that there are times when his quality backfires and becomes a liability at least from your point of view. Remember that most adults realize that a kid can be as manipulative as any adult plus there are probably many other reasons your partners family has decided to take you to task not the least of which is their sadness that his marriage didn't work out. Given time this likely will change - unless of course you start a war over it.
As for the kid take a gander at the article linked below and consider handling the kid accordingly. I suspect a lot of the problems the kid has with you will disappear and he might even turn around and find you attractive:
I have has
I have has told him to lie and throw tantrums when here...dh has blinders on. I actually sat down and worked out where I am financially if I left him...turns out I'll be fine. I need to make a decision I need a man that will fight for me when I'm being put down. I need to know he has my back.
I have has
I have has told him to lie and throw tantrums when here...dh has blinders on. I actually sat down and worked out where I am financially if I left him...turns out I'll be fine. I need to make a decision I need a man that will fight for me when I'm being put down. I need to know he has my back.