Tired of carrying around hatred for BM
I have been a stepmother for almost 9 years now. You would think it would get easier with some time. Sometimes I think it has become harder. The reason my husband is divorced is because his wife was having an affair with her now husband when my youngest stepson was two! To give you a frame of reference he is now 12. Anyway, the kids have no knowledge of why their parents are divorced. The BM carries on with behavior that I assume is typical for a lot of parents that feel guilty about divorce. There are very few, if any, rules at her house. The kids have always been able to stay up as late as they want, do a crappy job on homework, get whatever they want (she bought the 12 year old an Iphone when he was 10), etc. The thing is that I do not think they like their SF too much. It doesn't sound like he is very involved in their family life and he doesn't treat BM very well. So, even though the divorce was her fault, now the kids see her as the victim! I am so tired of hearing "poor mom" from them! This was all her choice! She left my husband for the homewrecker she is now married too! But now the kids see her as some kind of victim in all this!
I guess it bothers me because I know the truth. They also go on and on about how their mom is so wonderful and she just loves everybody...when I know that she was sleeping with another man when her baby was 2 years old!
I do so much for the kids. We are supposed to have them 50% of the time but we have them more because their mom is constantly going on trips with her husband. They have gone out of town 4 times since October including a 2 week trip to Paris during Thanksgiving (she has never spent Thanksgiving with her children. She always goes on a trip with her husband instead). I have had her children every single weekend since I was 25 years old. Meanwhile she was out living it up with her now husband.
I do the normal stuff any mom would do. I really sometimes though feel like being a stepmom is the worst thing in the world. I do all the "mom-stuff" but none of the "mom-credit". And then I get to listen to what a wonderful person their mom is when I know it is bulls%^$.
I am tired of being so hateful when it comes to her, but I do not know how to feel any other way. I feel like it is akin to drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Can anyone else relate? Has anyone else found an appropriate way to deal with feelings like this?
You need to let it go (easier
You need to let it go (easier said than done I know). But being a mom or a stepmom is not about getting the “mom-credit”. The joy comes from watching how your love and care for them helps them grow up into good people. That right there is its own reward. When the kids get older they will learn and realize that BM is not the wonderful mom they thought she was. My skids are slowly learning that right now (but on their own). When you skids are all grown up and they look back on all the Thanksgivings and Christmas and other holidays, who are they going to remember as being there with them for these important events, YOU. Children only see what gives them immediate satisfaction (in this case their mom). Have faith, and live your life knowing you are making a difference in these children that their own mother will not be able to claim.
It is good to finally feel
It is good to finally feel like there is someone else out there going through what I am going through. Often I feel so alone with my feelings. You are right though. I need to focus on working on myself and hopefully things will work themselves out. Your advice IS helpful. Thanks!
Sounds like you are resentful
Sounds like you are resentful and jealous of her. Don't be. As you can see it's not doing you any good at all. What happened in the past between her, her present husband and your husband is between them. Drop it. Your husband is a big boy, he doesn't need you carrying grudges for him. Also, the power of the mind is amazing, how you think, is how you feel, You thinking you've "had HER kids" every single weekend since you were 25. makes you mad. These are your husbands children too. You have had your husbands children every single weekend since you were 25. If you have a problem with that, take it up with him. Suggest a weekend away for the two of you, let him know you want a break. Stop blaming BM for things your husband is clearly happy with. Basically what I am saying is, stewing over her cheating on her husband (your now husband) is pointless, let it go, it's not helping you, your husband or innocent kids. Your husband allows her to give him the children every weekend and he seemingly hasn't considered that you might not like this, so that's not her fault, that's certainly not the kids fault, that's your husbands fault. Talk to him. You are spending far too much time dwelling on things that happened in the past, and it's not even your past. Life is too short, let it go. If you have issues with having your step kids so much, tell your husband, don't get mad at her.
Finally, if she hadn't cheated on your husband, you and he may have never found each other, so what are you mad about. You should be thanking her. It's all in the mind. Change your thinking and your feelings will change.
You are right, I am
You are right, I am resentful. I know I shouldn't be and I know it is all in my mind. I was raised by a mother who did not ever speak to her father again after she found out her cheated on her mother (I never met my grandfather once) so carrying grudges is in my blood.
Also, it is not that I mind having the kids on the weekend. I know it came off that way, but I have always wanted kids myself. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have continued the relationship with my husband. I also don't mind that we pay for EVERYTHING because if we had kids no one would be helping us pay for them either. It is just hard for me to wrap my head around a mother who is so selfish and yet, gets all this credit from her kids as being an amazing mother! We have them every weekend because she didn't want them! My husband wanted them 100% of the time so he didn't argue.
I do spend too much time dwelling. I agree. I just can't stomach her.
Im a BM and a SM, and I can
Im a BM and a SM, and I can guarantee my SM feels the same way about me and I feel the same about her. I can completely understand your feeling bitter when you invest so much time and energy into your SKs and its unappreciated. She is their mother, kids always love their mothers.
What she buys her kids, her parenting skills, and everything she does has nothing to do with you unless she is digging in your pocket for the money, or inconveniencing you, it shouldn't matter. Just let it go, live your life. Go away for the weekend with a girlfriend. I do think its appalling that she left her kids on a holiday, I would never miss a holiday with my kids.
She has not spent
She has not spent Thanksgiving with her children in 9 years! This is nice for us because we do not have to worry about sharing the day or anything like that. I just can not ever imagine doing that myself. Her father was also in the hospital this year, but she still went to Paris, so that tells you what kind of person she is. And then she got back and left again on a weekend trip (asked us to keep the kids an extra day of course) to go to a friends birthday party. Still has yet to go visit her father who apparently has been very ill. She really is an amazing piece of work.
thats disgusting, why even
thats disgusting, why even have kids if you're not going to take care of them and treat you and DH as her babysitter. Holidays are a big thing to me, especially with your kids. As the other posters said, those kids may not realize it now but they may when they get older, how much you did for them, hopefully.
^^^^This^^^^ Best advice!
^^^^This^^^^ Best advice!
Carrying grudges is not in
Carrying grudges is not in your blood. That's something you learnt from your mum, and it cost you a grandfather. No good comes from it. This is not in your mind either, it is happening. But children will always be loyal to their parents no matter how rotten others may perceive them to be. So never say anything bad to these kids about their mother. They will never forgive you for it. These kids are being normal.
You really have to unlearn the grudge thing. It will turn you into a bitter old woman long before your time.
The situation is being made worse by the way you look at it. Just work on that. You'll be fine.
Thanks for all the advice!
Thanks for all the advice! It really is helpful and thank you for being so kind with it! I do need to become indifferent towards her and stop giving her a place in my head! I hate that I have become such a hateful person! I know kids will always love their mother and I do not fault them for that. I just hate that someone that I think is definitely not a good person gets viewed as such. I hate that some people seem to get away with doing such horrible things to others and they are still looked at as good people. But you are right, I need to let that go. I have no control over it. Only control over myself and my own actions. It is hard too to help raise two children with certain values and have them spending half their time with someone that obviously does not have the same values. So often I think "God, I do not want these kids to end up like their mother"!
Totally get where your coming
Totally get where your coming from. But you need to focus on you first. You can't be a better role model than her to these kids if you're all wound up tight, angry, bitter and resentful. More importantly, you will make yourself sick. Start looking after you, the rest will follow.
I swear my husbands daughter is the spawn of Satan. She manipulates men like there is no tomorrow. I seriously don't get it. She's average, there is nothing about her that would make you look twice. Yet she plays this dumb baby bleached blonde and all the men in this family feel sorry for her. The women see it, the men don't. She had her first child and told her father if he didn't leave me, he couldn't see it. Well he hasn't and it will be three next may. But even with that, my husband felt that I should just let her continue to insult, humiliate, ignore and be disrespectful, not only to me, but to him as well. When my husband didn't leave me, she went to his father. Now she had spoken to that old man three times in 10 years, didn't even bother to tell him she was pregnant. But rang him up to say daddy won't come and see my baby. The old man sides with her. He no longer speaks to me barely speaks to my husband. And none of them can see that she has destroyed the family. My FIL will be 90 next April. He was 87 when he fell out with us over this girl who hasn't spoken to him in years. Does my head in. But it is what it is, and I stay well away from all of them now.
You've got the kids and while that makes it impossible to bow out as I did, it makes it all the more important that you don't let it destroy you.
Forget about the kids. Let this bitterness go for YOU.
Hi there, You are not a
Hi there,
You are not a lone.
The children don't need to understand the breakdown of the relationship...all the parents should be focusing on, is how to give their children the best lives they can. It doesn't matter who cheated on who, who did xyz...
Perhaps when the children are older, the parents can give a brief synopsis as to what happened, but fast forward 9 years later-does it really matter? No.
I say this because SO has been a victim of PAS for 14 years and his kids, have told me, that their mother said "SO cheated on their mom" and why couldn't SO stay with the family for 1 more year.(SO left BM when she was pregnant with the second, actually BM moved out first, but SO finalized it, it doesn't matter, but he did meet someone a few months after the split-optically it does not look good-but he never cheated or upgraded).The step kids would be 1 and 2, they would have no memory.
But yes -14 years later BM talks about it and "apparently" it has made his children skeptical of their own father...Its sickening!
Just hope one day the kids see the truth, that's all you can ask for...and as long as you know the truth!
I hate the "Poor BM" stunt-BM could improve her life post the divorce, if she hasn't than her disappointment falls on her lap...not on your responsibility.
That is a terrible situation!
That is a terrible situation! I can't even imagine how BM will try to justify what she did to the kids (if they ever do find out the truth). Who knows!?
Yes, the "poor BM" stunt is wearing on me. She made her bed. When she was married to my husband she was able to work from home and raise her kids. She now works for her current husband and he often will not even let her have off of work to go to her child's soccer game. Things like this only make the kids feel sorry for her. She is the victim. The irony!
I honestly don't believe
I honestly don't believe children need to ever be told if their father or mother had an affair. Why can't adults keep adult business and things that happened in their marriage between themselves. It's no ones business what goes on in a marriage. Children just need to know mummy and daddy just don't love each other as they used to and can't get along so they decided to separate. All perfectly true, it's not lying to the kids,. It's not passing on dirt about a parent onto a kid. No child wants or needs to know about their parents affairs. I think this is what causes a lot of children to struggle with the divorce of their parents. Adults in their lives talk too much.
We have not told the kids.
We have not told the kids. Nor do we intend to, unless they ask and want to know the truth. If they are adults and they want to know, then I believe they have that right.
Sorry I disagree. That is
Sorry I disagree. That is definitely not a RIGHT. To tell a child at any age their parent had an affair and shatter that persons opinion of the parent is wrong. To hear this as a child or an adult child is hurtful. No good can come from it. It is totally unnecessary and damn right cruel. You cannot claim telling someone Their parent had an affair/s, is telling them for their own good. It's being spiteful and it's done to try and make them Despise the parent who had the affair. That's the only reason It is ever done. It is not their RIGHT, the only people who have a right to know about an affair are the partners of the people having an affair. No one else has a RIGHT.
Anyway, ultimately the kids will forgive the parent and despise the person who told them.
I thought of that to fearless
I thought of that to fearless but felt that falls under the right to know their biological parents. COMPLETELY agree with you they absolutely have that right. But being told your dad is Freddy The mailman by your parent is one thing. Being told You are here because mum or dad cheated is another. There is a right and wrong way to tell kids who their biological parents are. I would never say they were the result of an affair. They will in time perhaps figure it out and ask questions. Then they need to hear it from The parent who cheated. Not from anyone else. Especially a stepparent.