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Teen Girls are ruining my life

overitall03's picture

Long story short exbfs teen daughters quit coming around once bf started telling them NO! They say they hated him, for him to die, and etc. They only called when they wanted money or a ride. When he stopped giving in they hated it and quit talking to him. BF and I are now broken up because of his teen daughters yet these girls along with their mother are constantly going on social networks posting my picture, calling me names such as a whore and even c***. They just don't stop. The thing is I have only been with their father yet their mother has had numerous boyfriends including sleeping with her good friends husband! The ex wife even has had someone make up a fake acct and posting nasty messages. I did a reverse look up to the screen name and it came back to one of their friends. I can't even go out in fear of running into the ex wife and daughters cause I will just get nasty messages etc. This is driving me insane! I have confronted the ex wife numerous times but she can't muzzle her teen daughters who one is a senior and the other is a sophomore.

Any advice?????

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture


FCT took the words right out of my mouth. A cease and desist order is needed. These girls and their BM need to get a life!

emotionaly beat up's picture

I completely agree. Take some sort of legal and watch these teenage bullies run. I hope you know how lucky you broke up with their dad. You've dodged a couple of bullets here that's for sure.

overitall03's picture

Why should I stay off FB? Btw it is private, if you read what I wrote it said they are making accounts up to contact me. They can't see my info because it already is private but it doesn't stop them from taking a profile picture and posting it with whore and etc. Go the others...thank you for the advice, I am definitely contacting an attorney.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Like some others have said, please get the authorities involved! You are no longer with her ex, she has no business with you. Consult a lawyer if you have to. This has turned into a legal matter with them doing this. Social media does not give people freedom to say whatever they want about anyone. This is not like they are just running their mouth...this is being published for the world to see, as anything you post on Facebook and such can be publicly searchable. You don't need some employer looking you up on the web and seeing this stuff (and YES, employers do that). In my eyes, this is the same as if she put it in the papers, and is defamation of character. You CAN sue her for that! You can get it court ordered that she is not allowed to mention you at all on the internet, and if you find she has, she can be fined and held in contempt of court.