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A few Q'ns for the BM's about their Bio teenange Daughters

GaryB's picture

Just wondered whether its normal for BM's and BD's to not get on when the BD is about 13,14,15 ?

My SD is a total nightmare at the moment and is turning into a very nasty piece of work.

To the outside world she is all sweet and innocent and comes across as a really nice girl (which is good) but behind closed doors she is a total rich kid bitch from hell (daddy is very rich).

In the last 3 months she has threatened to hit her mum, given her the wa*kers sign (sorry, hope that doesn't offend)and spat in her sisters face at the dinner table, which also went on me and my dinner !

The attitude she has to her mum is disgusting and for some reason she seems to have no respect for her at all. When she doesn't get what she wants she threatens to go and live with her daddy all the time.....what would you do about that, just let her go ?

Has anyone had a daughter that they have brought up on their own since a baby decide to go and live with their dad when they get in their early teens ?

She is one of 3 daughters (not teenagers yet !) and the dad left when my wife was pregnant with the 3rd child, so she had the 3 girls on her own under 5......I can see its really hurting my wife.

GaryB's picture

thanks for your comments - a nice story and I am glad you have total resepct for your mum.

Out of interest though, you said you took it out on your ?

What is your view and relationship like with him now ?