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Christmas Stress

dadsnewwife's picture

Background...dh and I have 7 adult children. His sons are 21, 30 and 31. My daughters are 22,26,28,and 29. All will be home for Christmas except probably my DD26 who lives here in town as we have no relationship at the current time. (More on that later).

Dh and I both came to blows over the weekend. He is unemployed right now, so is already stressed enough and he doesn't like my children who he finds disrespectful to me and as he calls them, "spoiled divas". HIS sons are all drug users - oldest actually is mentally ill and on government disability. SS30 is on VA disability for PTSD and FINALLy, after 6 long years, seems to be turning his life around and is sober/clean. SS21 finished rehab in the Fall and is living at a halfway house looking for a job (like WHAT kind of job will he get with only a high school diploma. Really??) Anyway, you can see why I'm not looking forward to having my skids around. My DDs know how dh feels about them as they have overheard. My DDs HAVE hurt me since I met dh because they don't like him and HE doesn't like THEM because they've favored their father and his family over me and dh. So, we BOTH don't like each other's kids due to the pain they've inflicted on us. We came to blows this weekend and I told dh "At least YOU only have to put up with MY DDs on Christmas Eve, I have to put up with yours all week! I am SO glad I work Monday and Friday and will be gone all day Thursday! (DD28 is getting married next year and we're all going bridesmaid dress shopping since all my DDs will be home.) I am dreading having HIS 30 year old son at our house all week as THAT means his 5 year old son will be there as well. What REALLY grinds me is my dh has to play chauffer to ALL of his sons as, due to their addictions and bad behavior, NONE of them have a license or car. It truly sickens me. Dh just hates the way MY DDs have treated me, especially DD26 of who is TRULY wicked to me because of HIM. She sounds like a child..."YOU chose dh over your own children and I will NEVER forgive that." Whatever. She can stay away this year like she did last year. Fine by me. See's not only skids who can be wicked to you. Bkids can be cruel as well. Last year, DD26 spent no time with me Christmas Eve or Christmas Day then fully expected her Christmas gift. When she asked for it, I said, " you mean, when do you want to EXCHANGE Christmas gifts? (This was on New Year's Day.) She said, "What do you mean...EXCHANGE?" I said, "Well, I know you said you got a bonus at work, so you were buying Christmas presents with it. So, who did you buy for? She said, "My friends, grandma..." and I said, "Did you get your father something?" She said, "Yea...I got him a little something." and I said, "But, you didn't get me anything." and she said, no. Wow. I ended things between us right then and there and she called me f-uped in the head and bi-polar. We have corresponded by text throughout the course of the year, but not seen each other. She does not EVEN understand what kind of message that said to me. Like I said...wicked. And this is my OWN daughter! So, I've disengaged. I've been to counseling for the problems with my own children along with the skids. She said things won't get better with my daughter until she matures. I could be in for a long wait. The other day when we texted, she was all like, Wow. You haven't communicated with me all year, but when the holidays roll around, you contact me?" Seriously?? I had contacted her numerous times throughout the course of the year and even told her we could meet somewhere and talk...just to let me know, then not hear from her. I know I have caused her pain throughout my early relationship with dh and how I moved forward. (Long story.) But, I have taken ownership for that and apologized to her numerous times. But, SHE takes NO ownership and can't understand how what she does hurts ME. So, WHAT if she doesn't like dh. My other DDs aren't fond of him either nor he them, but they still come to my house. They know their love for me should override their dislike of him. This one daughter just can't seem to get past her anger towards me.

Dh and I both said we wish we could take our own kids and go somewhere else as they are totally unblendable (his kids - drug users, mine - college grads with good jobs). UGH But, neither of us have anywhere to go, so we just have to hope the week goes by quickly. I will definitely though enjoy my time with my OWN children and just try to disappear when HIS are around.

Is anyone else dreading Christmas like we are?

dadsnewwife's picture

Oh heavens no! Just a very loud argument. I guess this must be an old saying from my generation...not to be taken in the literal sense.

mannin's picture

Why don't you and your DH just go on a Christmas vacation together and skip the drama?

I see both sides of this for you both, but it seems you both are forgetting to care for each other. Your kids are grown, you both should focus on each other - not fighting.

dadsnewwife's picture

Actually, I had told dh a week ago that our focus this year was one EACH OTHER. Whatever kids came over, came over. Those that didn't...too bad. Dh's biggest problem is that he was a single father and his kids HAVE nowhere else to go, plus SS30 will probably always come home for Christmas since he lives 8 hours away but has a son here. I keep telling myself that THIS is what I GET for marrying a single father. He and his sons are dysfunctionally dependent for sure.

Oh...if I could ONLY ever get dh to go away with me and leave the drama and chaos behind! Again...he feels an unhealthy, dysfunctional obligation to his sons BECAUSE he's all they have. (Their mother lost custody and had to move back to her home state back in 1997 because she is mentally ill.) So, basically, dh is correct. As for family...he's all they have, but I keep telling him his sons are ADULTS and would just have to deal. He thinks I'm selfish in saying that. MY DDs have friends, their father's family, and soon-to-be-in-laws. Actually, I went to AZ and spent Thanksgiving with my extended family. Dh should have come with, but didn't want to spend the money since he knew the job loss was coming.

dadsnewwife's picture

I hear everything you're saying, but the hard part is I have my older 2 who live on either coast and I live in the midwest, so only see them once a year. To say, "No...our house is closed." THAT I won't do, even if it DOES cause dh stress nor HE for ME. At least MY children have licenses and cars and aren't a burden when they're home. They also stay at their father's house since dh's sons take up the space at ours. (My ex has the marital home with all the bedrooms.) Dh will probably see MY kids only once or twice while they're home while I have to deal having HIS staying with us. Again...GLAD I have to work. Work brings me peace.

godess-clueless's picture

Dh and I have stopped the Christmas eve and Christmas day with family routine. The last few days he drove out of state to visit briefly with his children and when he returns I will spend a few days visiting mine.
We leave all of them to make their own plans elsewhere for the holiday. We spend Christmas with another couple that are in our age group, live near us, and have eliminated the hassle of dealing with the mixture of young grandchildren, teens, their parents and all the drama.
The last time we did this it proved to be very enjoyable and relaxing. Three couples spent the day together. As adults we could have conversations without feeling overwhelmed with a crowd. Have you considered that the young adults in your life should be moving onto their own holiday traditions and as you become an older couple it can be nice to eliminate the work load and stress on yourself as a couple?

dadsnewwife's picture

Oh yes! MY DDs have totally done that (moved on). It's dh's who haven't. Although all 7 children are in their 20's/early 30's only 2 really have "in-laws" to go to. SS30 used to have in -laws, but managed to destroy his marriage with drugs. SS31 will NEVER have a family or anywhere else to go due to mental illness. My DD28 has soon-to-be in-laws and DD26 (who refuses to come to my house anyway), goes to her boyfriend's family on Christmas Eve and her father's family on Christmas Day. Dh and I don't count in her eyes. Anyway, DD22 doesn't have a SO at this time and DD29 HAD sort of in-laws for 5 years, but ended that relationship this year, but would still spend the day with friends if she wasn't coming home. I don't worry about her...she's very independent. SS21 also has nowhere to go as he has no friends, no girlfriend and the mentality of a 14 year old, I swear. So, unfortunately, It would be FINE if we were just one family, but we're not. I WISH dh's kids could go somewhere else on Christmas Eve, so that it would ONLy be MY kids, then Christmas Day would be for HIS. But...oh no...HIS have to be at our house both days due to not having anywhere else to go. UGH

This Saturday we have to travel 2 hours for my dh's extended family Christmas and thank GOD his DS21 is NOT going with. What an embarrasment. Only my in-laws know he's living in a halfway house, unemployed since he just got out of rehab. Dh has 4 sisters who all have kids in college or who are normal kids who WILL go to college. I can't imagine why this kid would have EVEN considered going considering what HIS life is like compared to his cousins. I told dh MY DDs belong more in his family than his own kids and he agrees. But, my DDs have no desire to be part of dh's family OR their father's wife's family.