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Is it too late?

Tey860's picture

SD13 has no friends left, she has been caught backstabbing all her other friends, she only had about 3 to begin with. Of course she takes no blame in the situation and says she doesn't care. She left her phone charging on the couch and it went off so yes curiosity got the best of me and I looked. She was on this Ask app and people that know you can ask anything they want. At least 5 different kids from her school asked why she "is such a hoe" or "why they hear nasty things about her". I just can't believe that at 13 she has ruined her reputation! Now she only hangs out with boys. Great. I guess I'm wondering if any of you have had similar situations with your skids. I just don't see this ending well for her but if you try to talk about it she says "I don't care." She is refusing to go to counseling which lord knows she needs. I have been disengaging because she has really been acting like rules don't apply to her and I'm tired of battling with her father about her. Do I just butt out and hope she will wake up? She doesn't seem to learn from her mistakes.

Tey860's picture

Thanks, you're right about her phone being a privilege, her father has taken it and the girl would break curfew and say,"well I had no way to reach you." Ugh! I did go through it but she seemed to delete most of her texts. However I saw one from a boy telling her to come over. Gross. I'm sure she went, any attention offered she won't refuse. I keep telling her dad something serious is gonna happen if things don't change. He acts like I'm being dramatic. Smh!

BadNanny's picture

Tell me about it. My SD11 is on track to become your SD13. I have made up my mind that when she gets knocked up or in trouble with the Law, no matter how much I adore my husband, but I will not help them bail her out. I warned them that she is on a bad track, but since I was TOLD to stay out of parenting the skids, there is not much I can do short of constantly smiling and praying for her. I disabled her phone under my account. I will NOT enable this child to do this. She should NOT be allowed to break curfew, and really should be grounded. It bugs me that a child that has run-ins with parents, principals, friends and Police is still allowed to hang out for days in a row at other people's houses without checking in at least once a day. Sad thing is these kids are so lost and troubled that most of their own bio parents don't want them around, it's "too much trouble" to raise them. She needs to be grounded until she reality-checks and gets back on track.

As for "friends", to be honest, not all friends are really friends, so don't pay attention to peer pressure (girls can be catty and cruel), but let her know that "boys and girls are never really true friends, they are friends with benefits that she is not yet ready to indulge in because she is doing them out of wrong reasons of evading reality at this time". Pray for me-praying for you.

Tey860's picture

Yes! I totally feel that he lets her run wild because deep down he doesn't want her around. Her mother wants nothing to do with her now so her father keeps saying "well I'm all she has." Ok then be a parent!

BadNanny's picture

Yeah. As much as I resent what this poor girl is doing, can you imagine the pain of having to parents that either can't or won't parent???

The problem I ran into is that I would commiserate with her on these lines and she would see it as an opportunity to somehow use me for gain.

Tey860's picture

Yes she is extremely manipulative and loved to lay the guilt trip on thick. I feel bad but I really refrain from getting into meaningful discussions with her because I hate wasting my breath. She says ok and does whatever she wants. I'm all set.