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Tey860's picture

Wow is all I can say right now. I am livid. This weekend my daughter and I are going to visit my sister out of state, we'll be gone for 4 days. DH is really pissy about it because he has to work. He just text me and said I need to have a housesitter for when he goes to work, which is 11PM-8AM. Why?? Because he is afraid that SD14 will break in to party with her friends!!! Are you kidding me right now? I am so angry. This is ridiculous. You mean to tell me that you as a man, as a father, you cannot tell your hellion daughter that if she dares to break in, the cops will be called? She does not have a key, therefore she would have to basically break a window to get in. The fact that DH feels a housesitter is necessary is really sending me over the edge. I feel like calling that demon's mother and telling her EVERYTHING! I told him that if she dares to break in to my house the cops will be called. I am going to speak to my neighbors and tell them if they see anything suspicious or see SD lurking around, don't hesitate to call the cops. I am so angry.

Tey860's picture

I guess that is something we will have to do, this is so ridiculous. This is the last thing I want to worry about on my vacation. I am going to tell DH to tell his hellion beast that we just put an alarm system in, so to call him if she needs to get in the house for any reason. There's no way I can install a system before I leave tomorrow morning. Thanks for the idea.

Tey860's picture

See the thing about her is she doesn't care if she gets caught by her father as long as she had her fun. It's insane! That's why I'm so glad you gave me the alarm idea, because I told DH to tell her that there is one installed. She might not be scared of her dad, but thankfully she's scared of the cops.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I wouldn't have even let her know you were going to be gone, though I'm sure she wouldn't find out from you. It is sad that you have to worry about your own home because DH cannot be a parent! One shouldn't have to put in security systems and stuff to protect their house from their own kids! Of course, this is coming from someone who has to lock her bedroom door if SD15 is EVER home by herself because she cannot be trusted! I also never leave my purse lying round outside of the bedroom...I'm a light purse and my car keys sit next to me as I sleep, and I WILL wake up if anyone tries to jack them!

Tey860's picture

Yeah unfortunately my daughter spilled the beans. I would have NEVER told her.

Tey860's picture

LOL seriously! She better just stay away, otherwise she will see a very ugly side of me.'s picture

That does suck, stick to your word and press charges if anything does happen.

FDH on the other hand gave all his children a key to the house. They won't hardly even visit but have access to MY home. We have an alarm system...he gave them the code!!!!

I got off work last night, worked 2 jobs- FDH was picking up pizza bc "he didn't feel like cooking" and his STEPSON (yes, BM's bio that FDH helped raise but they don't get along too well) almost 27 years old was in my fucking living room watching ESPN. I flipped my shit on FDH.

I hate it, I want to buy my own house far away where none of his crappy kids can just let themselves in. UGH

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

BD23 still has a key to the house, and BS19 will keep his key well after he goes off to college. I don't have to worry about them. I like that they have keys so when they come home for visits, I don't have to worry if they don't get here until early morning hours or while I'm out (which is often the case when BD23 comes to visit, because she had to drive from 2 states away...after that long a drive, I want her to be able to get in, showered, and get some rest even if I'm asleep or out).

My biggest fear is that SD15 will never leave! I don't know if I can take 3 more years of this crap, let alone have to deal with her being an adult living in this house and thinking she can do whatever she wants to just because she is over 18!