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Too much all at once

Smomof3's picture

It seems that issue with BM and SD never get resolved and I can't get a minutes peace to recoup from the last issue before another one hits. To add to the BM/SD MIL is a nightmare, my husband quit smoking Sunday, 5 days ago, and I have been on steroids due to a respiratory infections. We are not pleasant people right now. The roid rage and no smoking has us both on more so than him. He can let things go and I can't.

How do I let this stuff go and just be? Everything is triggering my anger at this point, to include petty things like someone using the last of my shampoo. God help me, even I think I'm crazy!

To top off the BM/SD maddness my MIL undermines my relationship constantly. I broke ties iwth her 10 months ago but that doesn't stop her from talking about me to everyone in the family and all of our mutual aquaintences. I'm ridiculously paranoid about my marriage, my SD, our BM, my MIL and I'm angry and tired of dealing with all of it.

My4kidsmom's picture

I've been on steroids and my advice would be to just lay low, don't engage or make any decisions while on them. They can turn you into the irrational evil villain everyone thinks you are anyway so just grab a book, a snuggle blanket, and a cup of hot tea and disappear for a while. Hang in there!

Smomof3's picture

I'm trying. I had a fit this morning over shampoo...which my SS (Good kid) took out of my bath, used until empty and then didn't even tell me. He also argued with me about it. I wasn't pleasant. I just feel like I want to hide in bed.